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מאבק היחיד בדת ובחברה בסיפורי פרישמן עיון אנאליטי
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אין איזה סוג מן הספק ש החוקרים התמזג ו בתאריכי החברות הישנות מצדדים שונים ,
פוליטיים, חברתיים או מחשבתיים. שהספרות נחשב ת אחת תעודותיה של הידיעה
החשובות ביותר שתאפשר להישען עליה ולשאוב את הידיעות ליצירות הגנוז ות בחברה
מהחברות שיהיה קשה לפעמים רבים לדעת אות ן מתוך מקורותיה של הידיעה לפי
הכתיבות הפוליטיות,החברתיות,פולסופיות וכ.... (1)
הסופר הוא צורתה של החברה , הנושאים שלו הם הבעות והרגשות עצמיות והשקפות
החברה שלו שהוא חיי בה,סבלותו חלק מסבלות ההמון . (2)
לכן יהיה הסופר הוא הלשון המדבר על בעיותיו של היחיד. לכך בחרנו אחד הסופרים
הבולטים בספרות העברית החדשה והוא הסופר דוד פרישמן () אחד סופרי תקופת
ההשכלה. בחרנו ארבעה סיפורים קצרים מקובץ הסיפורים שלו "במדבר".
הקובץ כולל תשעה סיפורים קצרים . אגדות שענינן במסע בני ישראל במדבר סיני,א חרי
יציאת מצרים . באגדות אלה נשען על המסופר בסיפורי המקרא. אבל יורד מרמת
המיתוס. מהסיפור הה יסטורי הכלל י לאומי , אל רמת הפרט. בעת שמתרחשים אותם
דברים גדולים עליהם מספר הכותב, יציאת בני ישראל מבית עבדם, מתן התורה והולדת

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Magazine Aldhakwat Albedh
The impact of atheism on the individual and society, Iraq as a model
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Atheists have spread in the modern era, so that atheism has become a bad phenomenon in the world in general and in Islamic societies in particular, so the research aims to study the individual and social effects left by atheism on the atheists themselves, and the research included multiple axes: atheism linguistically and idiomatically, atheism in the Qur’an Noble and Modern (and Contemporary) Atheism Statistics: and the reasons for atheism: Studying the phenomenon of atheism in Iraq as a model, then studying the effects of atheism: on the individual first, then atheism and its impact on society, then the conclusion, recommendations, sources and references

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
"Words of threat in Hebrew language- Pragmatic study": ביטויי האיום בלשון העברית (עיון פרגמטי)
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The present study approaches an analytical and deliberative analysis of the words of threat in number of Hebrew language examples through exploring all the reasons and conditions of threat act. Moreover, and because of the difficulty to make a distinction between the two verbs, the study discusses the use of the verbs “to warn and to threat” as one of the most common types verbs used in Hebrew language that implies internal threat. Threat is one of most prominent speech acts that language users resort to as a means to achieve intended threat goals. In Hebrew, it is expressed in different ways and depends on different aspects, including (internal and external context, circumstances in which the threat is made, the
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 18 2022
Journal Name
قصص بورخس الفنتازية ذاكرة شكسبير أنموذجاً
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كتب بورخس مجموعته القصصية (( ذاكرة شكسبير) في العام 1983، قبيل وًفاته بثلاثة أعوام وقد أفادت هذه القصص ذات المسحة الفنتازية من الحكاية التراثية والأسطورية سيما حكايات ألف ليلة وليلة أولاً ، ومن التحليل السايكولوجي للنزعة الإنسانية نحو الميتافيزيقا ثانياً ، لأن بورخس يبحث : ((بدافع الفضول الاستيكي في الفلسفة عن كل ما هو متفرد أو مسل ، أو مثير للعجب: أخيل ذو الساقين على شكل جناحين لا يمكنه اللحاق بالسل
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The application of smart power in the regional power struggle in the Middle East after 2011
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Receipt date:12/7/2020 accepted date:24/1/2021 Publication date:31/12/2021

 Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The constant characteristic of international relations is the constant change due to political, economic and military developments in addition to technology, and this in turn has led to many transformations in the concept of power, its uses, and the elements that form power and its distribution, and according to those variables, the concept of power has shifted from hard to soft, up to smart powe

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
identifying the reasons of electronic smoking spreading (VAPING) in the society with practical application using Analytical Factors
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We have investigated in this research, the contents of the electronic cigarette (Viber) and the emergence of the phenomenon of electronic smoking (vibing) were discussed, although the topic of smoking is one of the oldest topics on which many articles and research have been conducted, electronic smoking has not been studied according to statistical scientific research, we tried in this research to identify the concept of electronic smoking to sample the studied data and to deal with it in a scientific way. This research included conducting a statistical analysis using the factor analysis of a sample taken randomly from some colleges in Bab Al-medium in Baghdad with a size of (70) views where  (КМО) and a (bartlett) tests

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
המטרה החינוכית בסיפור החסידי סיפורי יהודה שטיינברג לדוגמה
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The use of story to convey educational content which serves particular purposes is common use long ago, such as we see in Quran`s stories and bible stories which consider good examples, therefore the story individuates by this mission which has magnificent influence minds of the readers.

     The Hasidic story is one of Hebrew literature affluents from it`s outset, therefore it has distinctive role in spread thoughts and principles which comes and believes it the Hasidic movement which considers reformatory Jewish religious  movement. It aims to reforms the Jewish individual avvording to it`s vision and thoughts.

     This paper research contains an introduction which presets s

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المجتمع المجتمع الاسكندري: عاداته وتقاليده الاجتماعية في العصر المملوكي
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It is important to study that the social circumstances in Alexandria through  Mamluk era specially social life in Egypt specially in Alexandria  which had describe as it was show change in opposite with other sides of life

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Goal Conflict among Twelfth-Grade Students based on Gender and Major
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The aim of the current study is to identify the level of goal conflict with twelfth-grade students in South Sharqiah/ Sultanate of Oman according to gender and specialization. The study used the descriptive method. A scale of (28) items was developed and divided into six dimensions: time pressure, goal achievement, limit of power, limit of budget, incompatible strategies, and unclear task. To validate the scale, it was piloted (40) students. The scale was administered to a sample of (402) students (209) males in the Governorate of South Sharqiah. The results showed that the conflict level was high in “unclear task”, and an average conflict level in “limit of power”. Other dimensions (goal achievement, time pressure, limit of powe

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Emotions conflict In Balzac’s novel The Father Goriot And Stendhal’s The Red and The Black
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Au XIXe siècle, avec l’excès de la passion, le roman français commence à avoir de nouvelles figures. Il tend à être un reflet de la pensée et de la passion. Stendhal et Balzac révèlent ainsi le conflit de l’âme et donnent à leur héros l’impression que tout est permis.

                Ces protagonistes doivent, d’une part, subir des fluctuations psychologiques, et d’autre part, ces héros doivent être capables de faire face aux rancunes et aux conflits destructeurs. Les personnages stendhaliens et balzaciens finissent par croire que leur combat ne portera pas ses fruits, parce que toute passion déséquilibrée mènera, soit à la fol

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 28 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of sins and disobedience on the individual and society in the Holy Quran objective study
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     The Noble Qur’an is the book of God, the Blessed and Exalted, in which is the teachings of God Almighty’s religion, which is Islam, in order for people to unite it and establish servitude to it. The individual and the society alike saw it appropriate to make my opinion alerting the seriousness of this matter, so the research was entitled (The Impact of Sins and Disobedience on the Individual and Society in the Holy Qur’an - Objective Study), knowing that we touched upon some of the effects, which we found it appropriate to mention in this research in the service of the good. Its details came in the Holy Qur’an without referring to others, noting their arrangement in the Holy Qur’an..

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