Preferred Language
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The paper deals with the language of Russian folklore. Folklore is a unique sphere of existence of the language, the most vivid expression of the national mentality. The folklore word embodied the perception and evaluation of the surrounding world. “What did the word in general mean for the life of the people? The word was equated ... with life itself. The word generated and explained life, it was ... the keeper of memory and the guarantee of the infinity of the future. The folklore text is studied by literary critics, ethnographers, historians, culturologists, and art historians. In the twentieth century, a new science emerged - linguo-folkloristics, the goals and objectives of which were formulated by A.T. Khrolenko only in the seventies. Some of the most frequently used words in folklore texts among other words such as "friend" were analyzed. It has been proven that some vocabulary spreads in one region over another, depending on the geographical and climatic environment.

В работе рассматривается язык русского фольклора. Фольклор – это уникальная сфера существования языка, наиболее яркое выражение национальной ментальности. В фольклорном слове воплотились восприятие и оценка окружающего мира. «Что значило для народной жизни слово вообще? Слово приравнивалось… к самой жизни. Слово порождало и объясняло жизнь, оно было… хранителем памяти и залогом бесконечности будущего». Фольклорный текст исследуется литературоведами, этнографами, историками, культурологами, искусствоведами. В ХХ веке сложилась новая наука – лингвофольклористика, цели и задачи которой были сформулированы А.Т. Хроленко только в семидесятые годы.

Received on 12/9/2023 

Accepted on 2/11/2023

Published on 2/1/2024

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Redemptive Vision of the Heart and Mind in Margaret Edson's Wit
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Approaching the turning of the millennium, the American theatre witnessed an arousing
interest much shown in patients suffering of severe diseases as a subject matter to drama. In a
discussion of Margaret Edson's Wit, the light is shed on how far such patients, who were literally
involved in secular visions during their life-time, become apt to create a different one on their
death beds. The vision newly blossomed becomes much rooted in the spiritual life; it is a
redemptive vision that can amend what those patients' hearts and minds have long ignored.
Further, the human touch that has been ignored during man's healthy secular life is ultimately
needed for the time being. It helps to enhance man's vision towards the

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Image of the Soldier in Brendan Behan's The Hostage And Charles Fuller's A Soldiers Play: The Image of the Soldier in Brendan Behan's The Hostage And Charles Fuller's A Soldiers Play
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The image of the soldier, as a hero who sacrifices everything to defend his
country and values, is no longer depicted in modern drama. With two World Wars
and many regional wars and civil wars, the soldier becomes a victim, not a hero.
Authors present the character of the soldier as a man who suffers a lot as he is
victimized by his own government and its politics that forces him to be in such a
position. Dramatists express their views about race, oppression and war through
their characters, such as the character of the soldier, as in the two selected plays for
this research: The Hostage by Brendan Behan and A Soldier's Play by Charles
The Hostage depicts, through its events, the Irish oppre

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
The dialectic of form and meaning in postmodern art
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Some have considered the dialectic in form and meaning from different points of view, and dismantled them from each other, and this view is correct if we adopt according to the logic of Aristotle when it comes to dialectic, the dialectic of form and meaning has different aspects and does not share a single line in terms of conceptual meaning, the form is the appearance What the recipient sees with the help of cognitive tools, the content or content is the mental meaning, which in turn depends on his own tools, and to this extent this view is correct, and the intellectual content or meaning of the artwork or the human message that the artist wants to convey to the viewer.
The research included four chapters. The first chapter included

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 26 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Education and the Challenges of Globalization during the Corona Pandemic: A Field Study from Baghdad University Professors’ Point of View: ميسم ياسين عبيد
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study aims to examine education and the challenges of globalization in light of Corona pandemic. The examination involves surveying a randomly selected sample from the University of Baghdad’s professors, particularly from the colleges of Education for Women, Arts, and Sciences. The purpose of this examination is to learn about the dimensions of globalization, its effects on the educational process, and the importance of distance education during the spread of Corona virus quarantine. To achieve this, the researcher followed a descriptive and analytical approach by applying a questionnaire to a sample of 70 teachers who were randomly selected electronically. Results have shown that 78.6% emphasized the contribution of globalization duri

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Political events in Iraq after 2003 and the impact of belonging and awareness in contemporary Iraqi composition
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الاحداث السياسية في العراق بعد 2003 وأثر الانتماء والوعي في التشكيل العراقي المعاصر

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic Information Systems and their effects on the Developing of Intellectual Capital in the Electricity Distribution Company in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
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This research aims to study the impact of strategic information systems on the development of intellectual capital in the Public Shareholding Electricity Distribution Company in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was developed for the purpose of data collection, as the number of valid questionnaires for analysis was about (135), and SPSS and AMOS 0.26 software was used to analyze the collected data. The study found out that the respondents' perceptions of the level of importance of strategic information systems and the level of importance of intellectual capital were high, and that the relational capital has ranked as first, followed by structural capital, and h

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 29 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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‏The speech delivered by political blocs and parties and broadcasted by satellite channels, social and communication media has different ideologies and orientations: moderate speech calling for calm or one raising crises.‏The latter is considered very challenging due to its local and international reference.‏, this paper aims at uncovering these challenges especially during the political crisis witnessed in Iraq. This paper sheds light on the most important crisis that spread in public opinion, broadcasted by satellite, and raised by politicians who are competing to gain authority leading to a lack of peoples, confidence in them.‏This matter should not be neglected at all; e

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial Innovation as an Entrance to Sustainable Financing A Case Study of Islamic Banks in the State of Qatar (2014-2018)
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While the impact of the fourth Industrial Revolution on the economy keeps accelerating, the signs of the fifth industrial revolution, whose key is innovation and creativity started to evolve. However, the challenge of achieving sustainable development and its goals remains faced by the global organizations; In this situation, Islamic banks are exposed to many challenges among which is the challenge of keeping themselves abreast of the latest developments in the modern technology which in turn is a tool for continuity and competition. On the flip side, to avoid the negative impact that these changes can have such as an increased gap between financial innovations and the requirements of sustainable development. Islamic banks in the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Governance and role in increasing the tax outlet in Iraq
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The goal of the research is to highlight the role of the governance and its characteristics in increasing the tax outcome by implementing the laws, regulations and annual controls issued annually from the general authority for taxation for the financing of the general treasury of the state, Additional development and economic capacity, As the search shares a view of the governance and its characteristics and its ideas from increasing tax output. The analytical transparent approach was used by adopting the practice of practicalities of the general authority for tax For quotations in the senior cabinet section ,the revealing of the ongoing operations was relied on the revenue for each financial year, The tools adopted in the process of ana

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Figure role in highlighting and content in the technical poster
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The poster is one of the means which can be communicate with others through it, to transfer ideas that the designer want to focus on, for its importance to accomplish the poster. It’s a visual mean contact aim to submit an idea to the audience to get a clear idea, and that would be through the shapes and subject to submit the idea. Depend on that our goal in this study is to find out, what follows:1-Finding the relationship between the shape and the idea.And the study comes up with several results, like:1-The drawings that contain themes connected with what the designer want to achieve, through the clearness of idea and to make those elements clear by putting more elements to surround the main shape.2-To assure that the strong connecti

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