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Some of the Grammatical Rules of Writing: Zu einigen grammatischen Erscheinungen im Schreiben
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    Language contains various kinds of grammatical rules that are used to express thoughts and feelings. The present paper studies some of the German language grammatical rules as being the most important basics needed to master and develop the art of writing for the German language learners. Writing is one of the productive language learning skills that transform thoughts into a written form. Hence, constant exercising on the use of the language to master the grammatical rules enables German language learners to develop their creative writing skills.

     The present study discusses the importance of grammatical exercises in developing the language learning abilities. The study provides a general view of the writing skills in “Delfin” , the book  that discusses, in all its units, the grammatical rules of German Language. Besides stressing on the learners writing skills, the book, also, focuses on the use of grammar, dictation, comprehension, and communication. The present study sheds light on the importance of the grammar exercises as an educational method of developing the language learners’ writing skills.

       In der sprachlichen Kommunikation werden verschiedene grammatikalische Phänomene verwendet, um Gedanken und Gefühle auszudrücken. Diese Forschung fügt sich in den Rahmen der deutschen Sprachwissenschaft ein und beschäftigt sich mit den Phänomenen der Grammatik als Grundphänomen der Schreibausbildung und der Entwicklung dieser Fähigkeit für Anfänger in Deutsch als Fremdsprache

       Die Schreibfertigkeit ist eine sprachliche Produktivfertigkeit, die es dem Autor ermöglicht, seine Ideen und Informationen in einen geschriebenen Text zu übersetzen und mit anderen zu kommunizieren. Durch Training und Übung können Sprachlerner diese Fähigkeit meistern. Der Schüler kann das kreative Schreiben nicht beherrschen, ohne die Grammatik zu lernen und sie gut zu üben.

       Die Bedeutung dieser Studie besteht darin, die Realität der Anwendung von Grammatikübungen zu untersuchen und die Wirksamkeit dieser Methode beim Erwerb und der Entwicklung von Sprachkenntnissen zu bewerten.

       Ziel der Recherche ist es, einen Überblick über die Schreibfertigkeit als Kommunikationsmittel in "Delfin" zu geben. Dieses Buch enthält in allen Kapiteln die Grammatik als Grundlage für alle Sprachkenntnisse. Diese Studie konzentriert sich auf die Wirksamkeit von Grammatikübungen bei der Entwicklung der Schreibfertigkeit als Werkzeug und Mittel des Wissenstransfers. Das Entwickeln von Schreibfertigkeit beinhaltet das Üben von Grammatik, Diktat, Verstehen und Konversation. Sie werden zusätzlich zum Grundfach Schreiben unterrichtet.


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Publication Date
Thu Aug 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Nano M. and nano IM. sets in nano topological spaces
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studied, and its important properties and relationship with both closed and open Nano sets were investigated. The new Nano sets were linked to the concept of Nano ideal, the development of nano ideal mildly closed set and it has been studied its properties. In addition to the applied aspect of the research, a sample was taken from patients infected with viral hepatitis, and by examining the infected people and using closed and open (nano mildly. and nano ideal mildly) sets, the important symptoms that constitute the core of this dangerous examining the infected people and using closed and open (nano mildly. and nano ideal mildly) sets, the important symptoms that constitute the core of this dangerous disease.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of Robust Principal Components Depends on the some methods of Projection-Pursuit
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The analysis of the classic principal components are sensitive to the outliers where they are calculated from the characteristic values and characteristic vectors of correlation matrix or variance Non-Robust, which yields an incorrect results in the case of these data contains the outliers values. In order to treat this problem, we resort to use the robust methods where there are many robust methods Will be touched to some of them.

   The robust measurement estimators include the measurement of direct robust estimators for characteristic values by using characteristic vectors without relying on robust estimators for the   variance and covariance matrices. Also the analysis of the princ

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 11 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
(639هـ) The speech act in the grammatical discourse, a study in the book "Guiding Al-Luma'" by Ibn Al-Khabbaz (639 AH)
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The study of the " Speech act " in grammatical codes reveals great efforts in the study of the elements of linguistic communication contained in their efforts, and is part of the study of the linguistics of heritage, and the research has been designed to identify the verbal act in the blog of Ibn al-Khabaz (guiding the shine) by studying its sections comprehensively; To the spirit of grammatical discourse as well as the combination of the concept of the semantic act already verbal according to Searle, and its response in the form of indirect verbal acts more than direct acts, as well as the pure formulas of the opinions of the violators in the speech of Ibn al-Khabaz other than the proven verbal formulas Approval and approval, the class

