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The use of Arabic-Islamic Theme in The Stories of Western writers: El empleo del material árabe-islámico en las historias de los escritores occidentales
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This article presents and  explores the theoretical aspect in the use of Arab Islamic theme by the western writers to obtain and achieve individual motives. In this study the model for the theory of Arab presence in Andalusia  , through the book entitled “ Alhamra” by the English writer Washington Erving ,was  analyzed.

The most important results in this research: the success of  the author in the employment of the Islamic history in the formation of the first American legend, Columbus legend, through the selection of the right thoughts to establish his American National theory.  The author compared between the Andalusia experience and the Arab occupation to Spain and the American conquest of the new continent. This comparison is based on the  Fight and Building theory. The Arab occupation of Spain came as a result of the weakness and deterioration of Europe . During the occupation time, Arabs built a civilization which was remarkable for its scientific and cultural excellence. Erving exploits this experience to justify the appearance of the United States on the expense of the aboriginal people.  

The writer  holds comparison between the Moriscos, the Muslims of Spain who were a mixture of Arabs, Berbers, and Spanish people, and the new nation which was born in America . Then he points out the past of the  disunited Arabs at the late period of their Andalusian state  to warn the American of his time from disunity and sectarianism , and the absence of the heroic leadership. In both cases he exploits the Islamic Arab history not to serve the contemporary Arabs but to form  the American self-image.


Este artículo trata de presentar o revelar el aspecto teórico del uso del material árabe- islámico por parte de escritores occidentales con el objetivo de lograr motivos individuales, motivos que merecen ser seguidos y estudiados y que luego analizamos; como ejemplo, la teoría de la presencia árabe- islámica en el Al-Ándalus de Washington Irving en su libro Alhambra.

Los resultados más importantes de la investigación son: El éxito de Washington Irving en el uso de la historia islámica para formular el primer mito estadounidense, el mito de Colón al elegir las ideas correctas para realizar su teoría nacional estadounidense, el escritor comparó entre la experiencia de Al-Ándalus y la ocupación de los árabes a España y la ocupación de los primeros americanos al nuevo continente y esta comparación que apoya a la teoría de la lucha y la construcción, la ocupación de los árabes llegó a España en un momento de debilidad y decadencia en Europa y durante el período de ocupación o conquista árabe, los árabes construyeron la civilización árabe caracterizada por la superioridad cultural y científica y era la mediadora en Europa a la edad del Renacimiento. Esta experiencia es una forma de justificar la construcción de los Estados Unidos en  la tierra de población indígena, por lo tanto el escritor comparó entre los moriscos (musulmanes de España), que son mezclas de árabes, bereberes, españoles y la nueva población que nació en Estados Unidos. Luego, hace escritor una referencia al pasado de la decadencia y la división de los árabes en los últimos días del Estado musulmán en Al-Ándalus, advirtiendo a los estadounidenses de su era de la división, la fragmentación, el sectarismo y la ausencia de un liderazgo heroico. En ambos casos, la historia islámica árabe se emplea no para servir a los árabes contemporáneos, sino para formar la imagen del yo estadounidense.


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Extent of Organizational Dynamic Capabilities' Contribution to Human Talent Management: An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Administrative Leaders in the Presidency of the University of Mosul.
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The recognition of the dynamic organizational capabilities in their actual and influential extent in the work environment achieves a set of positive data that can fall under the addition axes, particularly with regard to the organization's ability to manage human talents in them, so the researchers sought to identify the level of contribution of dynamic organizational capabilities in the management of human talents in terms of Keep them away in the research organization by indicating the level of relationship and impact between them. The presidency of Mosul University was chosen as a field for the current study, and data were collected by adopting the questionnaire form as the main tool for the study. The study used a deliberate

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Relationship between the Strategies of E-marketing mix and Marketing Effectiveness of the Palestinian Small Business Industrial Organizations in the City of Hebron
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In the city of Hebron, small business industrial organizations face a major challenge related to its ability to reach, attract and sustain a sufficient number of customers in order to ensure its continuity and sustainability. The research problem is summarized in an attempt to reveal how the e-marketing could improve and support the marketing effectiveness of small business industrial organizations in the city of Hebron/Palestine. The importance of this research stems from the fact that it addresses a new knowledge branch of the field of marketing, which is electronic marketing for small business organizations, and the fact that the research highlights appropriate marketing solutions for these organizations in light of the Intern

