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The morphological structure of nouns and verbs in the novel "Astonishment" by the novelist Aharon Applefield, Morphological study.: מבנה שמות עצם והפעלים ברומן תימהון לסופר אהרון אפלפלד עיון מורפולוגי

This research sheds light on the morphological structure of nouns and verbs in the novel "ASTONISHMENT" by the novelist Aharon Applefield by analysing selected models from the novel in a morphological analysis in order to identify the most important morphological features of this structure according to a statistical analytical approach.

 The morphological structure is the main pillar of the linguistic structure of the literary text. Morphology is the science that studies the word, by which its structure and original letters are known, and the change that has occurred to it.  The aesthetics of the fictional text is reflected in this structure, through which the writer conveys his ideas and narrations to the reader.  The research focused on important issues in the structure of nouns, such as definition and invocation, singular, dual and plural. It also touched on the structure of the verb in terms of weight and temporal significance.

 The research concluded that the morphological structure of nouns and verbs is characterized by clarity and abundance of expression and significance. The novelist Aaron Applefield employed defined nouns in a large proportion compared to nouns, due to the connotations it gave to remove ambiguity and ambiguity from the text, as well as more than the use of active verbs and moved some thing away from built verbs to the unknown in order to deliver his message easily and conveniently.  He also concluded that the writer was using verbs with a single structure in order to maintain the dynamics of events.


המאמר הזה שופך על המבנה המורפולוגי של השמות והפעלים ברומן "תימהון" של הסופר "אהרון אפלפלד" על ידי ניתוח דוגמאות נבחרות ניתוח מורפולוגי כדי לעמוד על המאפיינים המורפולוגיים של המבנה הזה לפי השיטה האנליטית – סטטיסטיקאית.

המבנה המורפולוגי הוא אחד מעמודי התווך של המבנה הלשוני של הטקסט הספרותי, המורפולוגיה היא המדע החוקר את המילה, ובה ניתן לדעת את מבניה והאתיות המקוריות שלה ומה שעברה משינוי. האסתטיקה של הטקסט הספרות מתגלה בו ומתוכו הסופר מעביר את רעיונותיו לקורא. המאמר מתמקד בנושאים חשובים במבנה השמות כגון: היידוע, היחיד, הזוגי והרבים, גם כן עיינו במבנה הפועל מבחינת הבניין והזמן.

מאמר זה הראה שמבנה המורפולוגי של השמות והפעלים מתאפיין בבהירות ובדיוק ההבעה. הסופר אהרון אפלפלד השתמש בשמות מיודעים יותר משמות לא מיודעים בגלל תפקידה בהסרת העמימות ואי בהירות מהטקסט, גם כן הרבה מהשימוש בפעלים פעילים והתרחק מהפעלים הסבילים כדי להעביר את המסר שלו בקלות. גם כן הסופר השתמש בפעלים בעלי בניין אחד כדי לשמור על הדינמיקה של האירועים.  

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Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection of the change process in enhancing organizational performance (Analytical research)

  This research aims to test the relation and effect of the process of organizational change as an independent variable (change in human resources, technological change, change in tasks, change in organizational structure) in organizational performance as a variable of success (financial performance, operational performance, customer satisfaction, growth). And learning) in the Office of the province of Baghdad, as well as determine the existence of differences of statistical significance between the variables of research, and then try to come out with a set of recommendations to contribute to the strengthening of organizational performance, and carried out this research on the eye of the vertical number (75) individuals, The

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Tue Jun 30 2009
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Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Incidence of Injuries to Major Blood Vessels in the Lower Limb

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common causes of medical emergencies that admitted to
hospitals and at the same time it regarded as one of the
most important causes of death. They may represent less
than 15% of all injuries; they deserve special attention
because of their severe complications.
Objective: The aim of the present study is to assess
anatomically the injures of major arteries and veins in the
lower limb with their management.
Methods: The present study extended from April 2006 to
February 2007, in which 65 patients with lower limb
vascular injury were examined in Emergency Department
and Forensic Medicine Department of Tikrit Teaching
Hospital in Salah-Aldin governora

