Модальные частицы это служебные слова, которые служат в
предложении для выражении различных оттенков значений и
представляют собой продукт сложных изме- нений грамматического
строя русского языка.
Явно категория модальных частиц тесно соприкасается с
частями речи и частицами ((Модальность в русском языка
выражается формами наклонений, а так же лексическими
средствами-модальными словами и частицами))1. Это категория
вклинивается в сфере наречий ((примыкая с одной стороны, к
наречиям, она включает в себе такие слова, которые выражают
модальные оттенки предложений. т.е. разные отношения их к
действительности, уста- навливаемые говорящим лицом))2.
Arab heritage have teem much of the literature value, written by evacuated, who had a legacy of linguistic great scientists, but the circumstances are unknown, did not write those books or authors emerge, chose to search for a book of those compositions, he did not write to him and his book emerge, fell hands a book (Altvsh in the language) to Abu Sufyan grammar, a fourth-century scientists, as it is Abu Sufyan grammar of scientists who rolled up the time their impact, and the cryptic revelations among the stars, preferring to stand on this book and its author, a statement of the most important grammatical aspects contained therein; to notch the curtain for this world, and his book (Altvsh in strewn language and Mnzawmha and express the
... Show MoreAraştırmamın adı: Türkçe'de –madan, -meden Ulaç Ekinin Yazılışı ve Kullanılışıdır.
Ulaçlar, kişi ve zaman kavramı olmadan temel cümlenin yada yan cümlenin yüklemini niteleyen, cümlede genellikle zarf tümleci olarak görev yapan fiilimsilerdir. İkinci bir görevleri yardımcı fiillerle birlikte kullanılarak birleşik fiiller kurmak olan ulaçlar, cümlede bağlaç görevinde kullanılabilirler, ve birleşik cümleler kurabilirler. Bazı ulaç ekleri zarf, edat gibi kalıcı sözcük yapımında da kullanılırlar.
Bu araştırmada Orhun Türkçesi'nde başlayıp Türkiye Türkçesine kadar uzanan tarihi dönemlere ait eserlerden –m
... Show MoreWhile many educators are highly focused on state test, it is important to consider that
over the course of a year, instructors can build in many opportunities to assess how learners
are learning. Therefore, assessment techniques are considered a good method to get benefit
for both instructors and learners in the process of teaching and learning. The sample consists
of 27 learners who participated in TOEFL training course in the Development and Continuous
Education Centre. Validity and reliability were verified.
To fulfill the aims and verify the hypothesis which reads as follows” It is hypothesized
that the TOEFL learners' scores will not be increased after TOEFL course training.” T-test
for two dependent samp
This study examined the problem of identifying the vocabulary of the methodology of teaching Arabic language in the faculties of Media. The researcher noticed the existence of an overlap between the syllabuses of the general specialization of the Arabic language and its Media sections in the universities with the special professional vocabulary that suits the study of the media student. Thus ,this study is regarded as a real attempt to present a methodological model of media language that concerns with fillfuling students ‘linguistic and knowledgeable needs relying on measuring their benefits from the methodological Arabic curriculum . Key words:problem, teaching’ methodology of Arabic language, media language.
... Show MoreComputational linguistics is a modern branch of linguistics concerned with computer processing of natural languages. It makes computer as human brain simulate to human mind to understand language endoscopy and application. It stems from the use of computers to create programs and information systems that help the user to solve linguistic issues such as translation, analysis, parsing, and others This research seeks to show the employability of Arabic grammar, especially the past tense of it, in the light of this theory The study made use of the computer program (Madamera) to apply its samples of past phrasal verbs, In its methodology
Many studies have recommended implying the skills and strategies of creative thinking, critical thinking, and reflective thinking in EFLT curriculum to overcome EFL teaching-learning process difficulties. It is really necessary to make EFL teachers aware of the importance of cultural thinking and have a high perception of its forces. Culture of thinking consists of eight cultural forces in every learning situation; it helps to shape the group's cultural dynamic. These forces are expectations, language, time, modeling, opportunities, routines, interactions, and environment. This study aims to investigate EFL student-teachers’ perceptions of cultural thinking. The participants are selected randomly from the fourth-stage students at the D
... Show Moreيتناول هذا البحث موضوع (( فعل الامر في صيغة المبني للمجهول في اللغة الاكدية )) وهو يتعلق بقواعد اللغة الاكدية , وقد تضمن هذا البحث مقدمة وشقين : صيغة المبني للمجهول وفعل الامر. اما ما يخص المقدمة فقد شملت تعريف الفعل وانقساماته حسب قوة احرفه , الجذر , المعنى , والفاعل , كما تضمنت المقدمة أيضا الحديث عن الصيغ الفعلية الرئيسة الأربعة التي يتألف الفعل الاكدي منها إضافة الى الصيغ الثانوية التي تتضمنها الصيغ الرئيسة . و
... Show MoreVarious theories on learning have been developed with increasing frequency in the last
few decades. In tandem with this, Multiple Intelligence theory appeared as a new approach to
education as well as an important theory in the field of language learning. Gardner explains
that all human beings have different intelligence fields and a potential to develop them. These
intelligences are (verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, bodilykinesthetic,
interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and Existential).
This study aims at investigating Multiple Intelligences of Iraqi college EFL students. To
achieve the aims of the study, a questionnaire is adopted according to Birmingham model
which incl
قبل سنوات عدة أصدرت وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي تعليمات بتدريس مادة اللغة العربية في الجامعات اهتماما منها باللغة العربية وضرورة الحفاظ عليها فضلا عن سعيها لوضع الأسس الراسخة للغة بغض النظر عن تخصص الدارسين وفي جميع الاختصاصات.
لقد لوحظ من خلال تدريس مادة اللغة العربية للصف الأول من الجامعات ضعف اهتمام الطلبة بالمادة والنظر إليها على أنها مادة ثانو
... Show Moreالعدد: دراسة مقارنة بين اللغة الاسبانية والعربية.