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Revision of some Biomarkers with Cytokines in Breast Cancer
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Breast cancer is the most repeatedly detected cancer category and the second reason cause of cancer-linked deaths among women worldwide. Tumor bio-indictor is a term utilized to describe possible indicators for carcinoma diagnosis, development and progression. The goal of this study is to evaluate part of some cytokines and biomarkers for both serum and saliva samples in breast cancer then estimate their potential value in the early diagnosis of breast cancer by doing more researches in saliva, and utilizing saliva instead of blood (serum and plasma) in sample collection from patients. Serum and salivary samples were taken from 72 patients with breast cancer and 45 healthy controls, in order to investigate the following

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 14 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Determination of Some Biochemical Parameters in Ascaridia galli in chickens Which abundant in the local markets: Determination of Some Biochemical Parameters in Ascaridia galli in chickens Which abundant in the local markets
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The current study included measuring the percent of protein in the extract of nematode Ascaridia galli that infect chickens, it was 1.157% and equivalent to 11.570 mg /L., as well as the amino acid analysis in the nematode A.galli by using a high-performance liquid chromatography technique (HPLC), as was detect five types for amino acids in this extract Leucine, Threonin, Serine, Methionine and Valine as the amount of these amino acids in the extract was as follows 132.973, 26.994, 10.453, 2.243 and 1.888 mg /L., respectively, and other amino acids which Glutamic, Histidine and Tyrosin did not exist in the nematode A.galli.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of Some Trace Elements Pollution in Sediments of the Tigris River in Wasit Governorate, Iraq
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The main objectives of present study are to evaluate the trace elements pollution in the sediment of the Tigris River and drainage canals in Wasit Governorate, Iraq. Assessment of trace elements pollutants were conducted for 18 sediment samples collected in March 2017. Trace elements were analyzed in sediment Tigris River samples in Wasit Governorate. This metal pollution was evaluated using geo-accumulation (I-geo) index, Contamination Factor (CF) and Pollution Load Index (PLI). According to  these statistical indices, the sediments collected from Tigris River in the study area are highly polluted with Titanium (71.9 ppm), Nickel (226.6 ppm) Chromium (425.2 ppm), Cadmium (2ppm) and Molybdenum (15.8 ppm) while  the sediments&nb

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Study of Nutritional Adequacy Provided by some Imported Infant Milk Formula Available in the Local Market: Study of Nutritional Adequacy Provided by some Imported Infant Milk Formula Available in the Local Market
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This investigation was carried out to study the nutritional adequacy for
infant milk formula, which imported by Iraqi Ministry of Trade, and are
available in local markets .Most of these formulas contained nearly the same
composition of nutrients which are ,Matines ,Sunny Boy , Salsabeel AL- Badie
,Moroug, ,Charton ,Materna Lery Celia ,Lacstar Lailac,Nactalia. yet they are
unbalanced for providing the daily nutritional requirements for infants whom
depend on bottle feeding for six times daily in their first six month of age. As
there were an increase in daily intake for protein content and most vitamins
that included D, E, C, B1, B2, Niacin, B6, B12, and Biotin as well as most
minerals namely Calci

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 04 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Some types of the fungus Aspergillus were isolated from some hospitals in the city of Baghdad (Imam Ali Hospital and Sadr General Hospital). The samples were taken by Transport media at a rate of three replicates of each place isolated from samples from different places within the hospital (waste, baths, the sick beds, corridors and room floors) for the purpose of isolating and diagnosing the fungus on the Czapeck Dox Agar media. It was noticed that the spread rate of fungus Aspergillus was 70% compared to other species that have emerged during the isolation process of the Sabouraud's Dextrose Agar media. The species A.niger (56.25%) was considered the most common type of fungus visible during the isolation process of the Imam Ali Hospit

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Trace Elements (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni) level were examined in hair of donors from industrial areas, cities and village, and in permanent contact with a polluted workplace environment in lattakia. Hair sample were analyzed for their contents of the trace elements by inductivity coupled plasma- mass spectrometer (ICP- MS). It was found that the contents of (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni) in the hair were significantly higher in the industrial areas and cities, while in the village had the lower concentration of elements. Correlation coefficients between the levels of the elements in hair found in this study showed that hair is a good indicator of Environmental Pollution.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The tax examination by using some statistical methods: An applied research in the General Commission of taxes
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this research aims at a number of objectives including Developing the tax examination process and raise its efficiency without relying on comprehensive examination method using some statistical methods in the tax examination and Discussing the most important concepts related to the statistical methods used in the tax examination and showing its importance and how they are applied. the research represents an applied study in the General Commission of taxes. In order to achieve its objectives the research has used in the theoretical side the descriptive approach (analytical), and in the practical side Some statistical methods applied to the sample of the final accounts for the contracting company (limited) and the pharmaceutical industry (

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