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Some of the Grammatical Rules of Writing: Zu einigen grammatischen Erscheinungen im Schreiben
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    Language contains various kinds of grammatical rules that are used to express thoughts and feelings. The present paper studies some of the German language grammatical rules as being the most important basics needed to master and develop the art of writing for the German language learners. Writing is one of the productive language learning skills that transform thoughts into a written form. Hence, constant exercising on the use of the language to master the grammatical rules enables German language learners to develop their creative writing skills.

     The present study discusses the importance of grammatical exercises in developing the language learning abilities. The study provides a general view of the writing skills in “Delfin” , the book  that discusses, in all its units, the grammatical rules of German Language. Besides stressing on the learners writing skills, the book, also, focuses on the use of grammar, dictation, comprehension, and communication. The present study sheds light on the importance of the grammar exercises as an educational method of developing the language learners’ writing skills.

       In der sprachlichen Kommunikation werden verschiedene grammatikalische Phänomene verwendet, um Gedanken und Gefühle auszudrücken. Diese Forschung fügt sich in den Rahmen der deutschen Sprachwissenschaft ein und beschäftigt sich mit den Phänomenen der Grammatik als Grundphänomen der Schreibausbildung und der Entwicklung dieser Fähigkeit für Anfänger in Deutsch als Fremdsprache

       Die Schreibfertigkeit ist eine sprachliche Produktivfertigkeit, die es dem Autor ermöglicht, seine Ideen und Informationen in einen geschriebenen Text zu übersetzen und mit anderen zu kommunizieren. Durch Training und Übung können Sprachlerner diese Fähigkeit meistern. Der Schüler kann das kreative Schreiben nicht beherrschen, ohne die Grammatik zu lernen und sie gut zu üben.

       Die Bedeutung dieser Studie besteht darin, die Realität der Anwendung von Grammatikübungen zu untersuchen und die Wirksamkeit dieser Methode beim Erwerb und der Entwicklung von Sprachkenntnissen zu bewerten.

       Ziel der Recherche ist es, einen Überblick über die Schreibfertigkeit als Kommunikationsmittel in "Delfin" zu geben. Dieses Buch enthält in allen Kapiteln die Grammatik als Grundlage für alle Sprachkenntnisse. Diese Studie konzentriert sich auf die Wirksamkeit von Grammatikübungen bei der Entwicklung der Schreibfertigkeit als Werkzeug und Mittel des Wissenstransfers. Das Entwickeln von Schreibfertigkeit beinhaltet das Üben von Grammatik, Diktat, Verstehen und Konversation. Sie werden zusätzlich zum Grundfach Schreiben unterrichtet.


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 17 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
النص بين فعلي الكتابة و القراءة
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         If the text has a writer, then he also has a reader who is multiple in his readings, interpretations and understanding of the text, in addition to that he is still in contradiction to researchers in what is the ideal reader o

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Data Mining, Modelling And Management
Association rules mining using cuckoo search algorithm
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Association rules mining (ARM) is a fundamental and widely used data mining technique to achieve useful information about data. The traditional ARM algorithms are degrading computation efficiency by mining too many association rules which are not appropriate for a given user. Recent research in (ARM) is investigating the use of metaheuristic algorithms which are looking for only a subset of high-quality rules. In this paper, a modified discrete cuckoo search algorithm for association rules mining DCS-ARM is proposed for this purpose. The effectiveness of our algorithm is tested against a set of well-known transactional databases. Results indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing metaheuristic methods.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The passive As a grammatical phenomenon in four selected textbooks: Das Passiv Als grammatisches Phӓnomen in vier ausgewӓhlten Lehrwerken
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The research work is "The passive voice as a grammatical phenomenon in four selected textbooks". The research deals with the grammatical phenomenon passive in German. The research consists of two parts, the theoretical and the empirical part. The present research work is divided into 3 sections:

The first section includes the definition of passive, passive types, process passive, state passive, passive with modal verbs, and other types of passive. The second section provides illustrations of the four selected textbooks. The third chapter presents the passive voice in textbooks, namely German language teaching for foreigners by Dora Schulz and Heinz Griesbach, Delfin von Aufderstrasse H. and others, Em von Balme, M. and others and

