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MCD (LOS MARCADORES DISCURSIVOS) The pragmatic analysis of discourse markers (The argumentative texts of the ABC newspaper as a model): El análisis pragmático de los marcadores discursivos (Los textos argumentativos del periódico ABC como modelo)
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When writing a text, such as a newspaper article, various types of discourse markers are frequently used to group sentences into paragraphs and parts in order to establish a discourse with certain functions, such as coordination, orientation, emphasizing the concepts presented, etc. It should also be noted that this type of mark exists in both written and spoken language. Therefore, it is convenient to dedicate a chapter to these linguistic elements to clarify their use and their classification, which is mainly based on Jose Portolés (2001), as well as the main features, specifically their features (prosodic, morphological, semantic and pragmatic).


Al redactar un texto، como un artículo de periódicos، se utilizan con frecuencia varios tipos de MCD (los marcadores discursivos) para agrupar las oraciones en párrafos y secciones con el fin de establecer un discurso con discuencia varios tipos de MCD (los marcadores discursivos) para agrupar las oraciones en párrafos y secciones con el fin de establecer un discurso con selectaro or funciones، com. المفاهيم الحالية ، وما إلى ذلك. Por tanto، conviene dedicar un capítulo a estos elementos lingüísticos para aclarar su uso y su clasificación que se basa Principmente en Portolés (2001)، ademas los rasgos Principales، en concreto sus rasgos (prosódicos، morfolótic yos). Palabras claves : los marcadores discursivos ، analisis pragmatico ، texto مناقشة

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Psychological Capital: Behavioral Insight for Study of Spirituality at the Workplace
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      This research aims to identify the role of Psychological Capital (PsyCap) in the Spirituality at the Workplace (SAW) for a sample of the teaching staff of the four Colleges of the University of Kufa reached (200) out of (470) teaching, and to achieve the objective of this research and through access to research and studies of foreign adopted researchers standards scales of research variables, since it relied on the model (Luthans, Youssef, et al., 2007) to represent the components of Psychological Capital (self-efficacy, and hope, and optimism, and resilience), and given the attention organizations in the human element because of it

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculate Some Special Function For The Design of Cavity Linear Accelerator
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              The purpose of this project is to build a scientific base and computational programs in an accelerator design work. The transfer of group of laws in alinear accelerator cavity to computer codes written in Fortran power station language is inorder to get a numerical calculation of an electromagnetic field generated in the cavities of the linear accelerator. The program in put contains mainly the following, the geometrical cavity constant, and the triangular finite element method high – order polynomial. The out put contains vertical and horizontal components of the electrical field together with the electrical and the magnetic field intensity. 

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Green Human Resources Management in Achieving Sustainable Development
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The research aims at clarifying the role of green human resource management practices in achieving sustainable development. The research problem is that the health sector is less concerned with environmental aspects, specifically green human resource management practices, Which are reflected on sustainable development with their economic, environmental and social dimensions as well as reducing costs, waste minimization and recycling, And the research started from two main hypotheses to explore the correlation and influence between the variables of the research by analyzing the answers of the research sample, which included (136) employees of the Al-Imamein Al-kadhemein medical city, Data and information were collected using quest

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluating Asphalt Concrete Properties by the Implementation of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
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In past years, structural pavement solution has been combined with destructive testing; these destructive methods are being replaced by non-destructive testing methods (NDT). Because the destructive test causes damage due to coring conducted for testing and also the difficulty of adequately repairing the core position in the field. Ultrasonic pulse velocity was used to evaluate the strength and volumetric properties of asphalt concrete, of binder course. The impact of moisture damage and testing temperature on pulse velocity has also been studied. Data were analyzed and modeled. It was found that using non-destructive testing represented by pulse velocity could be useful to predict the quality of asphalt c

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Real-time control for the transmission of information in wireless networks
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Wireless  lietworking is·  constantly improving,  changing  and

though  ba ic  principle  is the same.  ['nstead of  using standard  cables  to transmit information fmm one point to another (qr more), it .uses  radio signals.  This paper  presents .a case  study considedng real-time remote

cqntroJ using Wireless UDP/JP-based networks,. The aim of-this werk is to

reduce  real-time· remote control  system  based upon a simulatio.n  model,

which can operate via general communication  l"]etworks, whieh on bodies. modern wireles  tcchnolqgy.

The  first  part includes· a  brief

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Numerical Simulation for Cylindrical Electrostatic Precipitator: Effect of the Applied Voltage
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Coaxial (wire-cylinder) electrodes arrangements are widely used for electrostatic deposition of dust particles in flue gases, when a high voltage is applied to electrodes immersed in air and provide a strongly non-uniform electric field. The efficiency of electrostatic filters mainly depends on the value of the applied voltage and the distribution of the electric field. In this work, a two-dimensional computer simulation was constructed to study the effect of different applied voltages (20, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30 kV) on the inner electrode and their effect on the efficiency of the electrostatic precipitator. Finite Element Method (FEM) and COMSOL Multiphysics software were used to simulate the cross section of a wire cylinder. The results sh

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of The Dynamical Behavior For Deuterons in Dense Plasma Focus
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    The motion of fast deuterons in most dense plasma focus devices  ( DPF ) , may be characterized that it has a complex nature in its paths and this phenomena by describing a through gyrating motion with arbitrary changes in magnitude and direction .  In this research , we focused on the  understanding the theoretical concepts which  depend deeply on the experimental results to explain the deuteron motions in the pinch region , and then to use the fundamental physical formulas that are deeply related to the explanation of this motion to prepare a suitable model for calculating the vertical and radial components for deuteron velocity by improving the  Rung – Kutta  Method

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching Competencies Required For Teachers of History in the Preparatory Stage
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         This study attempts to determine the necessary teaching competencies for teachers and the level of their importance in the development of their performance professionally and scientifically, and the progress towards a better future to achieve an effective level. Accordingly, the research community consists of the morning-preparatory schools for boys at the General Directorate of Education of Baghdad \ Rusafa2. The study sample included (68) teachers constituted 88.31% of the total community of teachers. As for the research tools, the researcher adopted the descriptive method by using the observation method in which the researcher prepared a list of teaching. For verifying the re

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Advances In Life Science And Technology
The Effect of Preservatives and Freezing on Museum Saved Fish Samples
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Two means used for saving fish samples, namely Freezing and Preservatives represented by Alcohol and Formalin. The Freezing was used in saving samples collected newly, in addition to use Alcohol and Formalin with different concentrations 70% of Alcohol and 10% of Formalin. The concentrations of some heavy metal elements were examined, such as Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Manganese, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Copper and Boron in samples saved in Formalin and Alcohol and frozen at different durations. The concentration of some elements has been changed during the saving duration. The study was performed on the concentration of heavy elements in the Liza abu muscles of saved and frozen fish.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
The Effect of Toxoplasma Gondii on DNA SequenceAlteration among BreastCancer Patients
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Objective: The study aims to determine the effect of Toxoplasma gondii infection on the
genetic sequence of breast cancer patients in the Medical City Hospital – Tumor Unit /
Methodology: A study was carried out in the City of Medicine / Oncology Unit / Baghdad,
during the period 1st June 2016 to 15
th March 2017. Forty samples of tissue and serum
were collected from patients who complaining from Breast cancer and infected with
Toxoplasmosis. Forty sera samples were taken from patients complaining from parasitic
infection only; without breast cancer as control group. Data is analyzed by using of
descriptive and inferential data analysis methods.
Results: The results show that there is an effe

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