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Song and motivation in language class: Chanson et motivation en classe de langue
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Songs are considered as an educational and a substantial dependable references used in teaching and learning, particularly the so - called foreign language learning that allows learners to adapt to the target language culture and to develop their language learning skills including: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking and writing. Consequently, it can be said that the Francophone songs with the musical richness and resonance specifically facilities French language learning skills  for all levels of education and achieve short and long terms predetermined educational language learning goals.  

     In fact, language learning through songs method does not only include the cultural, musical, and heritage content of the language but rather includes the entire rich linguistic features that enable to master social linguistic field. It exceeds topographical and political limits to attain different cultures and communities’ interference.     

  Additionally, learning through songs and music method plays an important role in French language learning. It represents one of the French languages most significant and reliable cultural and vernacular language learning reference. Out of French language teaching experience in Iraq, it is obvious that through songs and music language learning method represents such a vital element in the learning process that facilitates and supports the classroom linguistic and educational activities.   

The present study considers the advantages of teaching songs in French as a foreign language learning method ( FLE ) that helps the acquisitions of the oral and written language learning skills.


La chanson, présente bel et bien en force dans notre vie quotidienne. Elle est considérée comme un document authentique de qualité à exploiter dans l’enseignement-apprentissage des langues surtout dites secondaires ou étrangère surtout. Le présent article traite la question de l'exploitation de la chanson comme support éducatif en classe de FLE. Un usage qui ne se limite pas uniquement aux apports linguistiques mais qui  renvoie aussi  à des réalités de la (des) culture(s) de la francophonie.

Dans l’enseignement de la langue étrangère, la chanson est considérée comme un moyen pédagogique qui permet aux apprenants de s’accommoder à la culture de la langue-cible afin de développer les quatre compétences langagières (The four skills), à savoir celles de ; la compréhension de l’oral, la compréhension de l’écrit, l’expression de l’oral et celle de l’écrit. On peut dire donc que la chanson francophone, avec sa richesse musicale et ses qualités dites ludiques où se côtoient plaisir et désir. Cet avantage procure aux apprenants de différents âges et de différents niveaux une réception fortement positive, de laquelle peut émerger une multitude de manières plausibles d’exploitation d’un tel support en classe de FLE. L'important, serait donc, l’atteinte des objectifs finaux prédéterminés à long ou à court terme. En effet, la richesse de l’apprentissage par la chanson dépasse le contenu culturel, le musical, le patrimonial pour enfermer entre ses entrailles une variété linguistique qui en fait un champ fertile d’investigation dans le domaine de la sociolinguistique. Or, elle constitue un bon messager, voire un bon étrier qui efface les frontières politico-topographique et unit les peuples francophones par le bon brassage des cultures, et ce en partant de l’idée maitresse suivante « No mans land ».

Par conséquent, l’enseignement-apprentissage de/par la chanson joue un rôle colossal dans la classe  de FLE et qu'il ne faut guère hésiter à l'exploiter, car il permet une connaissance adéquate de la langue et de la culture françaises ou ce qu’on peut appeler la lexiculture. Lors de notre expérience dans le domaine de l'enseignement-apprentissage de la langue française en Irak, nous avons constaté l'utilisation du support en question comme élément fondamentale qui permet le soutien des activités linguistiques et pédagogiques en classe de FLE.

Dans cet article, nous tenterions de mettre en exergue les avantages de l’enseignement-apprentissage de/par la chanson en classe de FLE, voire ses impacts prétendument favorables de ce support et son exploitation pour une motivation dynamique qui permet aux apprenants d’améliorer leurs compétences langagières sur tous les plans, qu’ils soient oraux ou écrits.

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solving System of Linear Fredholm Integral Equations of Second Kind Using Open Newton-Cotes Formulas
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In this paper, the linear system of Fredholm integral equations is solving using Open Newton-Cotes formula, which we use five different types of Open Newton-Cotes formula to solve this system.  Compare the results of suggested method with the results of another method (closed Newton-Cotes formula)    Finally, at the end of each method, algorithms and programs developed and written in MATLAB (version 7.0) and we give some numerical examples, illustrate suggested method

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Resource Consumption Accounting to determine Customer Cost of Banks
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The Purpose of this Research show gap between a Normal Cost System and Resource consumption Accounting Applied in AL-Rafidin Bank.

The Research explores that, how the idle capacity can be determined under resource consumption accounting, discuss the possibility of employing these energies. Research also viewed how costs can be separated into Committee and Attribute. Resource Consumption Accounting assists managers in pricing services or products based on what these services or products use from each Source.

