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Spacio-Temporal Relations in the Translated Text in Both Russian and Arabic: Временные и пространственные отношения с текстом перевода на русском и арабском языках
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 The present paper(Spacio-Temporal Relations in the Translated Text in Both Russian and Arabic) focuses on the spacio-temporal effect in the translated text; it is possible to compose the translation text simultaneously with the  process of the composing the original text. This is carried out during the simultaneous consecutive translation. And, the time and place of composing the translation might greatly differ from the time and place of composing the original textt. The translator may tackle a text of an ancient time and written in a language which might have changed, and may thus appear as another language where the author might have talked on behalf of a people who had lived or are living in apparently different geographical and climatic conditions from those of the receptor of the translation who belongs to a people having completely different style of life, history, traditions and culture. These should never affect the process of translation.


Наше  исследование  фокусируется на временном и пространственном эффекте переведенного текста. Процесс  создания текста перевода может выполняться одновременно с процессом создания оригинального  текста. Это  делается во время синхронного перевода. Время создания и местоположения перевода может сильно отличаться от времени оригинала и  его местоположения. Переводчик может иметь дело с текстом древней исторической эпохи и языком, который изменился в течение этого периода в той мере, в какой его статус, кажется, представляет собой другой язык. Автор оригинального текста может  быть имеет язык  людей, которые жили или живут в других географических и климатических условиях, сильно отличающихся от географических условий получателей перевода, которые имеют совершенно иную структуру жизни, истории, традиции и культуры. Не могут ли такие различия повлиять на процесс перевода ?     



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Publication Date
Thu Feb 06 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Self-immuniztion: integration of Russian strategic performance a study in the geopolitical orientation circles "of the stage of president putin"n
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In the period after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Federal Republic of Russia witnessed a setback in the overall strategic performance of the country, as it went through a stage of performance flop between the orientation towards Europe in the era of President Boris Yelsen (1991-1999), or the change of direction towards Eurasia, as the Russian Federation managed After President Vladimir Putin assumed power in 2000, from rebuilding the same state and preserving national unity and social cohesion, as well as building a phased military doctrine that made clear moves in Russian strategic thought and future directions towards regions of eternal importance in Russian strategic perception Lack of a set of motivations based on it:

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Usage Features of the phraseological units in Russian political Discourse: Особенности использования фразеологизмов в российском политическом дискурсе
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This article examines the usage features of the phraseological units in Russian political discourse and the peculiarities of the phraseological units’ usage by politicians in their speeches.  The main focus is on the expressive and pragmatic functions of using phraseological units in political texts due to their evaluative and expressive nature.  The present article also examines the structural and stylistic changes of the phraseological units in political discourse.  Moreover, the work provides examples from the speeches of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S.V.  Lavrov.  As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that phraseological units make it possible to establish a contact be

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
A study in Tunisian - Iraqi Relations and its role in determining strategies for dealing with conflict and peace situations
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If the State attaches great importance to its foreign relations and intends to strengthen them in order to ensure the achievement of the highest national goals and interests. External relations between countries are one of the most prominent features of foreign policy, which depends on a combination of internal and external factors, the modern relations between Tunisia and Tunisia, which goes back to the pre-independence of Tunisia, when Iraq was a supporter of Tunisia's independence from France in the 1940s, Although these relations did not cause any disturbance by the two countries, but they remained weak relations did not develop in all areas except the sports and cultural field, which we will determine the reasons and the pos

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of College Of Education
Recognition the Arabic Characters Based on the Characteristics of Arabic Language
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The adaptation and the different modifications of borrowed Arabic Plurals in Modern Turkish: Kökende Çoğul Olarak Kullanılan Arapça Kelimelerin Türkçe’ye Geçmesi ve Türkiye Türkçesinde Kullanım Şekilleri
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In the tenth century, Turks began to convert into Islam and adopted for official and literary use the Arabic language to study the teachings of the new religion they believed in. The use of  many of the loanwords have become absolute in the Ottoman period, but even in Modern Turkish a large number of loanwords from Arabic can be often recognized because they are not subject to the strict rules of Turkish. Yet, some of these words lost its original meaning and acquired new different Turkish meaning. Moreover, some of the Arabic nouns of singular form in Turkish, modified the plural Turkish form. The present study entitled “the adaptation and the different modifications of borrowed Arabic Plurals in Modern Turkish” sheds light on

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Wed Oct 02 2024
Journal Name
Verbal forms in French and Iraqi Arabic: a contrastive study
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Yazyk I Kul'tura
Cognitive-communicative approach in the system of teaching Russian language for foreign students (in the condition of no language environment)
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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Impact of Arabic Poetry and Proverbs in Teaching English to Non-Native Speakers
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Knowledge of literature is an integral part of learning any spoken language. Learning literature expands the learner’s ability to understand the language studied. The field of literature is wide and cannot be limited to poems. It includes the etiquettes of a language and its environment, customs, and traditions etc. The Arabic language is among the languages with a centuries old history. It has achieved remarkable record accomplishments since the pre-Islamic era through to the present. This development is clear evidence of the great importance of literature in the revival of the Arabic language through different eras. As such, in Malaysia and other non-Arabic speaking countries, literature is taught in most schools, institutions and un

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A study of the phonetic changes of Arabic loanwords in Balochi: بررسی تغییرات آوایی وام واژه های عربی در زبان بلوچی
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 Abstract  Lanɡauaɡes, like humans, need communication and interaction to prosper. One of the ways for a language to flourish is to borrow words from other languages. The southern regions of Iran and the coastal countries of Persian Gulf have had strong cultural relations since old times, with language being a dimension of these relations. With their land being geographically located in the realm of Islamic civilization and being Muslims,  Baloch people have had strong connections with the Arab world and the Arabic language.Thus, many Arabic words have made their ways into Balochi language either directly or indirectly through persian language. Since each language has its own unique sound structure, these loanwords have undergone ph

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Impact of Polia Strategy in the Achievement and Retention of the Grammar of the Arabic Language
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Threw this research to the following:
1 - Know the impact of strategy Puglia in the collection of the rules of the Arabic language
students at the Institute of preparation parameters .
2 - Know the impact of the retention strategy in Puglia collection rules Arabic language
students at the Institute of preparation parameters .
To verify the status Mmermaa Find researcher Elsafreeten following two hypotheses :
1 - There is no statistically significant difference between the average score for the collection
of the fourth grade students at the Institute for the preparation of material parameters who
were studying grammar strategy Puglia and average grades collectible fourth grade
students at the Institu

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