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ההשגה על טקסטי התנ"ך ביצירות סופרים עבריים פרופ. עוזר ד"ר. עדנאן שביב ג'אסם
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העיון הזה מדבר על דבר ההשגה על הטקסטים המקראיים בידי כמה מסופרים ופילוסופים יהודים אשר הושפעו מהרעיונותיהם של הפילוסופים האירופיים מחד גיסא, ואת הרעיונות של ההשכלה מאידך גיסא. היהודים היו חיים בבידוד, ותחת השליטה של הרבנות (רבנים) שהייתה שליטה מוחלטת. כבר העבודה של הרבנות מאז ימי קדם להעלות רעיונות במוחם של היהודים בתור העם הנבחר, והם מעולים ועדיפים על בני אדם. הם כל כך מסתמכים על פסוקים מהתורה, ולפרש בהתאם למה שמשרת הרעיונות והגישות שלהם.  זו היתה ההנהגה היהודית, לעומת זאת, הרבנות במשך מאות שנים הצליחה לגבש במוחם של היהודים רעיונות אלה שאין להם שום קשר עם המציאות, ועוד לא הגיוניים ולא רציניים. הרעיון של כפיפות של העםים כלפי היהודים לעבוד למען ההנאתם נחשבים מהרעיונות שהיהודים מאמינים ברצינותם למשל בפסוק המקרא האומר: (עשיו, גבר שיודע ודייג ושדה, יעקב יושב אוהלים) (בראשית 24.27)

לאחר הופעת רעיונות ההשכלה והתפשטותם בין הקהילה היהודית ופעתה של הספרות העברית המודרנית, שהכיל את עקרונות ההשכלה החלו סופרים ונלחמו למתוח ביקורת על המסורת העברית וההתעמות עם תנועות דתיות ואנשי דת יהודים, שרבים מהם ניסו לעשות שינויים בחיים ולהעלות את הסיסמה של ההתבוללות. למרות קדושת טקסטים דתיים עם היהודים אך הסופרים המשכילים ביקרו אותם בגלל חוסר רצינות וחוסר ההתאמה עם המציאות שמראה דבר אחר, וזה בגלל מצב היהודים העלוב והנסיבות שאפפו אותם באותה תקופה לכן סופרים רבים המרמרו מטקסטים מקראיים במיוחד אלה מרגיעים ויועדים כי היהודים יהיו בחיים נוחים ויפים. לכן, חלק מן הסופרים סירבו את רעיונות אלה, שנחשבו לסיבה שהיהודים אינם מסוגלים לבצע את המטרות שלהם, על כן השיגו בחריפות וביקרו אותם בעוקצנות, כדי לעורר את העם היהודי לעבוד ברצינות ולהשתען על סמכות הששכל ולדחות שלטון החכמים. גם  לשחרר את היהודים מהרעיונות הקדומות הבורים.


      This study deals with biblical texts resistance by expressed some Jewish writers and philosophers who were influenced by the ideas of European philosophers, and the ideas of the Enlightenment. Jews were living in isolation, and under the control of the Rabbinate (rabbis) had total control.

      Religious Scholars have been working since a long time to instill ideas in the minds of Jews as being the chosen people, and that they are distinguished and superior to humans. So they relied on verses from Torah, and interpreted tham according to what serves their ideas and approaches. It was the Jewish leadership, however, the Religious scholars for centuries managed to consolidate in the Jews mind these ideas that have no connection with reality, being logical and unserious. The idea of subordination of nations to them and work for their own pleasure that considered earnestness ideas that believe in the Bible's verse that says, for example: (Esau, a man who knows hunting and field, Jacob dwelt in tents) (Genesis 24.27 (

After the advent of the Enlightenment and the spread between the Jewish community and the bleating of Modern Hebrew literature, which contained the principles of the Enlightenment, writers fought to criticize the Jewish tradition and to confront religious movements and religious Jews. Many of them tried to make changes in life and raise the slogan of assimilation. Despite sanctity of religious texts by Jews, the educated writers criticized and refused them due to the lack of seriousness and reality, and that's because of the situation of Jews poverty and similar surrounding circumstances. Therefore, some of the writers refused the ideas that considered the reason that made them unable to achieve their aims, and objected strongly and criticized them sarcastically, to provoke the Jewish people to work seriously and rely on the authority of reason and reject the religious authority, and free people from the old-fashioned ideas.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
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مجلة الدراسات المستدامة
عاهة العقل في المفهوم العلمي الحديث واثرها على المسؤولية الجزائية
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Taxonomy of Memory Usage in Swarm Intelligence-Based Metaheuristics
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Metaheuristics under the swarm intelligence (SI) class have proven to be efficient and have become popular methods for solving different optimization problems. Based on the usage of memory, metaheuristics can be classified into algorithms with memory and without memory (memory-less). The absence of memory in some metaheuristics will lead to the loss of the information gained in previous iterations. The metaheuristics tend to divert from promising areas of solutions search spaces which will lead to non-optimal solutions. This paper aims to review memory usage and its effect on the performance of the main SI-based metaheuristics. Investigation has been performed on SI metaheuristics, memory usage and memory-less metaheuristics, memory char