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Impact of the Internationalization of the Libyan Crisis on the Future of the Political Settlement
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The internationalization of the Libyan crisis and its accompanying militarization of the conflict have played a vital role in hindering to reach a comprehensive political settlement solution in Libya. The increasing international greediness in the Libyan energy resources and the geopolitical importance of the Libyan State led to the involvement of many international and regional powers in this crisis and transformed the Libyan crisis into “proxy war”.  Moreover, the Turkish direct military intervention in the Libyan crisis is considered as one of the main constraints facing the international and regional efforts to settle the Libyan crisis as a result of the Turkish insistence on its military existence in Libya to preserve i

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of organizational symmetry in improving the quality of work life an applied research at the University of Information and Communications Technology
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"The aim of the research is to identify the availability of the dimensions of the research variables represented by organizational symmetry and the quality of work-life at the University of Information and Communications Technology, which is one of the formations of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Baghdad, in addition to knowing the relationship and influence between them. The research relied on the descriptive analytical approach based on peer description. The research was analyzed and the research sample consisted of (148) individuals, the sample was chosen using the comprehensive inventory method, data was obtained by relying on the questionnaire which was prepared from ready-made m

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
(The role of the Security Council in Managing international crises (The Libyan crisis as a model
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The Security Council has an active role in addressing international crises and dealing with their causes. The Libyan crisis is one of the most important real tests of the Security Council and its role in maintaining international peace and security, as the Council has proven so far an ineffective role in resolving the crisis and dealing withtheir causes, which has prolonged its duration and increased its complexities and dangerous repercussions, perhaps the most prominent of which is the threat of the recently achieved cease-fire and the formation of a new transitional government led by Abdel Hamid al-Dabaiba, the growing significant obstacles facing the political process, foremost of which is the continued presence of foreign forces , m

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
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The culturalization of gender action in the Iraqi theatrical address the play " Revelations as an example"
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The culturalization of gender action occupies a wide range in culture, thoughts and modern studies as well as in fine arts and the ways of expressing them.

       Theater, as one of these arts, plays roles in establishing the fundamental concepts that aims at stating the uncontrollable deed of the social community. It remains one of the most effective and suitable means to confine the uncivilized practices to overcome a certain crisis after gender and cyborg in societies.

        The research concentrates on studying the culturalization of gender action in the Iraqi theatrical address because of the effect it has on the modernizing thought in arts and theater literature. It consists of chapter one which deals w

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
The Conceptual Representations of the Jewish Personality in the International Cinema (Munich film as a model)
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This study deals with the intellectual representations whose intellectual systems are incarnated in the Jewish personality, which is considered one of the complex intellectual systems that has caused controversy throughout the ages because of the ambiguity due to the religious and psychological factors that were reflected directly and strongly on the intellectual structure of the Jewish community in general and the Jewish - Zionist personality in particular, in an attempt (to create new dimensions embodied by intellectual representations of a human nature embodied by what that - peaceful - religiously oppressed - psychologically and socially isolated character presents, because of the curse of the peoples of the world that was a cause fo

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Counselor Brent Scowcroft and his Role in Achieving the Requirements of the American National Security
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       Despite the multiplicity of institutions contributing to the decision-making process in the United States of America, they interact to crystallize positions regarding international and strategic situations. The formulation of the national security policy depends on a number of institutions that complement each other in order to achieve an advanced security situation. Thus, the decision reflects the process of interaction of the existing regulatory institutions. This is because the essence of the national security and achieving its requirements also stems from the existence of a coherent system of shared beliefs and principles in the American society. Besides, these elements are the bases for achieving

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Impact beyond the knowledge when students of the Faculty of education in teaching methods
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Research aims to know the impact beyond the defined in the collection. The research community is the second school students at Baghdad University and a research sample (63) students, the number of experimental group (27) students and a control group (30) students.  The researcher was rewarded in variable lifetime for students and educational attainment and educational level of the parents and the educational level of mothers. The researcher has developed a test took the number of paragraphs (20).  A test was true after it has been submitted to the Group of arbitrators. The test was consistent with test method used and the reliability coefficient (0, 88). Either the statistical methods used by the researcher are: Pearson correla

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigation of the Electron Coefficients of (Ar, He, N2, O2) Gases in the Ionosphere
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In this study, the electron coefficients; Mean energy , Mobility and Drift velocity  of different gases  Ar, He, N2 and O2  in the  ionosphere have been calculated using BOLSIG+ program to check the solution results of Boltzmann equation results, and effect of reduced electric field (E/N) on electronic coefficients. The electric field has been specified in the limited range 1-100 Td. The gases were in the ionosphere layer at an altitude frame 50-2000 km. Furthermore, the mean energy and drift velocity steadily increased with increases in the electric field, while mobility was reduced. It turns out that there is a significant and obvious decrease in mobility as a result of inelastic collisions and in addition lit

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