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Analysis Of Elements Of The Iranian Story In The Story Of Rustom And Suhrab - A Stylistic Study: بررسی عناصر قصه ایرانی در داستان رستم و سهراب، با رویکرد سبک‌گرایی
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Iranian stories have been one of the most important aspects   of Iranian society's culture and have reflected us as a mirror of all its cultural, societal and political dimensions.Among the important elements of the story can be the creation of space and the movement and the creation of characters and conflict and content and the angle of vision and landscape, language and subject. Studying the elements of the story leads to more understanding and determining the strength and skill of the author by studying the elements of his story. The story of Rustom and Suhrab is also one of the many stories in which the elements of the story are often noticed and show the skill of the great professor Al-Fardousi to benefit from these elements.Some of the objectives that the author sought in this article can be summarized in the following axes:

     The first axis: Presentation of an intellectual form of the book "Shah Nama" for Paradise as a model for all aspects of Iranian culture,The second axis: Presenting a new research model for researchersAnd the third axis: the knowledge of Iranian culture more accurately through the text of the Shah .The method and direction of this research is based on analytical descriptive method.Fardousi has combined the two styles of enthusiasm and singing with each other and with great skill and has done his work with great creativity and art in his unmatched formulation of vocabulary and compositions. The absence of the influence of the Arabic language on the poems of the "Shah" and its exploitation of elements such as the use of proverbs, representations and testimony from the counterpart, his commitment to the music and the melody of modernity, as well as the commitment to brevity and shortening of speech and exaggeration. "The Shah" has made all the language of this literary mission distinct and distinct. Although the book "Shah Nama" has been studied and research from different dimensions and angles, but there are still new areas of research did not address anyone.

     قصه های ایرانی یکی از مهمترین جلوه های فرهنگ جامعه ایران بوده و همواره همچون آیینه ای تمام­نما، ابعاد فرهنگی، جامعه شناختی و سیاسی آن را برای ما منعکس کرده است. از عناصر مهم داستان می­توان به فضاسازی، پیرنگ، شخصیت­پردازی، کشمکش و گره­افکنی، درون­مایه، زاویه دید، صحنه، زبان و موضوع اشاره کرد. بررسی عناصر داستان باعث فهم بیشتر آن می‌شود و قدرت و مهارت خالق اثر، از راه بررسی عناصر داستان او مشخص می‌گردد.  داستان رستم و سهراب نیز از جمله داستان‌هایی است که عناصر داستانی در آن موج می‌زند و مهارت استاد بزرگ، فردوسی را در بهره‌گیری از این عناصر به نمایش می‌گذارد. برخی از اهدافی که در این جستار مورد نظر نویسنده بوده را می توان در محورهای زیر خلاصه نمود: محور نخست ارائه یک مدل فکری یا اندیشگانی از شاهنامه فردوسی به عنوان آیینه تمام نمای فرهنگ پارسی، دوم ارائه یک الگوی پژوهشی جدید و تازه برای دانش پژوهان و سوم شناخت هر چه دقیق تر فرهنگ ایرانی از طریق متن شاهنامه. شیوه و رویکرد این پژوهش بر مبنای روش وصفی تحلیلی می باشد.

فردوسی دو سبک ادبی حماسه و غنا را استادانه با هم درآمیخته ودر واژه‌سازی‌ها و ترکیب‌های بی‌نظیرش بسیار خلاقانه و هنرمندانه عمل کرده است. عدم تاثیر زبان عربی بر اشعار شاهنامه، بهره­گیری از عناصری چون ارسال­المثل و تمثیل، استفاده از مناظره، رعایت موسیقی و آهنگ کلام، ایجاز و اختصار در سخن و اغراق، و نیز بیان نکات اخلاقی و تربیتی، در جام داستان‌های شاهنامه، زبان این اثر شاهکار را متمایز و ممتاز گردانیده است. با آن که شاهنامه از ابعاد و زوایای مختلفی مورد بررسی و کنکاش قرار گرفته است، لیکن هنوز زمینه های تحقیقی تازه و بکری در آن موجود می باشد.


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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Qur'anic rhetorical nuances in Persian literature: تاثيردقایق و لطایف بلاغی قرآن كريم در ادب فارسی
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Abstract: Persian literature, after the spread of Islam in Pars, received a lot of influence from the subtle and rhetorical details of the Holy Quran. This effect is more in poetry than in prose because the weights of Persian poetry are closer to the melody of the Qur'an and its weights.The effectiveness of most of the prose works is only in the Quranic themes and words. Persian poetry that has benefited from various sciences of rhetoric, including semantics, eloquence and rhetoric. The degree and manner of influence of each of the didactic, lyrical, epic and travelogue literary types is different from the rhetorical points of the Quran. The instructions under educational literature have benefited the least from Quranic rhetoric. The max

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Manifestation, implicitness, and the interaction of Quranic discourse systems - a stylistic study
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Stylistics represents a modern approach in understanding the literary text through the linguistic patterns that form it. The distinctive phenomena that the text includes constitute special features in it. As well as exploring its aesthetic aspects through description and analysis at the same time. The close link between stylistics and linguistics made stylistics occupy a prominent place in modern literary criticism.
In this regard, we do not want to dwell on the different directions of stylistics. Rather, we will prolong the discussion in the study of the style as a (deviation. Aversion) from the original. Because this trend plays on the chord of the paradox between the surface structure and the deep structure, especially when the sur

