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Spacio-Temporal Relations in the Translated Text in Both Russian and Arabic: Временные и пространственные отношения с текстом перевода на русском и арабском языках
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 The present paper(Spacio-Temporal Relations in the Translated Text in Both Russian and Arabic) focuses on the spacio-temporal effect in the translated text; it is possible to compose the translation text simultaneously with the  process of the composing the original text. This is carried out during the simultaneous consecutive translation. And, the time and place of composing the translation might greatly differ from the time and place of composing the original textt. The translator may tackle a text of an ancient time and written in a language which might have changed, and may thus appear as another language where the author might have talked on behalf of a people who had lived or are living in apparently different geographical and climatic conditions from those of the receptor of the translation who belongs to a people having completely different style of life, history, traditions and culture. These should never affect the process of translation.


Наше  исследование  фокусируется на временном и пространственном эффекте переведенного текста. Процесс  создания текста перевода может выполняться одновременно с процессом создания оригинального  текста. Это  делается во время синхронного перевода. Время создания и местоположения перевода может сильно отличаться от времени оригинала и  его местоположения. Переводчик может иметь дело с текстом древней исторической эпохи и языком, который изменился в течение этого периода в той мере, в какой его статус, кажется, представляет собой другой язык. Автор оригинального текста может  быть имеет язык  людей, которые жили или живут в других географических и климатических условиях, сильно отличающихся от географических условий получателей перевода, которые имеют совершенно иную структуру жизни, истории, традиции и культуры. Не могут ли такие различия повлиять на процесс перевода ?     



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Publication Date
Wed Sep 08 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the Central Bank of Iraq in housing finance and reducing the housing crisis in Iraq
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Finance is an essential element when developing any housing policy because of its role in providing funds to institutions concerned with housing lending. Therefore, the research aims to evaluate the financial aid provided by the Central Bank of Iraq in solving the housing crisis through the adoption of the Central Bank of Iraq initiatives to support the financing of the housing sector, and here The importance of the research is highlighted to determine the role of the initiative by drawing an effective strategy aimed at providing the housing sector with the necessary funding. By providing financing to financial institutions directed towards providing real estate credit, and that the percentage of the contribution of the implement

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of tax exemption in attracting foreign investment and the possibility of activation in the Iraqi economy
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The tax exemption, whether wholly or partially, and for an unlimited duration of the investment or for a limited period of few years, is one of the encouraging things to the flow of foreign capital. And if necessary, impose tax on the profits of the invested capital, the promotion requires that not be discriminatory taxes or payments in the amount of money with the need to avoid double taxation. The tax exemption is granted by the government and the feature according to the law of a natural person or legal entity seeking from the government purports to achieve a set of political goals, economic and  social development. The reduction of taxes or grants partial exemption is one of the factors that encourage attract of direct foreign i

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
The Technicality and Spontaneity Paradoxes in the Art of the Playwright -Examples of Improvisation in Modern European Theater
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The research deals with the problems of improvisation in two basic subjects and applied a samples  and conclusion. The first topic focuses on the concept of improvisation and spontaneity and clarifies the confusion between them. The second topic deals with the foundations and principles on which the actor is based in his artistic preparation for the purpose of developing his improvisational abilities.

The research focuses on clarifying the dimensions of improvisational techniques and its multiplicity in the modern theater. It analyzes the method of improvisation and its use in the construction and composition of the theatrical performance. It deals with two important experiments, such as the experience of the Russian directo

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 26 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Cost and Quality of Documentary Credit in achieving the Competitive Advantage in Banks: An Applied Research in North Bank for Finance and Investment and The United Bank for Investment
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Documentary Credit passes through many practical phases starting from Opening credit and matching documents and payment of the amount of credit……etc.  It is worthy to mention that there are several aspects that are varied and differed from Bank to another one which can offer Competitive Advantage for the bank …This will be shown in this research.

For the purpose of achieving the objective of this research within the theoretical aspect, the researcher had seen and briefed several books and researches which are mainly related to the subject of the research.

