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“The Theme of Deliberate Contrasting Coincidence in Beckett's "All That Fall"”
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In most of Beckett’s plays , there are prominent elements of absurdity that are landmarks of his style and the way of his writing like : the physical and the spiritual decay of characters, the disintegration of language as it becomes no longer a means of human communication because there is an inability to establish any kind of mental contact among them. These elements are quite apparent in Beckett’s “All That Fall”. The play exhibits a list of  conflicts: one is between powerful forces as that between the force of life represented by Maddy and the forces of death represented by Dan .The second is  the conflict and contempt between the old generation and the new one in the case of Dan’s desire to kill the boy fetching him home or as Beckett names it the theme of the new gulfs open under the old gulfs .The third is posing opposite viewpoints of the protagonists as in those of the old couple ,to stress modern man’s alienation . The play presents us perverted kinds of human beings who each seek a shelter as a type of escape and withdrawal from the bitter life in the outside world, like Miss Fitt who seeks refuge in religion which is also a recurrent element in Beckett’s works. Modern man is made and forced to live in an artificial and self-made conditions transforming shadow-like kind of life as Beckett thinks, in the sense of limiting himself to collective or superficial identity like Dan on the one hand. Whereas Maddy , on the other hand ,tries hard  to get out of the cocoon of the cliché to a more active and vital role that in any way is made unsuitable for her due to her old age. This is because of that feeling of emptiness of the world around the characters who for their miserable lot , are fully aware of that and that surely there has been a fall but what is more certain is that there is no redemption.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Females' Journey into Finding the Self in Beth Henley’s Crimes of the Heart
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Writing as a female playwright in theatre gives a deeper depiction of woman’s real- self. Beth Henley has succeeded in providing a new realist vision of women’s abilities to face their inevitable tragic fates and how to conquer their despair. In Crimes of the Heart, the playwright uses certain method to present the development of the heroines’ characters through blending the tragic events with a comic frame. In fact, Henley focuses on the simple humorous activities more that the importance of the tragic event to present her vision of how to survive and face the crisis of life.

Crimes of the Heart is a play that is concerned about three sisters whose lives are headed in distinctly different directions; howe

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
peridos for transversal coincidence maps on compact manifolds with a given cohomology
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
حوليات أداب عين شمس
The role of artistic elements in revealing psychological emotions in the play (Gan Riki) (Analytical review)
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Our research sheds light on one of the most important aspects of David Grossman's play, "Ricky's Garden, גן ריקי " which is characterized by its realistic portrayal of characters. Grossman gradually moves towards the inner awareness of his characters, expressing their emotions and thoughts through conversations and emotional conflicts, referring to their past and rooted background. Grossman transformed the main subject of his play (psychological depth) into a presentation and arrangement of all the elements of the play in a way that expresses emotional nature more powerfully by each child in the garden. This is reflected in their actions and words, making Grossman's works suitable for study and always of interest to specialized resear

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
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Place Sexuality in the Arabic Text Theatre
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     It is doubtless that the sexual place has some common indicators due to the masculine and feminine bodies which may be natural or deviated (homosexual). The female has an act of voice in the imaginary masculine place whereas the male has an act of image recognized in the parental mind in both the secular and sacred place. Those places create different limits and perceptions according to the auditory and visual readings in search of identity, text and body in the feminine dramatic text.

    The research includes four chapters; the first, the methodological framework, involves the problem which is centralized in the following enquiry: What is the relationship between the place and the term of

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
Journal Name
The category classes of presentations in the Iraqi popular theatre
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Many researchers ' views about class selectors popular theatre in the world, whom he found in political deals popular presentations while others in comedy shows or dealing with social problems, or simply build a direct pattern of relationship between actors and audience were popular, and certainly the Iraqi popular theatre has its own parameters, structural differences result of Iraqi society at all levels, so the researcher found the search problem is to answer the question that (what are category classes Or within the category of Iraqi popular theatrical-in the play of - the string and the bird which un – example ) , then select the aim has his research of detecting those parameters, and search scientific significance as to scholars

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 24 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
All Fiber Chemical Liquids Refractive Index Sensor Based on Multimode Interference
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A simple all optical fiber sensor based on multimode interference (MMI) for chemical liquids sensing was designed and fabricated. A segment of coreless fiber (CF) was spliced between two single mode fibers to buildup single mode-coreless-single mode (SCS) structure. Broadband source and optical signal analyzer were connected to the ends of SCS structure. De-ionized water, acetone, and n-hexane were used to test the performance of the sensor. Two influence factors on the sensitivity namely the length and the diameter of the CF were investigated. The obtained maximum sensitivity was at n-hexane at 340.89 nm/RIU (at a wavelength resolution of the optical spectrum analyzer of 0.02 nm) when the diameter of the CF reduced from 125 μm to 60 μ

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 28 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Study of the Motor coincidence and sensitive- Kinetic Perception and its Relation them with Artistic Performance Level in Gymnastics Skills for Women
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The aim of this study was Identifying the relation of coordination and kinesthetic perception with artistic performance level in gymnastics skills for students in second class from the college of physical education/ university of Baghdad/ Al - jadreia .The searchers have been used the descriptive method in scanning style .The subject of this search has been taken (45) female - student in second class from the college of physical education/ university of Baghdad . The searchers have reached into specific conclusions concerning with statistic analysis about immoral joint relation between sensitive- kinetic coincidence and realization and with Artistic Performance Level in Gymnastics Skills for Women for second class .The an important recommen

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Marginal Fitness of CAD/CAM All Ceramic Crowns Constructed by Two Typesof Direct Digitization Techniques (An In Vitro Study)
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Background: In capturing a negative image, the digital impression secures a digital record for the purposeof designing and creating restorations. The introduction of scanning system presents a paradigm shift in the way of the dental impression procedure and encourages the accuracy of obtained restoration especially in the marginal area as a result of producing accurate final impression The digital system offers many advantages over the Conventional method.. The objective of this present in vitro study was to evaluate the marginal fitness of all ceramic crowns fabricated by direct digital scanning of the prepared tooth using two types of intra-oral cameras (Bluecam camera with strip light projection technique and Omnicam camera with video sa

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Risks That Facing Tourism And The Managing Methods In The contemporary Challenges Theoretical study
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Tourist business organizations face a challenging and the risks dynamic environment reflected its impact on the community and generate extra under pressure in the responsibilities and burdens of exceptional and affected much of factors, accidents and risks as a result of the actions and attitudes of disasters variety may exceed the geography of States border, which requires the absorption of risks facing the tourism and how to manage and deal with them scientific and reasonable grounds for the diagnosis and treatment of risk and how to reduce the aggravation and the different kinds.

As risks affecting the most important and vital to organizations as a tourist aspects of the market share and styles tourist

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
In-betweenness and Liminal Selfin Amiri Baraka's Dutchman
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This study deals with the thems of "in-betweeness" in the modern Afro-American Drama, drawing upon the accumulated literature of the colonial and postcolonial studies. In-betweeness appears in these studies under the canopy of the terms mimicry, hybridity and liminality which refer to a transformative, in-between state of being. It also refers to themutual relations holdingbetween man and his cultural space.

This concept is fitting the Afro-American playwright Amiri Baraka's plays and his violent, revolutionary theatre. In his play Dutchman (1964), Clay, the protagonist, is a good example of the two-ness or in-betweeness. He finds difficulty choosing between the ethnocentric white culture and the black culture.He allows

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