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Classism Hate Speech in Katherine Mansfield's Short Story ‘The Doll’s House’: A Pragmatic Study: ايمان نوري جاسم , مصلح شويش احمد
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Hate speech (henceforth HS) has recently spread and become an important issue. This type of speech in children's writings has a particular formulation and specific objectives that the authors intend to convey. Thus, the study aims at examining qualitatively and quantitatively the classism HS and its pragmatic functions via identifying the speech acts used to express  classism HS, the implicature instigated as well as impoliteness. Since pragmatics is the study of language in context, which is greatly related to the situations and speaker’s intention, this study depends on pragmatic theoriespeech acts, impoliteness and conversational implicature) to analyze the data which are taken from Katherine Mansfield's short story (The D

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
تجزيه وتحليل اسامى اعلام در گـلستان سعدى
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Sheikh Saadi al shirazi is consider as one of the most great Iranian poet through history. This poet has managed to leave his profound stamp on the
شيخ سعدى يكى از بزرگترين شاع ا رن تاريخ اي ا رن مسحوب ميشود ٬ اسم او مشرف الدين مصلح بن
عبد الله و شهرت او به شيخ سعدى است او يكى ازستاره هاى قدر اول ادب اي ا رنست كه نظم و نثر و بديع او
زبان فارسى ا ر باعلى درجت فصاحت رسانيد
ولادت شيخ در شي ا رز از اواخر قرن ششم هجرى ووفات وى اواخر قرن هفتم ذكر شده است .
وى مؤلفات كثيرى داش
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Iranian –Sudanes Relations (1985-1989) Historical Study
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The Iranian-Sudanese relations during the era of the transitional government (1985-1986), and the era of the third democratic government, has seen a marked improvement, particularly since the transitional government, which was formed in Sudan following a popular uprising that toppled former President Jaafar Nimeiri followed based on balancing policy in international relations, which is the same policy adopted by the government of Sadiq al-Mahdi that, especially that Mr. Sadiq al-Mahdi had enjoyed close ties with the government in Tehran before he took office, and on the basis of the policy of diplomatic representation between the two countries returned since the time of the transitional government after relations were severed due to the

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Using Information and Communication Technology to Improving the Quality of Blended Learning Elements’, a Survey Study at the Technical College of Management /Baghdad
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 The research has been based on two main variables (information and communication technology) and the quality of blended education (physical and electronic), aiming to reveal the relationship between four dimensions (physical devices, software, databases, communication networks) and the elements of education represented by (the teacher, the student, the teaching process, curriculum).  The methodology and post-analysis-based research were conducted at the Technical College of Management / Baghdad through polling the opinions of a random sample that included (80) teachers out of (86) and the number of students (276) representing a random sample from all departments of the college (for the morning study) out of (3500) stud

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
جمالزاده نويسندهء داستان كوتاه
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رمان نويسي در اي ا رن رونق ورواج زياد نيافت ونويسندكان اي ا رني مدتى
توانست در اين رشتهء ادبى اثار بر ارزش بوجود اورند , البته در قرن اخير وبعلت
انتشار كار واعمال ماشين وتعدد مسايل زندكى ب ا رى خواندن داستا نهاى د ا رز
ورمانهاى بر حادثه فرصتى نكذاشته است.
نويسندكان در داستانهاى كوتاه بيشتر به واقع ك ا ريى اجتماع وتاريكى ومفاسد ان توجه
نمودند , ونيز اين داستانها از ناحيه ء اخلاقى وروانى دا ا رى اهميت بسيار

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 08 2023
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الدراسات اللغوية والترجمية/translation Studies In Bait Al-hikma
Translating adjectives into Arabic in Chekhov’s story -ward No.6
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Chekhov is well known and perceived in Arab countries. His stories and plays are very popular. They translated it into Arabic by different translators from different languages of the world Many of his stories require new translation solutions to achieve partial, if not complete, equivalence. Chekhov's works are a very difficult subject to analyze and interpret, which is explained by the fact that Chekhov's collections are constantly republished in foreign languages. It is impossible to preserve in translation all the elements of the original text containing historical and national details but, of course, the reader should have the impression that they represent the historical and national situation. When translating, it makes sense to prese

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
A stylistic vision of the objection in the Quranic discourse
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The modern stylistic lesson has become more committed to the scientific limits in which it believed, and more confident in itself, and it is no longer just a scientific procedure that helps other curricula and sciences that preceded it.

Based on this, our modest research ((a stylistic vision of the objection in the Quranic discourse)) arose to explore an artistic rhetorical phenomenon that was included in the Holy Quran text. ; Because analysis is a situation that allows us to see a lot and absorb the stranger more clearly.

And since the horizontal arrangement of the linguistic elements in which stylistically undistinguished elements meet with distinct ones, the other trend has emerged that believes that the stylistic dis

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
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Employing the elements of film construction in embodying the style cinematically: عامر الحديثي
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The researcher concluded that it consists of several types of structures, where the intellectual structure related to the choice of the idea, its treatment, its effect, the choice of the topic, the way ideas are addressed and presented in the film, and then the dramatic structure of the film's characters, the formulation of its events, its dramatic composition, its temporal arrangement, the identification of the parties to the conflict and their management, then these are formulated. Visions and ideas through the visual and audio signal systems, which work to highlight the stylistic features in the character of the film director.

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