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Diffusion of Italian language through literary texts: Diffusione dell’italiano attraverso i testi letterari

  This work intends to illustrate the methods of using the authentic literary text in the process of spreading Italian, especially in Baghdad where there is a strong propensity to learn the Italian language. The concept of the language that arises from literature is an idea closely linked to the mentality of the Arab learner towards Italian culture: an idea also created by the first Arabisations of literary texts in the early years of the previous century. The research was carried out in Baghdad by two researchers, an Italianist from Baghdad and an Italian mother language linguist, with the aim of bringing together the two sectors in favor of the diffusion of the Italian language. The study also aims to clarify the models from Italian literature most welcomed by those who study Italian in Iraq. In addition to making clear the conceptual phases of what is meant by a literary text in the process of dissemination of a language, and how to expand the literary canon by referring to the corpus of the language of the different genres of Italian literature.

Il presente lavoro intende illustrare le modalità d’impiego del testo letterario autentico nel processo di diffusione dell’italiano, soprattutto a Baghdad dove si sta assistendo ad una forte propensione all’apprendimento della lingua italiana. Il concetto della lingua che nasce dalla letteratura è un’idea molto legata alla mentalità dell’apprendente arabo nei confronti della cultura italiana: idea creata anche dalle prime arabizzazioni dei testi letterari ai primi anni del secolo precedente. La ricerca è stata eseguita a Baghdad da due ricercatori, un italianista di Baghdad ed un linguista italiano, allo scopo di riunire i due settori a favore della diffusione della lingua italiana. Lo studio vorrà anche chiarire i modelli dalla letteratura italiana più accolti da chi studia l’italiano in Iraq. Oltre a rendere evidenti le fasi concettuali di che cosa si intende per testo letterario nella disseminazione di una lingua, e come ampliare il canone letterario facendo riferimento al corpus del linguaggio dei diversi generi della letteratura italiana.

Received on 26/7/2023

Accepted on 20/8/2023

Published on 2/1/2024

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 09 2020
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Article In Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
English Numbers Recognition Based on Sign Language Using Line-Slope Features and PSO-DBN Optimization Method

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Treatment with Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) plasma restricts Aspergillus niger growth isolated from wheat grain

Microbiological contamination by fungi impacts the quality and safety of wheat grain storage. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of cold plasma in restricting the growth of the fungus, Aspergillus niger, which was isolated from wheat grains. A dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) operating at atmospheric pressure generated cold plasma that was used to treat the fungus, and the impact of this treatment was investigated at various periods  1, 2, 4, 6, and 15 minutes. The results revealed a highly significant decrease in the growth and number of spores of Aspergillus niger compared to the controls. This study revealed an efficient technique for enhancing wheat grain storage that could be a foundation for further large-scale studies.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Word Cloud Model based on Hate Speech in an Online Social Media Environment

Social media is known as detectors platform that are used to measure the activities of the users in the real world. However, the huge and unfiltered feed of messages posted on social media trigger social warnings, particularly when these messages contain hate speech towards specific individual or community. The negative effect of these messages on individuals or the society at large is of great concern to governments and non-governmental organizations. Word clouds provide a simple and efficient means of visually transferring the most common words from text documents. This research aims to develop a word cloud model based on hateful words on online social media environment such as Google News. Several steps are involved including data acq

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Mathematics
Flow through an Oscillating Rectangular Duct for Generalized Oldroyd-B Fluid with Fractional Derivatives

The analytic solution for the unsteady flow of generalized Oldroyd- B fluid on oscillating rectangular duct is studied. In the absence of the frequency of oscillations, we obtain the problem for the flow of generalized Oldroyd- B fluid in a duct of rectangular cross- section moving parallel to its length. The problem is solved by applying the double finite Fourier sine and discrete Laplace transforms. The solutions for the generalized Maxwell fluids and the ordinary Maxwell fluid appear as limiting cases of the solutions obtained here. Finally, the effect of material parameters on the velocity profile spotlighted by means of the graphical illustrations

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Eatimation Availability Function Through Determination The Optimal Imperfect Preventive Maintenance Period By using Simulation

This paper deals with the modeling of a preventive maintenance strategy applied to a single-unit system subject to random failures.

According to this policy, the system is subjected to imperfect periodic preventive maintenance restoring it to ‘as good as new’ with probability

p and leaving it at state ‘as bad as old’ with probability q. Imperfect repairs are performed following failures occurring between consecutive

preventive maintenance actions, i.e the times between failures follow a decreasing quasi-renewal process with parameter a. Considering the

average durations of the preventive and corrective maintenance actions a

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 04 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology
Perforation location optimization through 1-D mechanical earth model for high-pressure deep formations

Optimum perforation location selection is an important study to improve well production and hence in the reservoir development process, especially for unconventional high-pressure formations such as the formations under study. Reservoir geomechanics is one of the key factors to find optimal perforation location. This study aims to detect optimum perforation location by investigating the changes in geomechanical properties and wellbore stress for high-pressure formations and studying the difference in different stress type behaviors between normal and abnormal formations. The calculations are achieved by building one-dimensional mechanical earth model using the data of four deep abnormal wells located in Southern Iraqi oil fields. The magni

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Professional Business Review
Improve the Competitive Advantage Through Human Resources Management Practices in the Iraqi Banking Sector

Purpose: This study's objective is to assess this relationship in the context of the banking industry in Iraq. The human resources management practices (HRMPs) Theoretical framework: in this study included recruiting and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation and reward to testing relationship HRMPs. Design/methodology/approach: in this study; We analysed by used a quantitative approach, and 246 employees were selected as a sample and given a questionnaire. The SPSS software was used to examine the data that were obtained from the questionnaire. Findings: The study's findings revealed a variety of hypotheses and conclusions, including the following: competitive advantage (CA) is positively impacted by

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Emergency Messages Dissemination Challenges Through Connected Vehicles for Efficient Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Review

Recent growth in transport and wireless communication technologies has aided the evolution of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The ITS is based on different types of transportation modes like road, rail, ocean and aviation. Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a technology that considers moving vehicles as nodes in a network to create a wireless communication network. VANET has emerged as a resourceful approach to enhance the road safety. Road safety has become a critical issue in recent years. Emergency incidents such as accidents, heavy traffic and road damages are the main causes of the inefficiency of the traffic flow. These occurrences do not only create the congestion on the road but also increase the fuel consumption and p

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Professional Business Review
Improve the Competitive Advantage Through Human Resources Management Practices in the Iraqi Banking Sector

Purpose: This study's objective is to assess this relationship in the context of the banking industry in Iraq. The human resources management practices (HRMPs) Theoretical framework: in this study included recruiting and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation and reward to testing relationship HRMPs. Design/methodology/approach: in this study; We analysed by used a quantitative approach, and 246 employees were selected as a sample and given a questionnaire. The SPSS software was used to examine the data that were obtained from the questionnaire. Findings: The study's findings revealed a variety of hypotheses and conclusions, including the following: comp

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Intelligent Systems
A study on predicting crime rates through machine learning and data mining using text
Abstract<p>Crime is a threat to any nation’s security administration and jurisdiction. Therefore, crime analysis becomes increasingly important because it assigns the time and place based on the collected spatial and temporal data. However, old techniques, such as paperwork, investigative judges, and statistical analysis, are not efficient enough to predict the accurate time and location where the crime had taken place. But when machine learning and data mining methods were deployed in crime analysis, crime analysis and predication accuracy increased dramatically. In this study, various types of criminal analysis and prediction using several machine learning and data mining techniques, based o</p> ... Show More
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