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Theoretical asp ects of trans lation of a lite rary text in the fram ework of lingu istic and cult ural analysis: Теоретические асп екты перевода художес твенного текста в рам ках лингвокультурологического ана лиза
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          The present art icle discusses the prob lems of understanding and translating the lingu istic and cult ural aspect of a foreign lite rary text. The article considers the trans lation process through the pr ism of cult ural orientation. In the process of transl ation, the nati onal cultural iden tity should be expressed to the max imum extent, through all me ans of expre ssion that include imagery and inton ation. In addi tion to the author's sty le, special atte ntion should al so be pa id to tro pes, phraseological uni ts, colloquial wo rds and dial ects that be ar the spec ifics of the wo rld picture of a cer tain people. The article, also, considers the ma in features of a certain literary te xt as an obj ect of the trans lation activity, and deter mines the ma in differences bet ween a lite rary text trans lation and ot her types of trans lation. It provides an analysis of the lingu istic and styl istic features of the wo rk that al lows creating a trans lation me ets most of the crit eria given in the arti cle and sheds light on   the rea sons for unders tanding a for eign cultural wo rk of ar t.


 Статья посв ящена рассмотрению про блем перевода  художес твенного текста  в лингвокульту рологическом аспекте. В ней рассмат риваются вопросы лингвокульту рологического подхода к проб леме понимания инояз ычного текста и факт оров, влияющих на пер евод художественного тек ста.  В дан ной статье перево дческий процесс рассмат ривается сквозь при зму культурологической направл енности. В пере воде в максим альной степени дол жны передаваться авто рский стиль и национальн окультурное своеобразие нар ода, куда вхо дят средства выразите льности, образность и интон ация. Помимо автор ского стиля дол жно еще удел яться особое вним ание тропам, фразеол огизмам, просторечным сло вам и диале ктам, что не сут в се бе специфику кар тины мира опреде ленного народа. Рассмат риваются так же осно вные особенности художес твенного текста, как объ екта переводческой деятел ьности и опреде ляются главные отл ичия перевода художес твенного текста от дру гих видов пере вода.  Анализ ируются  лингвостилистические особе нности произведения, позво ляющие создать пере вод, соответствующий больш инству приведенных в ста тье критериев , и прово дится ан aлиз при чин понимания инокуль турного художественного произв едения.


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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Strategic Intelligence in High performance organization A Survey Study for the Managers of Diseases and Kidney Transplant Center/ Medicine City-Baghdad
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The topic of strategic intelligence is considered as important topics that acquires the attention of organizations, Because of its role in supplying the decision-making centers by strategic ideas according to the opportunities and threats facing the organization, in an effort to improve the performance of their organizations to reach the high performance organization.

A lot of organizations lack to strategy guides the strategic intelligence towards achieving high performance organization.

This research aims to determine the level of strategic intelligence that characterized the leaders of diseases and kidney transplant center in Medicine city. What is the application level of the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees22fr
Study the contrast of thermal expansion behavior for PMMA denture base, single and hybrid reinforced using the thermomechanical analysis technique (TMA)
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Publication Date
Fri Apr 21 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Study the contrast of thermal expansion behavior for PMMA denture base, single and hybrid reinforced using the thermomechanical analysis technique (TMA)
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This research investigated the effect of adding two groups of reinforcement materials, including bioactive materials Hydroxyapatite (HA) and halloysite nanoclay and bioinert materials Alumina (AL2O3) and Zirconia (ZrO2), each of them with various weight ratios (1,2,3,4 &5)% to the polymer matrix PMMA. The best ratios were selected, and then a hybrid was preparing Composite red from the best ratios from each group. Thermal properties, including thermal conductivity and Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA) technology, have been studied. The results showed that adding 3% Hydroxyapatite (HA) and 5% halloysite nanoclay to the polymethacrylate (PMMA) mer leads to an increase in thermal conductivity. It was also found from the Thermomechanical Analysis