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
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Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
استخدام سلاسل ماركوف في التعرف على تعقبات الحامض النووي DNA
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استخدام سلاسل ماركوف في التعرف على تعقبات الحامض النووي DNA

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 15 2023
Journal Name
Arid International Journal Of Media Studies And Communication Sciences
صناعة المحتوى في المواقع الالكترونية وانعكاسه على مستوى ثقة الجمهور
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تشهد الساحة الاعلامية في وقتنا الحاضر تطورات سريعة وبشكل متزايد سواء في طريقة صناعة الرسالة الاعلامية او اسلوب تقديمها وعرضها ،وفي ظل تعدد وتنوع وسائل الاعلام الجديد والزخم الاعلامي الذي يتعرض له المستخدم فيجد نفسه وسط كم هائل من الاخبار متعددة المصادر والاشكال ، فكيف له ان يميز بين المعلومة الصادقة والزائفة ؟ ومادرجة ثقته بتلك المعلومات والمواقع الالكترونية ؟ ويهدف البحث الى الكشف عن مدى توفر عناصر صناعة

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
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The Theory of knowledge And Their Repercussions On the Journalistic Image In Electronic Designs Websites
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represent websites link support of human communicate and cohesion of cultures different depending on their languages and their environments around, it was the evolution of one of the most important means of communication of services for electronic networks, the Internet active role in containing the world Bbodqh science and knowledge to Taatlaqah cultures from which derives its intellectual and cognitive cupboards continuity and as a link language for each those environmental Altdadat, linguistic, religious, political, economic . We all know that these electronic means difficult promise ring intellectual and mental connectivity for the masses polarized without being of the image as an element Kravekaa supporter of the electronic media an

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 11 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Numerical Research on Flow-Induced Vibration in Valves
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All central air conditioning systems contain piping system with various components, sizes, material, and layouts. If such systems in operating mode, the flow in piping system and its component such as valves can produce severe vibration due to some flow phenomenon’s. In this research, experimental measurements and numerical simulation are used to study the flow-induced vibration in valves. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) concepts are included with one-way and two-way fluid-structure interaction concepts by using finite element software Package (ANSYS 14.57). Detection analysis is performed on flow characteristics under operation conditions and relations with structural vibration. Most of

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
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The Composition of design according to norm renovation in the interior design space
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The interior spaces represent a true reflection of the concepts and values ​​of humanity and requirements; were interested in current research ongoing changes that have occurred in those human values ​​and requirements over time, even pat each time warp its values ​​and its own requirements. Those changes, which receive Bdilalha the spaces linked by a renewal which guarantees the interior design of the spaces of sustainability and bio-coordinated. Launched search from an initial perception that those associated with the changes of the spaces through time that have not been subject to examination and supervision, they will constitute a continuing threat of losing the ties with the past under the pretext of modernization and mo

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 04 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Investigation of CNC Milling Machining Parameters on Surface Roughness
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Milling Machining is a widely accepted nontraditional machining technique used to produce parts with complex shapes and configurations. The material is removed in two stages roughing and finishing, the flat end cutter removed the unwanted part of material, then finished by end mill cutter. In milling technique, the role of machining factors such as cutting depth, spindle speed and feed has been studied using Taguchi technique to find its effectiveness on surface roughness.  Practical procedure is done by Taguchi Standard matrix. CNC milling is the most conventional process which is used for removing of material from workpiece to perform the needed shapes. The results and relations indicate that the rate of feed is v

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Lean accounting and its rolls for calculated costs on value stream
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At the last two decades , The environment has witnessed tremendous changes in many fields with the huge competition , various technological development and customer satisfaction , that are reflected in economic units a doption for lean production system .                 

      Lean Accounting that has appeared as aresponse for changes occurred of economic units adoption for lean accounting system instead of wide production system : through it management of economic units has been changed from management by top departments into management by value flows : has provide new method for accounting costs according to value flow

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Impact of Fear and Rational Appeal Scam Techniques on Individual Susceptibility
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Scams remain among top cybercrime incidents happening around the world. Individuals with high susceptibility to persuasion are considered as risk-takers and prone to be scam victims. Unfortunately, limited number of research is done to investigate the relationship between appeal techniques and individuals' personality thus hindering a proper and effective campaigns that could help to raise awareness against scam. In this study, the impact of fear and rational appeal were examined as well as to identify suitable approach for individuals with high susceptibility to persuasion. To evaluate the approach, pretest and posttest surveys with 3 separate controlled laboratory experiments were conducted. This study found that rational appeal treatm

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