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The passive of verbs constructed with prepositions: Das Passiv der mit Präpositionen konstruierten Verben
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 Verbs in German and Arabic are of two types: active and passive. Passive voice  is a grammatical voice construction that is found in many languages.  Out of grammatical perspective, each main verb has a form in the active and one in the passive known as a "genus verbi" (type of verb). In passive voice, both in German and in Arabic, the focus is on the action itself or on the result of the action; often the perpetrator is not mentioned. In German, to conjugate verbs in the passive voice, you must know the forms of werden (to become). German uses werden  + the past participle and states it at the end of a sentence. In Arabic, the passive is formed by changing the vowels on the verb; the vowel series u-i-a occurs instead of the a-vowels.

 Transitive prepositional verbs originally are intransitive verb with a preposition added to the action of the sentence. In German, the prepositional group can be combined with the prepositions von or durch, while in Arabic, such a prepositional group occurs only in certain cases. In contrast to Arabic, the passive in German is impossible with reflexive verbs. In some cases, an impersonal passive in German corresponds with a personal passive in Arabic. The present paper discusses some of these verbs traced in a chart that shows the most important results when compared with their Arabic equivalents.

In grammatischen Darstellung findet man für jedes Vollverb eine Form im Aktiv und eine im Passiv, es wird von „genus verbi“ (Art des Verbs) gesprochen. Im Passiv steht sowohl im Deutschen als auch im Arabischen das Geschehen selbst oder das Ergebnis der Handlung im Vordergrund; aus der Sicht der betroffenen Person oder Sache; oft wird der Täter nicht gennant. Im Deutschen wird die passivische Verbform mit dem Hilfsverb werden und dem Partizip II gebildet, während die Vokalreihe u-i-a anstelle der a- Vokale im Arabischen eintritt. Die im Aktiv mit Präpositionen verbundenen Verben bilden in beiden Sprachen ein unpersönliches Passiv. Im Deutschen kann die Präpositionalgruppe mit den Präpositionen von oder  durch verbunden werden. Im Unterschied dazu tritt solche Präpositionalgruppe im Arabischen nur in bestimmten Fällen mit من قبل   auf. Im Unterschied zum Arabischen ist das Passiv im Deutschen bei reflexiv Verben unmöglich. In einigen Fällen entspricht ein unpersönliches Passiv im Deutschen einem persönlichen Passiv im Arabischen.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 04 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 28 2020
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Using X-Ray Films for Evaluation efficiency of Unsaturated Polyester Reinforced by Lead Oxide as Shielding for Medical X-ray Devices
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The largest use of x-ray in medical by dentists, employers or persons that needed by patients with specific conditions, lead to higher exposure of x-ray that may cause many diseases. In the present work radiography films have been used in evaluating the efficiency of using unsaturated polyester polymer reinforced with lead oxide (PbO) as shield material for medical x-ray devices, many parameters studied like concentration and thickness that they are increasing the attenuation of x-ray in them. The results show that the attenuation of X-ray increasing with concentration of reinforced material and with thickness, and the optical density decreases with increasing concentration from 0% to 50%, we chose 30% as suitable concentration to increase

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Inhibition activity of Saccharomyces boulardii and Lactobacillus acidophilus against pathogenic E.coli isolates from Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection in women In Vitro
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The aims of study is to detect the inhibitory effect of Saccharomyces boulardii and Lactobacillus acidophilus on Escherichia coli that has been isolated from recurrent urinary tract infection in women. The sensitivity of E.coli isolates to antibiotics had been studied and the most resistant E.coli isolate to antibiotics had been studied .The cup assay was used on nutrient agar and Muller-Hinton agar to detect the inhibitory activity for each S.boulardii yeast grown on YEGP media and L.acidophilus grown on MRS media in which the result showed a high inhibition activity for each of them .Also in this study the adhesion property of E.coli had been evaluated in the presence of S.boulardii at concentration of 1×109 and L.acidophilus at conc