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Sat Feb 12 2022
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Investigating the Causes of Poor Cost Control in Iraqi Construction Projects

Controlling cost in construction projects is an essential issue. This study investigates the most critical problems that cause weakness in cost control in Iraqi construction projects. The quantitative technique was used by conducting a survey directed to professionals who work on construction projects. One hundred and sixty-four questionnaire forms were distributed to private sector companies, government companies, and government institutions, and the responses were subjected to the required statistical analysis. The results indicate that the most influential factors are the weakness in keeping up with the use of modern concepts, methods, and technologies, the delay in receiving the amounts due for work done from the owner, fluctuat

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Real-time control for the transmission of information in wireless networks

Wireless  lietworking is·  constantly improving,  changing  and

though  ba ic  principle  is the same.  ['nstead of  using standard  cables  to transmit information fmm one point to another (qr more), it .uses  radio signals.  This paper  presents .a case  study considedng real-time remote

cqntroJ using Wireless UDP/JP-based networks,. The aim of-this werk is to

reduce  real-time· remote control  system  based upon a simulatio.n  model,

which can operate via general communication  l"]etworks, whieh on bodies. modern wireles  tcchnolqgy.

The  first  part includes· a  brief

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Thu Jul 01 1999
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Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
Helminth parasites of the kestrel Falco tinnunculus L. 1758 in Iraq

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Sat Mar 10 2018
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The Effect of Cognitive Modeling Strategy in chemistry achievement for students

The aim of the current research is to verify the effect of the cognitive modeling strategy on the achievement of the chemistry course for the students of the first intermediate grade. To achieve the objective of the research, the null hypothesis was formulated via cognitive modeling strategy. The results showed that the experimental group's students performed better than the students in the control group. In the light of the results, the researchers concluded: The impact of the cognitive modeling strategy in the achievement of students of first intermediate grade in chemistry.

Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of 2 different techniques in second stage implant surgery

Background: Dental implant is one of the most important options for teeth replacement. In two stage implant surgery, a few options could be used for uncovering implants, scalpel and laser are both considered as effective methods for this purpose. The Aim of the study: To compare soft tissue laser and scalpel for exposing implant in 2nd stage surgery in terms of the need for anesthesia, duration of procedure and pain level assessment at day 1 and day 7 post operatively using visual analogue scale . Materials and methods: Ten patients who received bilateral implants participated after healing period completed, gingival depth over each implant was recorded and then implant(s) were exposed by either scalpel or laser with determination for th

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Impact of Operating System on Bandwidth in Open VPN Technology

The internet is a basic source of information for many specialities and uses. Such information includes sensitive data whose retrieval has been one of the basic functions of the internet. In order to protect the information from falling into the hands of an intruder, a VPN has been established. Through VPN, data privacy and security can be provided. Two main technologies of VPN are to be discussed; IPSec and Open VPN. The complexity of IPSec makes the OpenVPN the best due to the latter’s portability and flexibility to use in many operating systems. In the LAN, VPN can be implemented through Open VPN to establish a double privacy layer(privacy inside privacy). The specific subnet will be used in this paper. The key and certificate will

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Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Serum Liver Enzymes in Baghdad

Smoking is the most noticeably horrible human conduct; it is rehearsed by individuals dependent on nicotine numerous hurtful sicknesses, for example, cancer and liver disorder are brought about by smoking cigarettes. So this study aimed to study some of the liver function represented by the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST or GOT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT or GPT) in smokers and non-smokers for 50 persons in a group consists of 25 smokers and 25 non-smokers of different ages and to study the effectiveness of cigarette smoking on liver enzymes by checking the secretion of (AST) (35.84± 4.1)U/ 1 (ALT)(51.08±7.286 ) U/1(p<0.05) relative to non-smokers were significantly correlated with heavy cigarette smoking.

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Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Use of Bracing Dampers in Steel Buildings under Seismic Loading

This study focuses on the modeling of manufactured damper when used in steel buildings. The main aim of the manufactured dampers is to protect the steel buildings from the damaging effects that may result due to earthquakes by introducing an extra damping in addition to the traditional damping.
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