This Research has been proven

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An exploratory study of history-based test case prioritization techniques on different datasets
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In regression testing, Test case prioritization (TCP) is a technique to arrange all the available test cases. TCP techniques can improve fault detection performance which is measured by the average percentage of fault detection (APFD). History-based TCP is one of the TCP techniques that consider the history of past data to prioritize test cases. The issue of equal priority allocation to test cases is a common problem for most TCP techniques. However, this problem has not been explored in history-based TCP techniques. To solve this problem in regression testing, most of the researchers resort to random sorting of test cases. This study aims to investigate equal priority in history-based TCP techniques. The first objective is to implement

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Investigation of Optimum Heat Flux Profile Based on the Boiling Safety Factor
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An experimental study is conducted to investigate the effect of heat flux distribution on the boiling safety factor of its cooling channel. The water is allowed to flow in a horizontal circular pipe whose outlet surface is subjected to different heat flux profiles. Four types of heat flux distribution profiles are used during experiments: (constant distribution profile, type a, triangle distribution profile with its maximum in channel center, type b, triangle distribution profile with its maximum in the channel inlet, type c, and triangle distribution profile with its maximum in the channel outlet, type d). The study is conducted using heat sources of (1000 and 2665W), water flow rates of (5, 7 and 9 lit/min). The water

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 12 2023
Journal Name
Assessing the Impacts of Consumer Awareness on Consumer Purchase Intention with Moderating Role of Product Label: Evidence from Consumers of Iraqi Manufacturing Firms
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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
الادارة بالرؤية المشتركة وانعكاساتها على التسويق الابداعي بحث استطلاعي لعينة من موظفي الشركة العامة للصناعات الكهربائية
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ان السبب الرئيسي لاختيار الموضوع كونه من الاساليب الادارية الحديثة التي تهدف الى انجاح المنظمة او الشركة المبحوثة, اذ تمثلت مشكلة البحث في ما دور الادارة بالرؤية المشتركة في تعزيز التسويق الابداعي بالشركة المبحوثة, يهدف البحث الى تسليط الضوء على مفهوم الادارة بالرؤية المشتركة وانعكاساتها على التسويق الابداعي للمنظمة ، باعتبارها منهج اداري حديث يسهم في تغيير وتجديد وتطوير واقع المنظمة المبحوثة( الشرك

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2012
Journal Name
North Africa Technical Conference And Exhibition
Comprehensive Model for Flash Calculations of Heavy Oils Using the Soave - Redlich - Kwong Equation of State
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Abstract<p>One of the main techniques to achieve phase behavior calculations of reservoir fluids is the equation of state. Soave - Redlich - Kwong equation of state can then be used to predict the phase behavior of the petroleum fluids by treating it as a multi-components system of pure and pseudo-components. The use of Soave – Redlich – Kwon equation of state is popular in the calculations of petroleum engineering therefore many researchers used it to perform phase behavior analysis for reservoir fluids (Wang and Orr (2000), Ertekin and Obut (2003), Hasan (2004) and Haghtalab (2011))</p><p>This paper presents a new flash model for reservoir fluids in gas – oil se</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System to Predict Rate of Penetration from Dynamic Elastic Properties
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Rate of penetration plays a vital role in field development process because the drilling operation is expensive and include the cost of equipment and materials used during the penetration of rock and efforts of the crew in order to complete the well without major problems. It’s important to finish the well as soon as possible to reduce the expenditures. So, knowing the rate of penetration in the area that is going to be drilled will help in speculation of the cost and that will lead to optimize drilling outgoings. In this research, an intelligent model was built using artificial intelligence to achieve this goal.  The model was built using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system to predict the rate of penetration in

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Recognition of Off-line Printed Arabic Text Using Hidden Markov Models
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In this paper, we introduce a method to identify the text printed in Arabic, since the recognition of the printed text is very important in the applications of information technology, the Arabic language is among a group of languages with related characters such as the language of Urdu , Kurdish language , Persian language also the old Turkish language " Ottoman ", it is difficult to identify the related letter because it is in several cases, such as the beginning of the word has a shape and center of the word has a shape and the last word also has a form, either texts in languages where the characters are not connected, then the image of the letter one in any location in the word has been Adoption of programs ready for him A long time.&

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Facial Emotion Images Recognition Based On Binarized Genetic Algorithm-Random Forest
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Most recognition system of human facial emotions are assessed solely on accuracy, even if other performance criteria are also thought to be important in the evaluation process such as sensitivity, precision, F-measure, and G-mean. Moreover, the most common problem that must be resolved in face emotion recognition systems is the feature extraction methods, which is comparable to traditional manual feature extraction methods. This traditional method is not able to extract features efficiently. In other words, there are redundant amount of features which are considered not significant, which affect the classification performance. In this work, a new system to recognize human facial emotions from images is proposed. The HOG (Histograms of Or

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