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Formation of Orientalist discourse, the tendency within the force, and metadata, and power.
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Began research of the foundations of Orientalist discourse based on force and metadata and authority, and the possibility of turning the West's view of the East as if made ​​radical changes in the structure of the West or in a relationship of power and authority between it and the east. We have adopted in our paper on the research categories of Edward Said and visions in the field of Orientalism in general, and especially his book entitled the name of this area, not forgetting, or leave the expansion to other sources, a researcher in this field, to enrich the research.

We went to Orientalism as a concept and based cognitive, and the work of the Orientalist, and the meanings of Orientalism, which suggests Balastala which was characterized by managers of foreigners in the era of European colonialism in the nineteenth century and early twentieth century, and as a way of thinking texture discrimination existential and knowledge between East and West, and being a Western-style of domination on the east and reconstruction, and bullying him. It also discussed the issue of power and superiority and power in the discourse of Orientalism, as established hypotheses (circular) for the Middle leaning on Darwin's theory, the theory of human races to Renan based on arrogance and superiority, the balance of (scientific) developed by the West to study the peoples of Europe. So Orientalist discourse based on racial differentiation, mental and cultural cooperation between East and West.

They showed the relevance of knowledge to power, and the view of metadata, and the principle of Western power, so incurring the trouble of studying the West, especially the fantasy of the West remain distinct from and superior to it. We explained the difficulty of separation between the (Orientalist discourse) and (the field of international political thought).

And we came out that he may change the West's view Orientalist in the event of changes (radical) in the structure of the West, and perhaps in the event of changes in the balance of power, transmission and pinned down in the Middle of what Islam today a significant impact as a (power), which is extremely dangerous to the Christian West, Islam today is what constitutes balance (force) in the East, which significantly raises concerns Bank and the West only to incur the trouble of education or knowledge to tighten control to be able to prevent it constitute a danger to it again after the imposition of the wide dominance in the past.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self -affirmation and its relation of tendency toward perfection and the awareness of creativity among fine arts institutions students
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The study aimed to identify self –affirmation degree, tendency degree toward perfection, awareness degree of creativity among fine arts institutions students, and the significant correlation between self -affirmation and its tendency toward perfection, and the awareness of creativity among fine arts institutions students. To achieve these objectives, the author had constructed two scales: one to measure self –affirmation among the sample based on “Lang& Jakobowski theory” (Lang& Jakobowski, 1973) that consisted of (54) item divided into two parts: qualitative and situational. The other scale is to measure the tendency toward perfection depend on (flett & Hewitt, 1991) that composed of (46) item divided into two sectio

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Acculturation and its Evolutionary Tendency in the Design of the Prayer Space Elements / Niche – A model: آلاء طالب كريم
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The peculiarity of worship spaces in the Islamic architecture is evident by its symbolic connotations with doctrinal connections, thus the niche has a major status in that symbolic connotation, which transformed due to the cultural interaction from a rock on the wall directed towards Mecca into an element of integrated structural entity with performative and aesthetic characteristics. The spread of the Islamic religion contributed to subjecting it to a design acculturation process, thus the problem of the research was raised by the following question: has the evolutionary tendency of acculturation been able to effect a major transformation in the niche design? The research aims at identifying the design acculturation and its translation

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sufi Tendency Between Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati and Sohrab Sepehri
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Comparative studies are, in a sense, a study of cultural identity in a broader and deeper way, as self-knowledge is in part an awareness of the other. Therefore, every study that falls within the scope of comparative literature is a study of the authentic human identity that is open to the other without distorting the individual self or cancellation of social, environmental or national affiliation.


      Modern comparative studies seek to go beyond the unilateral perspective of knowledge, which often leads its holders to condescend to all that may be the characteristics of the other. They strengthen the human ties between societies that differ in their culture, literature, and language, esp

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
Journal Name
Simulation and its applications in contemporary graphic design
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   The simulation is the oldest theory in art, since it appeared in the Greek aesthetic thought of the philosopher Plato, as we find in many of the thinkers and philosophers over a wide period of time to reach our world today. Our fascination with art in general and design art in particular is due to the creativity and innovations of the artist through the simulation, as well as the peculiarities in this simulation, which give objects signs and signals that may have an echo that sometimes does not exist in their physical reality.

   The real representation of life and design construction, descriptions of the expression of each of them in the form of intellectual construction and the ideas of producti

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Words worth and the Intention of AL. Sayyab Discourse
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Words worth and the Intention of AL. Sayyab Discourse

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 10 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Positive School Psychology
The Need And Its Significance In The Novelist Discourse Of Naguib
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This study is at the heart of the pragmatic theory, as this research seeks to highlight the concept of necessity, and what the researchers have tended to do is that the development that has acquired integrated pragmatics is only for the development of the subject of necessity, as it is one of the contents of the saying, and this is what made Decroux define it as the semantic element that Concerning the saying, as for Grace; He paid great attention to the conversational imperative, and understood the requirement by clues or suggestions, as it is an element known for its absence and presence in the linguistic structures included in the text when reading or when understanding. This study has paved the way for clarifying the concept of necessi

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Simulation and Analysis the Effect of the Lorentz Force in a Free Electron Laser
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Due to the scientific and technical development in the free electron laser devices and the accompanying industrial and technological progress in various fields of civil and military life, it became necessary to expand the understanding of the mechanism of interaction of electrons (as an effective medium) with the magnetic field that they pass through to form coherent photons.

    In this paper, the Lorentz force effect is simulated and analysed. The results showed that the Lorentz force originates from the magnetic field, making the electron move through it oscillate. This sinusoidal motion of the electron causes it to emit two photons for every electron wavelength. It has been concluded that the electron velocity directly affe

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The status of the state and its relationship to the concept of force in international relations
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The concept of power despite its implications unclear and unknown was one of the most standards in international relations ambiguity and lack of clarity, however was more standards important and influential in the conduct of international relations, and since that time until today since that ambiguity in the meaning of power and use it as a factor of international relations factors and drive the engines were very different and irony from case to case and from researcher to another, but it may be classified force as the international status enjoyed by the state in the international ocean and here is a structure formed of forces posed by the state, such as economic and political nature of the political system and military power and concept

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 07 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
: Issuance, entry into force, and cancellation of regulations in the Saudi system
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Praise be to God alone, and prayers and peace be upon the one after whom there is no prophet, and after:

This is a regular judicial search for the issuance, validity, and cancellation of regulations in the Saudi system. It came in an introduction and four demands and a conclusion of the most important results, then a list of the most important sources and references, in which I presented: A brief study on the issuance of regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the stages that they pass through, their validity and application, and the rules that govern this system in terms of people, places and times, then canceling and amending regulations And its rulings, I referred to it to the original sources approved in this section,

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Effect of using the active learning in the achievement of third grade intermediate students in mathematics and them tendency towards the study of its
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Current research aims to find out:

  1. Effect of using the active learning in the achievement of third grade intermediate students in mathematics.
  2. Effect of using of active learning in the tendency towards the study of mathematics for students of third grade intermediate.

In order to achieve the goals of the research, the researcher formulated the following two hypotheses null:

  1. There is no difference statistically significant at the level of significance (0.05) between two average of degrees to achievement

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