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Prepositions in the System of Analytical Unites of Modern Russian Language: Functional - Semantic Aspects: Отыменные предлоги В системе аналитических единиц русского языка: функционально-семантический аспект
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The present study deals with prepositions in the patterns of analytical unite of modern Russian language out of the functional -semantic aspects, which enhances the lexical semantics.  The study, also, sheds light on the prepositions of semantic derivation that adds value to the meaning of the unites, promotes the appearance of new forms that match the more important diverse complex analytical unit.

В статье рассмотрены отыменные предлоги в системе литических единиц русского языка с позиций функционального и семантического аспектов. Репрезентирована специфика функционирования оных на фоне особенностей их значения и контекста. Акцентировано внимание на разнообразной семантике производных отыменных предлогов, позволяющей передать наиболее тонкие оттенки смысла, повышая ценность упомянутых единиц и содействуя появлению новых трансформантов. Утверждается, что при этом аналитические формы качественно усложняются, становясь более значимыми и более разнообразными.


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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Preliminary study of the insulin growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP3) level in Iraqi women with breast cancer
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Here, a high sensitive method for biomarker identification according to nanostructure, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), called Nano-ELISA, was presented. Different shapes of gold nanostructures (star and sphere; GNSs and GNPs) with a particle size of 40 nm for sphere particles were altered with a monoclonal antibody (Ab) as a detector Ab. To amplify the optical signal, gold nanostructures were employed as carriers of the signaling specific antibody against insulin growth factor binding protein- 3 (IGFBP-3). The substrate was catalytically oxidized by the Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) conjugated gold nanostructure, and HRP also enhanced the optical signals, reflecting the amount of the targeting IGFBP-3. In comparison to t

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
The Nucleus
Studies on the role of retinol binding protien-4 in type 2 diabetic Iraqi patients with metabolic syndrome
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Several adipokines are produced and secreted from adipose tissue, such as retinol binding protein-4, which triggers metabolic syndromes and insulin resistance. Retinol binding protein-4 transfers vitamin A or retinol in the blood. Higher levels of retinol binding protein-4 are interrelated with progress of metabolic disease, comprising obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The present study investigates the role of retinol-binding protein-4 levels in type 2 diabetic Iraqi patients with metabolic syndrome. Sixty type 2 diabetic patients aged 40–53 years were examined. Of these 30 patients has metabolic syndrome and 30 without metabolic syndrome. The patients sampled were from the National Diabetes Center/ Mustansiriyah

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Experimental In vitro Study to Assess the Antibacte-rial Activity of Thymus vulgaris Oil on Streptococ-cus Sanguinis
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Background: The Streptococcus genus are the predominant bacteria in the mouth and the Streptococcus sanguinis is one of them which performing a primary function for expansion of dental biofilm. Gingival and periodontal disorders are caused by dental biofilm, today, there is a necessity to discover naturally presenting antibacterial compounds from herbs with less side effects as a substitutive to the commonly handled chlorohexidine. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess the antibacterial activity of thymus vulgaris oil on Streptococcus sanguinis bacteria In vitro. Materials and Methods: Human supragingival plaque samples were taken from 10 subjects, then morphological and microscopical examination, bioch

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 21 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry
Largazole Analogues Embodying Radical Changes in the Depsipeptide Ring: Development of a More Selective and Highly Potent Analogue
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The DC electrical Conductivity of prepared pure polypyrrole and polypyrrole /graphene (PPY/GN) nanocomposite by in-situ polymerization
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 In this work, pure Polypyrrole (PPy) and Polypyrrole (PPy)/Graphene (GN) was synthesized by in-situ polymerization in different weight percentages (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 3 and 5 wt.% (g)) of GN nano particles using chemical oxidation method at room temperature. The FTIR, SEM and electrical properties were studies for the nano composites. The result show that when concentration of GN Nano particle increase, the electrical conductivity increased and the graphene sheets were merging to form a continuous area of the GN through the polypyrrole base material. The FTIR spectra shows that the characteristics absorption peaks of polypyrrole that is, 1546.80, 1463.87 and 3400.27 cm-1(stretching vibration in the pyrrol