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Development of an On-Line Self-Tuning FPGA-PID-PWM Control Algorithm Design for DC-DC Buck Converter in Mobile Applications
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Measurement of radon gas concentration in water and soil samples in AL-Najaf governorate by using nuclear track detector (CR-39)
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The radon gas concentration in environmental samples soil and water of selected regions in Al-Najaf governorate was measured by using alpha-emitters registrations which are emitted form radon gas in (CR-39) nuclear track detector. The first part is concerned with the determination of radon gas concentration in soil samples, results of measurements indicate that the highest average radon concentration in soil samples was found in (Al-Moalmen) region which was (100.0±7.0 Bq/m3), while the lowest average radon concentration was found in (Al-Askary) region which was (38.5±4.7 Bq/m3), with an average value of (64.23±14.9 Bq/m3) ,the results show that the radon gas concentrations in soil is below the allowed limit from (ICRP) agency which is (

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Comparative Study between Nasal Endoscopic Findings and Nose and Paranasal Sinus Computerized Tomography in diagnosis of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses Diseases
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Background: Nasal obstruction is common in otorhinolaryngology outpatient visitors. The diagnosis of such compliant is by history, clinical examination and diagnostic procedures. Nasal endoscopy and computerized tomography scan are common diagnostic investigations. Nasal obstruction is either anterior or posterior (nasal septal deviations, hypertrophied turbinate pathological cyst, polyps, mass etc), or postnasal obstruction (hypertrophied turbinate, adenoid hypertrophy, nasopharyngeal cyst or nasopharyngeal tumors).

Aim of study: Prospective study to compare endoscopic finding and computerized tomography of nose, paranasal sinuses and postnasal space as diagnostic methods for nasal obstruction and other nose, p

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Combining Bourgoyne and Young Equations by Bagging Tree Regression to Predict Rate of Penetration in a Southern Iraqi Field, Case Study
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Abstract<p>Achieving an accurate and optimal rate of penetration (ROP) is critical for a cost-effective and safe drilling operation. While different techniques have been used to achieve this goal, each approach has limitations, prompting researchers to seek solutions. This study’s objective is to conduct the strategy of combining the Bourgoyne and Young (BYM) ROP equations with Bagging Tree regression in a southern Iraqi field. Although BYM equations are commonly used and widespread to estimate drilling rates, they need more specific drilling parameters to capture different ROP complexities. The Bagging Tree algorithm, a random forest variant, addresses these limitations by blending domain kno</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Immunohistochemical evaluation of epidermal growth factor expression in skin wound treated by capparis spinosa flavonoid extract in alloxan induced diabetes rats
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In diabetes, impaired wound healing and other tissue abnormalities are considered major concerns. Many factorsaffect the time and quality of wound healing. One of the purposes of medical sciences is wound healing in a short time withreduced side effects. The herbal products are more precious in both prophylaxis as well as curative in delayed diabetic woundhealing activity when compared to synthetic drugs.A wide range of evidence has shown that capers plant possesses differentbiological effects, including antioxidant, anticancer and antibacterial effects. Phytochemical analysis shows thatC. spinosahashigh quantities of bioactive constituents, including polyphenolic compounds, which are responsible for its health-promotingeffects. The healing

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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of optimal conditions for laccase production by Pleurotus ostreatus using sawdust as solid medium and its use in phenol degradation
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The ability of four local fungal isolates for extracellular laccase production has been tested with five grams 1:1(w/v) humidified sawdust as substrate in mineral salt medium. After 21 day of incubation at 25±1 ? C and using one mycelial plug (5mm), higher level of laccase activity (0.15U/ml) and specific activity (15U/mg) were observed by Pleurotus ostreatus in comparison with other fungal isolates. The results of optimum conditions for laccase production from selected isolate showed that, the maximum laccase activity (0.55U/ml) and specific activity (55U/mg) were obtained at moisture ratio 1:3 (w/v), using 3 mycelial plugs (5 mm), after 15 days incubation period at 25±1 ? C. The results of phenol degradation by crud laccase revealed th

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Theoretical Study of Charge Transfer in Styryl Thiazilo Quinoxaline Dyes STQ-1, STQ-2,and STQ-3 in Organic Media System
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Charge transfer in styryl dyes STQ-1, STQ-2,and STQ-3 with organic media system has been studied theoretically depending on the Franck- Condon rule and continuum dielectric model . The reorientation energies (eV) were evaluated theoretically depending on dipole momentum, dielectric constant , and refrective index n. The rate constant of charge transfer has been calculated depending on the reorientation energy (eV) ,effective free energy , potential height barrier , and coupling coefficient . A matlap program has been written to calculated the rate constant of charge transfer and other parameter. The results of calculations show that STQ-2 dye is more reaction for charge transfer compare with STQ-1 and STQ-3 dyes

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