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The authority of identification and alienation of existence in the theater of the oppressed: عبلة عباس خضير التميمي
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This research is represented by exploring the experience of "the theater of the oppressed" by (Augusto Boal) as an experiment that represents a different aesthetic pattern in the presentation of theatrical performance which is in contrast with the Aristotelian and Brechtian patterns, and as a result of the increasing problems of the individual in societies according to his needs and an attempt to express the suffering of human and the loss of his rights in general.
The research also tries to uncover the power of identification and the alienation of existence in the theater of the oppressed as that power, with its diversity of legal, legitimate, religious, political, economic and social capabilities has become a burden instead of being

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Crisis management effective of business organizations in the era of managerial technique: a philosophical study
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At a time of increasing human potential in the face of crises and risks through the use of technology on a large scale and steadily in various fields of life, and the vulnerability of business organizations as a result of mistakes. The failure of a sudden these errors or omissions or symptoms. Also, some crises occur outside the control of management, others caused by leakage of important information and sometimes secret may be a strategy or a new plan or new project occurs outside the organization to the opposite of what is planned. Therefore, the crisis management are critical to all organizations, because the active management of the crisis helps to ensure the continued prosperity of the organization. Here comes from the resea

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluating the reality of applying the curriculum axis according to the Iraqi academic accreditation standards / a comparative study of a sample of governmental and private universities and colleges
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The research aims to get acquainted with the evaluation of the reality of the application of the curriculum axis from among the eight Iraqi academic accreditation standards in a sample of governmental and private universities and colleges in Iraq and to identify the main and secondary reasons for it as well as to provide proposed mechanisms and procedures to help reduce gaps, If the research problem is represented in the weak availability of the requirements of the curriculum axis in universities and colleges (the study sample) due to the weak documentation and successful implementation of them and interest in them is still below the level of ambition, In order to arrive at scientific facts, the researchers adopted the comparativ

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Rimak International Journal Of Humanities And Social Sciences
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The importance of the research from a practical point of view lies in the fact that it presents a set of statistics and data that give a clear picture of how the Iraqi newspapers (the subject of the study) deal with the visit of "Pope Francis" to Iraq ، and what are the most prominent indicators and manifestations of that visit in promoting societal peace among the Iraqi public. From a scientific point of view، the research provides another scientific addition to the media library، especially with regard to journalistic treatments and methods of framing the Arab international press for the subject of the visit، which could be a starting point for other researchers to complete qualitative research in this field. The research prob

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Impact of using the Internet and Social Media on Sleep in a group of Secondary School Students from Baghdad
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Background: Insufficient sleep due to excessive media use is linked to decrease physical activity, poor nutrition, obesity, and decreased overall health-related quality of life.

Objectives: To assess the effect of using the internet and social media on the sleep of 4th-stage secondary school students.

Subjects and Methods: Cross-sectional study with the analytic element; for 500 secondary school students, obtained by choosing two schools randomly from each of the six educational directorates, by using a structured questionnaire.

Result: Secondary scho

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
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This research aims to show the sight at the importance of the private banking sector in Iraq and its role in financing of the investment projects , of the ability of Central Bank's decision to increase the minimum limit of capital for private banks to provide support to the economic activity and the development in Iraq. In addition to illustrate the importance of the capital increase, with a, and taking into notice the most important determinants that can stand in front of these banks in the beginning of the decision implementation, which in turn can lead to the most important proceedings that can contribute in the support of banks to implementation the decision.  Also, the research has highlighted the most important ways through wh

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of New Polymer from Bisacodyl A
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A new series polymers was synthesized from reaction starting material Bisacodyl A or [(2-Pyridinylmethylene) di-4, 1-phenylene di acetate] with hydrogen bromide, then the products were polymerized by addition polymerization from used adipoyl and glutaroyl chloride. The structure of these compounds was characterized by FT-IR, melting points, TLC, X-Ray, DSC and 1H-NMR for starting material. These compounds were also screened for their antibacterial activists?

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