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Publication Date
Mon May 29 2023
Journal Name
Russian Law Journal
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The duration of the contract is a legal term first provided for in French Amendment Decree No. 131/2016, and given the increasing importance of time in contracts, we have chosen to study the legal rules governing time at the formative stage by drawing on changes in French law compared to both Iraqi and Egyptian laws. Article 1102 of French Amendment Decree No. 131/2016 stipulates that: "Everyone is free to contract or not to contract, to choose the person with whom he contracts, and to determine the content and form of the contract within the limits established by law." Contractual freedom does not permit a breach of the rules relating to public order), as well as article 1104, which provides for (contracts must be nego

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The views of Ibn Kisan in the tools and grammatical vocabulary in the Book of the ErtshafAlthrab of Ibn Hayyan Andalusia
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The scholars differed very much in determining the grammatical doctrine of Ibn Qaysan. It was said that he confused between the two sects and took the two groups(1) and that he took from Abu Abbas the fox and Abu al-Abbas almabrd(2).He was descended from the two sheikhs almbrad and fox(3), This research to find out his grammatical opinions in the tools and grammatical words that appeared in the Book of Resonance of Multiplication to the many reported by Ibn Hayyan in it, he has seen the books of Ibn Kisan did not reach us.
The collection of these opinions and analysis is important for the scholars. Because the books of Ibn Kaysan specialized in grammar have lost their most important, the books that are similar to the book of Ibn al-Ha

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Some urban structures of the city of Baghdad in the book almntadham Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597 e)
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 We conclude that this study has dealt with an important aspect of the book that was not clearly defined in the book as it was derived through the book's translations, namely, the extraction of those urban structures of the city of Baghdad, which were of great importance in the religious, cultural, economic and social life at that time, The important link that reflected the development of the Islamic city in general and Baghdad in particular, as he addressed such urban facilities through the translations of the book that did not offer the outline or information about those facilities, but only the name only, and here lies the difficulty in addressing Such as T. As subjects because they need the most accurate analysis of facilities t

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The effect of learning program in developing some social concepts for nursery kids about ( 4 – 5 ): The effect of learning program in developing some social concepts for nursery kids about ( 4 – 5 )
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Nursery is one of educational institution in the process of developing the
social concepts that it includes a quirking the knowledge and experiences that
help the kid to adjust with environment through arrangement words ,
movements and concrete things which are transferred to the kids so as to
realize these concepts .
Social concepts are numbers of words and statements with social nature
which the kids learn through the family or nursery in order to effect their
educational style of independent and helping the others .
The re searcher adopted this theory because of the little studies in the
filed of social concepts in the nursery.
The aims of the study are as following :
1- building tools for

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam al - Karji replies to some Islamic groups In his book the jokes of the Koran
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Imam al - Karji replies to some Islamic groups
In his book the jokes of the Koran

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigation of the Quadrupole Moment and Form Factors of Some Ca Isotopes: Quadrupole Moment
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Nuclear shell model is adopted to calculate the electric quadrupole moments for some Calcium isotopes 20Ca (N = 21, 23, 25, and 27) in the fp shell. The wave function is generated using a two body effective interaction fpd6 and fp space model. The one body density matrix elements (OBDM) are calculated for these isotopes using the NuShellX@MSU code. The effect of the core-polarizations was taken through the theory microscopic by taking the set of the effective charges. The results for the quadrupole moments by using Bohr-Mottelson (B-M) effective charges are the best. The behavior of the form factors of some Calcium isotopes was studied by using Bohr-Mottelson (B-M) effective charges.

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Apr 14 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The Effect of Using Ginger (Zingiber officinale) to Prevente Salmonella typhi. in Some Food Products.: The Effect of Using Ginger (Zingiber officinale) to Prevente Salmonella typhi. in Some Food Products.
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This study was conducted in order to statement the effect of ginger (Zingiber officinale) extracts in reducing the presence of the bacterium Salmonella typhimurium in some foods products.
Qualitative disclosures effective chemical compounds (alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, tannins, terpenes) showed that the extracts of ginger an effective compounds as follows: oil extract and fresh juice> aqueous extract warm> aqueous extract cold. And studied the impact extract of fresh ginger juice, hot water ,cold water and oil rates extracts (1,2,3)% in bacteria test has shown that all s of extracts clear impact inhibition has oily extract of ginger recorded the highest value to inhibition zone reaching 35 mm when the concentration of 3%, f

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