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Das Verhaltnis des assimilierten arabischen VIII Stammes zum akkadischen
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Das Verhaltnis des assimilierten arabischen VIII Stammes zum akkadischen

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Relation of the Prophet Muhammad (May Peace be Upon Him) with the Byzantines from the Revelation to the Trance of the Mu'ta (8 A.H. / 629 A.D)
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Relations of the prophets Muhammad (May peace be upon him) with by
gantlines from the revelation to the trance of al-hdybya 6 A.H/610 A.C.
This research is concerned with Islamic historical events, particularly dunning
the time of the prophet Muhammad. It also explores relations of the apostle of god
with the rums and their allies the Arabs of Syria.
During the first years of revelation Muslim had achieved great victories
against the unbelievers. This accomplishm-ent had draw attention of some foreign
forces such as the Arabs of Syria, who became snapicions of this new and active
power. Their hostile attend was demonstrated by striking an economical siege against
Muslims. They attacked the nabtins merchants who

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Daniel's Model on the Acquisition of Concepts for the Arabic Language Curricula Among the Students of Department of Arabic Language in Colleges of Basic Education
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The current research aims to investigate the effect of a specimen of Daniel in the acquisition of concepts for the Arabic language curricula material to the students of the third phase of the Faculty of Basic Education Department of Arabic Language. The sample consists of (93) applications and a student of (47) students in the Division (A), which represents the experimental group which studied the use of a specimen of Daniel, and (46) students in the Division (B), which represents the control group, which studied the traditional way. The subject of unified two groups, which subjects the Arabic language curricula which includes six chapters.
The duration of the experiment is a full semester. The researchers also prepared a tool for mea

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Listening Comprehension Problems with English lectures
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The purpose of this study is to investigate learners' listening comprehension problems with Englishlectures. The study was guided by research question (What are the listening comprehension problems learners have with lectures in English).Furthermore; the main significant goal were declared through conducting this study, as well as providing some procedures of distribution the questionnaire of the study.Moreover, it presents several definitions of listening. This study definitely depends on questionnaire instrument to gathering the required data. The participants of the study were 30 learners completed their secondary school and joined at the college. Based on the findings among the five factors (text, speaker, task, environment, and list

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Quality Transformation in the Arab Commercial Banks
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The purpose  of the research is interpretation of what quality transformations In the Arab commercial banks' management, and determine which fields that have been achieved in the third millennium, and elicitation the governance trends for future vision to manage them and estimate the expected value for these transformations, the importance of the idea of ​​research in investment the implicit and the apparent of practical knowledge stocks in the minds of managers by specialized language with the application of electronic business philosophy in response to the challenges of the information age and who should occupies those banks the center of Arab leadership and excellence, and try to upgrade to command centers in their co

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of the League of Arab States in the Syrian crisis
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Abstract The League of Arab States took many procedures against the Syrian political system, like suspended Syria's membership in the League of Arab States and sent a team of Arab observers headed by Dabi to discuss the situation there and issued some decisions and statements that called the Syrian regime to stop the use of violence and repression against the Syrian opposition.Through these steps, the Arab League has tried to help the Syrian parties to resolve the crisis. However, the role of the league in the Syrian crisis was characterized by weakness in general, and lack of seriousness, which contributed in the aggravation of the situation in Syria, and the intervention of major powers in the internal affairs of Syria.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
Reality design Arabic letters for the purposes of digital programming
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Arabic calligraphy has great importance in the printing designs that are often on the written character-based to perform functional goals and to achieve some of the aesthetic values ​​in design work, has led major developments in the field of computer manufacturing and design software for the design and layout to increase to deal with the programmed character for the purposes of typesetting has confronted this Find the Arab character programmed for the purposes of typesetting for the detection of the most important design interventions that underwent the Arabic letter written to turn it into a programmed image intended for the purposes of the printing and typesetting has been addressed in the context of which the theoretical types of

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
LA CONDICIONALIDAD EN ÁRABE Estudio lingüístico y traductológico CONDITION IN ARABIC: Linguistic study and translation
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La condicionalidad en árabe, supongo como en otras lenguas, constituye una noción amplia que puede expresarse mediante diferentes construcciones sintácticas. La mayor parte de los especialistas coinciden en señalar que las estructuras condicionales son, probablemente, la clase más compleja de expresión compuesta en árabe. Se utilizan para expresar una condición de la que depende la realización de lo expuesto en la oración principal. Las estructuras condicionales son una de las principales vías lingüísticas de las que dispone el individuo para expresar su capacidad de imaginar situaciones diferentes a las reales; de crear mundos posibles; de soñar con situaciones pasadas que podrían haber sido diferentes; de ocultar lo fact

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
علمــــاء العــرب والتـــأليف في فقه اللغة العربية
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Philology is a science concerned with issues raised about language. It is a research into the mental aspects of its origin in its various sciences. The term (philology) appeared in the writings of Arab scholars in the fourth century AH. One of the most prominent topics of philology is research on the origin and development of language; Because it is one of the topics that preoccupied thinkers and many scholars, philosophers, and theologians, as well as linguists, have tackled research in it.                

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 22 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Planning of the Arab-Islamic city of privacy and modernity
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Each Arab Islamic city is distinguished by its distinctive characteristics dictated by the nature of its location and its characteristics, as we see it mountainous in the mountains, deserts in the deserts, and coastal in the coasts, and this is reflected in the models of its buildings and designs and even in its structure. However, this uniqueness did not stand in the way of the emergence of characteristics and common characteristics of these cities over time, the factors derived from the core of the life of the community habits and traditions and beliefs and living requirements and environmental conditions that all piled in the process of building and construction of the Arab Islamic city to draw The features and lines of life of the co

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
لهجات شبه الجزيرة العربية (التسمية , الموطن , أقسامها )
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This research deals with the dialects of the Arabian Peninsula, which is a group of dialects that belong to one language family. this term that was launched by Dr. Walaa Sadiq Al-Asadi in relation to the site from which the tribes speaking those dialects started, which is the Arabian Peninsula, and the word (dialects) was used  Instead of (languages) considering dialects emanate from collective language, which is what is called the mother tongue of those dialects

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