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Taxonomical and Comparative morphological study for two wild species of the genus Chaenorhinum (D.C.) Reichb. (Scrophulariaceae) in Iraq.
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Comparative morphological study has been treated for two species of the genus Chaenorhinum (D.C.) Richb., These species were: 1. Chaenorhinum calycinum 2. Chaenorhinum rubrifolium (Robill. & cast. Ex Lam. & DC.) Fourr. The genus belong to the family Scorphulariaceae. Morphological characters has been studies for: root, stem, leaves, flowers (calyx, corolla, androcium including filaments and anthers, gynocium including ovary, style and stigma), fruits and seeds also has been characterized. Key for there two species presented using some quantitative characters. Other characters like shape of fruits and seeds were used too, and they were of a useful taxonomic value

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Radioanalytical And Nuclear Chemistry
Prostate tumor therapy advances in nuclear medicine: green nanotechnology toward the design of tumor specific radioactive gold nanoparticles
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We report herein an innovative approach to prostate tumor therapy using tumor specific radioactive gold nanoparticles (198Au) functionalized with Mangiferin (MGF). Production and full characterization of MGF-198AuNPs are described. In vivo therapeutic efficacy of MGF-198AuNPs, through intratumoral delivery, in SCID mice bearing prostate tumor xenografts are described. Singular doses of the nano-radiopharmaceutical (MGF-198AuNPs) resulted in over 85% reduction of tumor volume as compared to untreated control groups. The excellent anti-tumor efficacy of MGF-198AuNPs are attributed to the retention of over 90% of the injected dose within tumors for long periods of time. The retention of MGF-198AuNPs is also rationalized in terms of the higher

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Indian Academy Of Oral Medicine And Radiology
The Degenerative Condylar Change in Temporomandibular Joint Disorder of Iraqi Population and their Variability Based on Clinical Diagnosis
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Background: As a multifactorial disorder, temporomandibular joint (TMD) is difficult to diagnose, and multiple factors affect the joint and cause the temporomandibular disorder. Standardization of clinical diagnosis of TMD should be used to reach a definite clinical diagnosis; the condylar bone may degenerate in accordance with these disorders. Aims: Evaluate the correlation between the clinical diagnosis and degenerative condylar change (flattening, sclerosis, erosion, and osteophyte). Materials and Methods: A prospective study with a study group of 97 TMD patients (total of 194 joints) aged 20 to 50. Patients were sent to cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to assess the degenerative condylar change. Results: No association was found bet

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Anthropology and Representations of Magic in Arab Theatrical Text Harut and Marut's Play as a Model: وصال خلفة كاظم البكري
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The research (Anthropology and Representations of magic in Arab Theatrical Text, Harut and Marut's play as a Model) is concerned with studying magic and the forms of its presence in the theatrical text in different human cultures where it belongs. The research consists of four chapters.
The first chapter includes the research problem that revolves around the following questions: (what is the mechanism of employing magic anthropology and its representations in the Arab theatrical text Harut and Marut's play as a model?), and the research importance which is attributed to the necessity of studying (magic) in the Arab theatrical text as it is considered the inauguration of one of the social phenomena that many researchers in the field o

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Images of Woman, She-Camel and Horse and Their Manifestations in Tarafah-ibnulAbd's Poetry between Symbolic Reference and Poetic Function
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This paper tries to understand the poetic reference in the images of woman, she-camel, horse and their manifestations in Tarafah-ibnulAbd's poetry. There has got my attention the fact that these three images have their own distinct taste which is characterised by a clear rhythm, let alone the  lively nature that is filled with liveliness and activity to be in harmony with the poet's youth. For these three images represented the best manifestations of his psychological and artistic poetics. The paper adopts an artistic analysis to arrive at the psychological aspects of these experiences-the woman, the she-camel, and the horse- and to understand the functions of their images and symbolic reference.

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