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Prepositions in the System of Analytical Unites of Modern Russian Language: Functional - Semantic Aspects: Отыменные предлоги В системе аналитических единиц русского языка: функционально-семантический аспект
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The present study deals with prepositions in the patterns of analytical unite of modern Russian language out of the functional -semantic aspects, which enhances the lexical semantics.  The study, also, sheds light on the prepositions of semantic derivation that adds value to the meaning of the unites, promotes the appearance of new forms that match the more important diverse complex analytical unit.

В статье рассмотрены отыменные предлоги в системе литических единиц русского языка с позиций функционального и семантического аспектов. Репрезентирована специфика функционирования оных на фоне особенностей их значения и контекста. Акцентировано внимание на разнообразной семантике производных отыменных предлогов, позволяющей передать наиболее тонкие оттенки смысла, повышая ценность упомянутых единиц и содействуя появлению новых трансформантов. Утверждается, что при этом аналитические формы качественно усложняются, становясь более значимыми и более разнообразными.


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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A comparison between Bayesian Method and Full Maximum Likelihood to estimate Poisson regression model hierarchy and its application to the maternal deaths in Baghdad
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 This research aims to compare Bayesian Method and Full Maximum Likelihood to estimate hierarchical Poisson regression model.

The comparison was done by  simulation  using different sample sizes (n = 30, 60, 120) and different Frequencies (r = 1000, 5000) for the experiments as was the adoption of the  Mean Square Error to compare the preference estimation methods and then choose the best way to appreciate model and concluded that hierarchical Poisson regression model that has been appreciated Full Maximum Likelihood Full Maximum Likelihood  with sample size  (n = 30) is the best to represent the maternal mortality data after it has been reliance value param

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Effect of TNF-Alpha Gene Polymorphisms At -376 G/A, -806 C/T, and -1031 T/C on The Likelihood of Becoming a Non-Responder to Etanercept in A Sample of Iraqi Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
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Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) antagonists’ therapy are expensive and has a non-responsive rate between 30% to 40% in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Genetic variation plays a vital role in the responsiveness to this type of therapy.The aim of this study is to investigate if the presence of genetic polymorphism in the TNF-α gene promoter region at locations -376 G/A (rs1800750), -806 C/T (rs4248158), and -1031 T/C (rs1799964) affects rheumatoid arthritis patient's tendency to be a non-responder to etanercept.

Eighty RA patients on etanercept (ETN) for at least six months were recruited from the Rheumatology Unit at Baghdad Teaching Hospital. Based on The European League Against Rheumatism response (EULAR) criteria, patient

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Molecular Cloning of large DNA Fragments of The Sal t Tolerant wild Tetra ploid bermudagrass Cynodon Dactylon L. Using A Bacteriophage Cloning Vector 2. Ligation a nd in vitro packaging of The Recombinant Phage DNA Molecules
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This  paper represent  the second  step  i n  a molecular clon i ng program ai ming to clone large DNA  fi·agmen ts of the sal t tolerant  bermudagrass (Cyrwdon  dactylon  L.)  DNA  usi ng  the  bacteriophage  (EM13L3) as    a vector.

In th is  work, a yield of about  I 00  g bacteriophage  DNA  per one  liter culture.was obtained  with.a  purity ranging between (1.7-1.8). The vector JJNA  completely   double   digested   with  the  restriction   enzymes llamHI   and  EcoRI,  followed  by  pu

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 07 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Three hundred Iraqi people participated in demographic and attitudes study about red and white meat consumption. The mean age of the participants was 50 SD ± 11 years (mean 30-72); 51% were females and 49% males, mostly in forties who lived ≥ 5 years in Baghdad. The results showed that 80% of individuals prefer red meat. A 90% of people prefer fresh meat compared to frozen and processed meat. A 60% of people buy meat from popular markets. Nearly 87% of respondents believe the improving of livestock sector is essential and 80% of people confirmed there are obstacles to development this sector. An 80% of participates thought the reasons of the high prices of local fresh meat is the lack of plann

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
The industrial design aesthetic and its relationship with the recipient: باسم قاسم الغبان، صلاح نوري الجيلاوي
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The research problem lies in determining the beauty ranges between the receiver and the industrial product, The goal of the research, it is the definition of aesthetics in industrial design and its relation to the receiver, and the researcher outcome several conclusions of the, the most important was: 1. The role of accumulated experience, and their interaction with the vision of the artwork in achieving aesthetic perception and levels of artistic and aesthetic values and by the level of growth this taste of the recipient. 2. There are interactive and close relationship be the primary means for the integration of functional and aesthetic meaning the designer meant to get it to the receiver.


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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection the organizational Ambidexterity on organizational excellence An exploratory study at the Iraqi Cotton Industries Company
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Organizations of various activities strive to excel and continue in light of the challenges they face, so they seek to have leaders and workers in them for the ingenuity that is reflected in their excellence in work and achievement that is achieved through the adoption of the best modern technological technologies to reach Organizations to the best levels and thus achieve their goals easily and successfully.  The research aims are to know the correlation and impact between organizational proficiency and the dimensions of Organizations excellence (leadership excellence, and distinguish subordinates and excellence in organizational structure) at the Cotton Industries Company through the adoption of a unit of measurement which

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Operations management strategies and its impact on customer delight / exploratory study in factory (Al kanz)
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Purpose – measure the relationship between operation management strategies as an independent variable on the customer's delight as an approved variable.

Design/methodology/approach – The research sample vocabulary included sales representatives and customers of the researched markets at a rate of (100%). The recovery rate is (95) Customers and (95) delegates for the products for the factory in neighbourhood (Banooks and Karrada ) regions were randomly chosen from an open community in these two residential areas. Statistical methods were used (arithmetic media, standard deviations, t-test,  correlation coefficient (Horst), simple regression analysis).

Findings – The people in charge of the factory management nee

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Design bases for waste recycling rules in cities/ Baghdad, a case study"
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Waste is one of the most important problems affecting the city’s environment and its urban landscape, which results from the activities and activities of man and the natural environment. Its sources have varied between residential, commercial, industrial, medical and hazardous, and its spread in cities, on roads and on abandoned open lands, has led to significant negative effects and risks to human health and the environment.

  Therefore, there were serious attempts to deal with waste and follow sequential steps that formed a waste management system such as (collection, sorting, transport, then treatment and disposal). Preventing and reducing waste, then recycling and recovering by composting or burning, and ending with bu

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Phonological Metathesis in Iraqi Arabic Dialect: A Synchronic Perspective
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Phonological metathesis can be defined as an alternation in the normal sequence of two sounds under certain conditions. The present paper is intended to give a detailed synchronic description of phonological metathesis in Iraqi Arabic dialect. For data collection, the researchers have adopted two naturalistic techniques, viz., observation and notes taking. A synchronic analysis is carried out to provide some evidence that describe the sequential change of phonological metathesis in the dialect under investigation. Such sequential changes of metathesized sounds are presented and tabulated. The study concludes with the following finding that this process is not limited to cases where two consonant sounds are transposed, but three consonant

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Educational Policies in Singapore and their Reflections on Development
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Singapore has invested its human resources for the development of the country since earlier times, so it has directed attention to the education sector. Education and development complement each other, as investment in education has contributed over several years to the development of Singapore economy and has made it one of the strongest economies in Asia and the world. Despite the obstacles that faced educational policies in Singapore, the presence of a wise leadership capable of overcoming difficulties and solving them, and providing the appropriate atmosphere for the development of education has contributed significantly to making it one of the most advanced educational systems in the world, and making this system the main pillar for

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