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Gender and Supportive Moves of Criticism: Evidence from Iraqi-Arabic and Malay Speech Communities
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This study aims to reveal the similarities and differences between Iraqi and Malay university learners and their genders in producing the supportive moves of criticism. To this end, 30 Iraqi and 30 Malay university learners have participated in this study. A Discourse Completion Test (DCT) and a Focus Group Interview (FGI) are conducted to elicit responses from the participants. Nguyen’s (2005) classification of criticism supportive moves is adapted to code the data. The data are analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Overall, the findings unveil that both groups use similar categories of supportive moves, but Iraqis produce more of these devices than Malays in their criticisms. Although both females and males of both groups use identical devices, they differ in their preference for producing particular types. Iraqi and Malay females prefer to produce more supportive moves than Iraqi and Malay males in their criticisms.  Finally, the study provides some pedagogical implications for teachers of English as a second and foreign language.


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Publication Date
Sun Aug 22 2021
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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This research was conducted in order to monitor and measure the dimensions of media policy in satellite channels directed from the point of view of the communicator, and this research is classified among the descriptive studies, as the researcher used the survey method to answer the questions that were formulated in light of the research problem represented by the main question: What are the dimensions of media policy in Directed satellite channels? .
To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the following tools:
The questionnaire, in order to survey the attitudes of communicators about the extent to which the media policy during crises reflects on their professional standards. The research community is represente

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Deep Faults in Kut-Hai and Surrounding Area Inferred From Gravity and Magnetic Data
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Gravity and magnetic data are used to study the tectonic situation of Al-Kut- Al-
Hai and surrounding areas in central Iraq. The study included application of many
processing and interpretation programs. The window method with different spacing
was used to separate the residual from regional anomalies for gravity and magnetic
data. The Total Horizontal Derivative (THDR) techniques used to identify the fault
trends in the basement and sedimentary cover rocks depending upon gravity and
magnetic data. The identified faults in the study area show (NW-SE), (NE-SW) (NS)
and (E-W) trends. It is believed that these faults extending from the basement to
the upper most layer of the sedimentary cover rocks.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Phosphorus Removal from Water and Waste Water by Chemical Precipitation Using Alum and Calcium Chloride
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Phosphorus is usually the limiting nutrient for eutrophication in inland receiving waters; therefore, phosphorus concentrations must be controlled. In the present study, a series of jar test was conducted to evaluate the optimum pH, dosage and performance parameters for coagulants alum and calcium chloride. Phosphorus removal by alum was found to be highly pH dependent with an optimum pH of 5.7-6. At this pH an alum dosage of 80 mg/l removed 83 % of the total phosphorus. Better removal was achieved when the solution was buffered at pH = 6. Phosphorus removal was not affected by varying the slow mixing period; this is due to the fact that the reaction is relatively fast.
The dosage of calcium chloride and pH of solution play an importa

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الشذوذ الصرفي وضرورتهُ في اللغة العربية
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 مما لاشك فيه أنّ اندفاعنا للقيام بهذه الدراسة المتواضعة له أسبابه ، أهمها إن بعض الأبنية الصرفية مازالت مغمورة في ركام الدراسة قابعة تحت غبار الزمن على أساس أنها خارجة عن القواعد الصرفية الأساسية من غير مسوغ لهذا الخروج ، وهذه محاولة جادة للوقوف على بعضها ، لكي ننفض عنها الغبار لتخرج إلى النور ،

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Arab Women’s Self-Performance on Instagram
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This study investigates self-perception and self-branding on Instagram among young Arab women in the UAE, focusing on how they curate, negotiate and perform their digital identities and whether their digital self-presentation in any way compromises their sense of authenticity. The study is based on 11 interviews with young women in the UAE, between the ages of 20 and 30, in addition to online observation to follow the participants’ activities on Instagram. The study demonstrates that while social and digital media platforms may play a role in “empowering” Arab women, women tend to set their boundaries of authenticity shaped according to their audience’s expectations and their in-groups. This confirms the r

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اللهجات العربية القديمة خصائصها وأسباب نشأتها
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     The dialect is part of a broader environment that includes many dialects that have their own characteristics, but they share a set of linguistic phenomena that work on the communication of the members of this environment with each other, and these dialects are old and died, wheras some of them live next to classical, each dialect has a set of common characteristics, The dialectical division is due to the feeling of the place of the one region, that they speak in a way that differs from the image that the inhabitants of the neighboring region walk in, and the dialects of speech in the Arab countries still retain ancient elements that were common in the dialects of Arabs before Islam, as they adhered to many of the

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 15 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تعليم اللغة العربية بين التراث والمعاصرة
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 يتناول البحث تعليم اللغة العربية وما لها من أثر بين التراث والمعاصرة إذ يعُد مقياس رقي أي مجتمع من المجتمعات مقدار عنايته بلغته القومية ، فهي وسيلته واداته للتفاهم في مواجهة المواقف المختلفة التي تتطلب الكلام ، والاستماع ، والقراءة ، والكتابة ، هي  دلالة تحضره وتقدمه في احواله المختلفة ، وهي الشرط الاساس في بقائه ونمائه ، فبدونها يغيب موضوع الحديث عن مفهوم المجتمع القومي لاي شعب من الشعوب ..

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Der Fragesatz im Deutschen und Arabischen
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             Diese Forschungsarbeit versteht sich als ein Versuch zur syntaktischen und semantischen Beschreibung des BereichesFragesatz im Deutschen und Arabischen. Hinsichtlich der bedeutsamen Rolle des Fragefeldes haben wir den Entschluss gefasst, dieses Thema im Deutschen und Arabischen zu untersuchen. Diese Forschungsarbeit hat darüber hinaus das Ziel, die Satzarten, besonders die Fragesätze im Deutschen und Arabischen genau zu erläutern. Dieser Beitrag unternimmt also den Versuch, den Bereich desFragesatzes mit seinen vielseitigen Aspekten im Deutschen und ihre Entsprechung im Arabischen zu beschreiben, sowie die entsprechenden Formen der Fragesätze zwischen den beiden Sprachen zu bestimmen. E

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 22 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الصيدليات وتحضير الدواء في المنمنمات العربية
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The study of manuscripts that related to medicine and pharmacology is of interest to the study of the history of science., it illustrates aspects of the practice of doctors and pharmacists, the status of patients, and the types of drugs

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
«Официальные обращения в русском и арабском языках»
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Международные контакты обусловили интерес к изучению основной формы общения – диалога. Форма диалога в каждом из контактирующих в процессе общения языков должна быть рассмотрена в разных аспектах – не только лингвистическом, но и социолингвистическом и этическом. Это объясняется тем, что в речевой коммуникации необходима как адекватность выражения мысли, так и соблюдение тради

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