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Practical Steps For Literal Translation: گــام¬های عـملی یک ترجــمهء حرفه¬ای
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The present paper, practical methods of professional translation, discusses the most important methods to achieve an accurate effective translation from the source language text  to the equivalent target language text.

The present study suggests that practical translation like any literary activity is of six main stages that follow sequential order to achieve an accurate translation: (choosing the foreign text to be translated, the author of the text permission, the text translation, considering the title contextual meaning, reviewing the text translation, and finally finding a good publisher).


پژوهش حاضر که با عنوان گام­های عملی یک ترجمهء حرفه­­­­­­­­ای يك تلاش فروتنانه به دنبال بررسی وتحلیل گام­های عملی ترجمه حرفه­ای است، كه هر مترجم برای ارائه یک ترجمه خوب و درست از زبان مبدأ به زبان مقصد باید ان را دنبال کند.

        پژوهش از شش مطلب تشکیل یافته است, كه مجموع آن گام­های عملی یک ترجمهء حرفه­ای به شمار می روند .از میان مهمترین نتایجی که پژوهشگر به آن رسیده: ترجمه هم مانند هر فعالیت ادبی باید طبق مرحله­هایی یا با گام­های مرتب ویکی پس از دیگری انجام شود وگرنه کار کم اهمیت خواهد بود, و گام­های عملی ترجمه حرفه­ای عبارتنداز: انتخاب کتاب،گرفتن اجازه از صاحب اثر،شروع به ترجمهء متن اثر،ترجمهء عنوان کتاب ، ویرایش وانتخاب ناشر.



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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Simulation of Obstacle Avoidance for Auto Guided Land Vehicle
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This research is concerned with designing and simulating an auto control system for a car provided with obstacle avoidance sensors. This car is able to pass through predefined path an around the detected obstacles, and then come back to the intended path. The IR sensor detects the existence of the obstacle through an assumed range of detection, while the visual sensor (camera) feeds back an image including the path that contains  an obstacle, which can be useful for determining the obstacle's length, speed, and direction. According to such information, the controller creates transient away point along the longitudinal axis of the obstacle which is the same as the transverse axis of the simulator path at an assumed distance from the

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Borrowing in a diwan Moon Tree for Nazik Angels
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The moon tree, the lover of the night, cholera, the sea changes its colors are poetic products left by the pioneer of free poetry, as many have called her. She used to write poetry and publish it in magazines and newspapers until she published it with collections that came into existence from an early age. Several factors helped her in that that contributed to the formation of her personality and the maturity of her talent, including factors Family, including environmental, and psychological, until she later became the focus of attention of many, so she became taught in the universities of London, and students stood by her method of writing free poetry, this poetic color that Badr Shaker Al-Sayyab participated in pioneering. Whoever exam

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2010
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Electrical stimulation for the treatment of Knee joint osteoarthritis
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Abstract 20 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint were treated by electrical stimulation in the form of 6 sessions every other day each sessions of diphase fixe (DF) for 4 minutes followed by rest for 4 minutes then treated with a monophase fixe (MF) for 2 minutes. By clinical & statistical analysis ( P value < 0.05) we conclude that the electrical stimulation is effective as one method in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Block-Iterative Frequency-Domain Equalizations for SC-IDMA Systems
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In wireless broadband communications using single-carrier interleave division multiple access (SC-IDMA) systems, efficient multiuser detection (MUD) classes that make use of joint hybrid decision feedback equalization (HDFE)/ frequency decision-feedback equalization (FDFE) and interference cancellation (IC) techniques, are proposed in conjunction with channel coding to deal with several users accessing the multipath fading channels. In FDFE-IDMA, the feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) filtering operations of FDFE, which use to remove intersymbol interference (ISI), are implemented by Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs), while in HDFE-IDMA the only FF filter is implemented by FFTs. Further, the parameters involved in the FDFE/

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Polymer electrolytes based PAN for dye-sensitized solar cells
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Solar cells has been assembly with electrolytes including I−/I−3 redox duality employ polyacrylonitrile (PAN), ethylene carbonate (EC), propylene carbonate (PC), with double iodide salts of tetrabutylammonium iodide (TBAI) and Lithium iodide (LiI) and iodine (I2) were thoughtful for enhancing the efficiency of the solar cells. The rendering of the solar cells has been examining by alteration the weight ratio of the salts in the electrolyte. The solar cell with electrolyte comprises (60% wt. TBAI/40% wt. LiI (+I2)) display elevated efficiency of 5.189% under 1000 W/m2 light intensity. While the solar cell with electrolyte comprises (60% wt. LiI/40% wt. TBAI (+I2)) display a lower efficiency of 3.189%. The conductivity raises with the

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Publication Date
Sat May 16 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Planning Schemes for Human Settlements in the Desert Areas
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Despite the vast areas occupied by deserts in the world, it is still far from the civilized development and development of the other regions, so they became semi-neglected areas that extend to the hand of urbanization only in specific places and for special purposes, due to the harsh natural conditions surrounding it and to the accuracy The ecological balance in it became the greatest enemy of human beings in the desert areas is the same person who paved the way for increased intervention in the exploitation of natural resources and increase the demand for them to drain seriously affect the impact and still on the environmental and climatic conditions and thus living for the inhabitants of these Areas. The main potential for deve

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Proposed Audit Program for Automated Clearing House System (ACH)
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إن استخدام النظم الالكترونية في القطاع المصرفي وبالخصوص نظام مقاصة الصكوك الالكترونية (ACH) في عمليات التحويل الالكتروني للاموال بين المصارف تتضمن تحويلات مالية عالية القيمة  بين  المصارف المشاركة بهذا النظام, وان اي خلل قد يحدث بالنظام يؤدي الى حالات تلاعب في مقاصة الصكوك الالكترونية في المصارف المشاركة وبالتالي حدوث عملية اختلاس, ومن هذا المنطلق تبرز مشكلة البحث في اهمية توافر برنامج تدقيق مقترح ياخ

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Preparation and Characterization of LiCoMnO4 for Lithium-Ion Battery
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    The LiCoMnO4 spinel compound was prepared by a sol–gel method. Structural measurements were utilized to investigate the characteristics of LCMO powder. The powder crystallizes in the space group Rd-3m, with a trigonal crystallinity structure, according to XRD analysis (hexagonal axes). SEM images showed that the crystalline grains sizes were about 200 nm - 350 nm, which provides large surface area. The sample had soft magnetic characteristics, according to hysteresis behaviour analysis in the Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM). The prepared material is thought to be a candidate for the applications of energy storage in lithium-ion batteries.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Variable Structure Control Design for a Magnetic Levitation System
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In this paper the variable structure control theory is utilized to derive a discontinuous controller to the magnetic levitation system. The magnetic levitation system model is considered uncertain, which subjected to the uncertainty in system parameters, also it is open-loop unstable and strongly nonlinear. The proposed variable structure control to magnetic levitation system is proved, and the area of attraction is determined. Additionally, the chattering, which induced due to the discontinuity in control law, is attenuated by using a non-smooth approximate. With this approximation the resulted controller is a continuous variable structure controller with a determined steady state error according to the selected control

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
2015 9th Malaysian Software Engineering Conference (mysec)
Factors for communication technologies selection within virtual software teams
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