As for the practical aspect, has included Questionnaire which included many questions that are fit and suitable to the hypotheses.

Research sample has

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 22 2020
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In Vivo and In Vitro Evaluation of the Protective Effects of Hesperidin in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammation and Cytotoxicity of Cell
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(1) Background: Plant flavonoids are efficient in preventing and treating various diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the ability of hesperidin, a flavonoid found in citrus fruits, in inhibiting lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced inflammation, which induced lethal toxicity in vivo, and to evaluate its importance as an antitumor agent in breast cancer. The in vivo experiments revealed the protective effects of hesperidin against the negative LPS effects on the liver and spleen of male mice. (2) Methods: In the liver, the antioxidant activity was measured by estimating the concentration of glutathione (GSH) and catalase (CAT), whereas in spleen, the concentration of cytokines including IL-33 and TNF-α was measured. The in vitro expe

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Production And Industrial Engineering
The Use of Quantitative Techniques and Their Role in The Administrative Decision-Making Process in Organizations
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Due to the developments taking place in the field of communications, informatics systems and knowledge management in the current century, and the obligations and burdens imposed on the business organization to keep pace with these developments, the traditional methods of administrative decision-making are no longer feasible, as recent trends have emerged in management that focus on the need to rely on quantitative methods such as operations research.. The latter is one of the results of World War II, which appeared for the first time in Britain to manage war operations. The first method used in this field is the linear programming method. The use of operations research has developed greatly in the past years, and the methods of analysis in

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The problem of elevating the status of values in scienceStudy in economic thought and macro analysis
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ان من اهم القضايا التي تثيرها المعرفة البشرية في تجلياتها، وتعبيراتها المفاهيمية، تكمن في مدى تأصلها وانتمائها الى البنى والتشكيلات الموضوعية (في مستوياتها التاريخية) التي تسعى لتفسيرها وادراكها ومضاهاتها. فالينبوع الذي يغرف منه الفكر مادته هو الكيان الاجتماعي المتموضع خارج الوعي والايدولوجيا.

ان قدرة الوعي على ادراك الواقع الموضوعي بخصائصه العامة يشكل الشرط  الضروري لاكتساب الوعي ل

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Investigate the effectiveness of investment in the electricity sector And its role in achieving sustainable development
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The provision of electric power is necessary for the advancement of the country's economy. It is the main engine of the economy and its various activities. It is an indicator of social welfare and it is considered as the basic pillars for achieving sustainable development (economic, social, environmental and institutional) by raising the levels of performance and meeting local needs. The problem of research was the absence of a program to audit the performance of the electricity sector contributes to ensure the application of sustainable development. The research was based on the hypothesis that the preparation of a proposed program to audit the performance of the electricity sector contributes to the achievement of The researchers sough

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Role of Information Technologies in the Management and Sustainability of Land Use in Future Cities
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The most important contemporary issues which related to the survey of the influence of communication development technology to land use sustainability. The research aims to explain the changes that happened in the quality & land use activities performance by understanding the transformations due to modern technology and its impact on current uses and its impact on changing functional relationships between those uses to create new combinations or hybrid uses.Research will follow the analytical descriptive approach in presenting the problem of research. Research has several conclusions & recommendations, one of conclusions is the change of the place concept and its relation to changing the concept of land use and its sustai

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The effect of technology on achieving contemporary levels in the space of Arab Islamic architecture “Mosques is a case study”
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Arab-Islamic architecture has undergone a change at multiple levels affected by modern technology, so the research sought to address the role of contemporary technologies on a fundamental and fundamental component of architecture, which is the architectural space, what is known as the essence of architecture and its ultimate destination, with a focus on the architectural space in the architecture of the contemporary Arab Islamic mosque, because the mosque’s architecture is so important in Islamic law and the belief of the Muslim person himself, where the mosque is the functional style produced by the Islamic faith and embodied in it, whereas, knowing the levels of influence of contemporary technologies in the architectural spac

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