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Formation of Orientalist discourse, the tendency within the force, and metadata, and power.
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Began research of the foundations of Orientalist discourse based on force and metadata and authority, and the possibility of turning the West's view of the East as if made ​​radical changes in the structure of the West or in a relationship of power and authority between it and the east. We have adopted in our paper on the research categories of Edward Said and visions in the field of Orientalism in general, and especially his book entitled the name of this area, not forgetting, or leave the expansion to other sources, a researcher in this field, to enrich the research.

We went to Orientalism as a concept and based cognitive, and the work of the Orientalist, and the meanings of Orientalism, which suggests Balastala which was characterized by managers of foreigners in the era of European colonialism in the nineteenth century and early twentieth century, and as a way of thinking texture discrimination existential and knowledge between East and West, and being a Western-style of domination on the east and reconstruction, and bullying him. It also discussed the issue of power and superiority and power in the discourse of Orientalism, as established hypotheses (circular) for the Middle leaning on Darwin's theory, the theory of human races to Renan based on arrogance and superiority, the balance of (scientific) developed by the West to study the peoples of Europe. So Orientalist discourse based on racial differentiation, mental and cultural cooperation between East and West.

They showed the relevance of knowledge to power, and the view of metadata, and the principle of Western power, so incurring the trouble of studying the West, especially the fantasy of the West remain distinct from and superior to it. We explained the difficulty of separation between the (Orientalist discourse) and (the field of international political thought).

And we came out that he may change the West's view Orientalist in the event of changes (radical) in the structure of the West, and perhaps in the event of changes in the balance of power, transmission and pinned down in the Middle of what Islam today a significant impact as a (power), which is extremely dangerous to the Christian West, Islam today is what constitutes balance (force) in the East, which significantly raises concerns Bank and the West only to incur the trouble of education or knowledge to tighten control to be able to prevent it constitute a danger to it again after the imposition of the wide dominance in the past.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Sculptural Formation in the Third Millennium: Styles and Trends
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The research studies the sculptural formation in the third millennium: styles and trends, by taking the most important results of sculpture in the third millennium. The problem of the research is to search for the new sculptural formation in what it constitutes of social and human importance, and what are the important factors in forming the   contemporary sculptural structure, and what is the mechanism of showing and producing the new formation. The research requires the study of the most important thing that the (sculptural formation in the third millennium styles and trends) represents. The importance of research depends on the importance of the sculptural formation after the twentieth century and the importance that the for

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 06 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The strategies of sustainable urban management in the Islamic city according to binary ( the city and power)
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Urban planning task and the control of constructional planning and urban management for cities considers the main tasks that the government takes care off. The paper discusses the concept of power from historical view of ancient Islamic cities to discover the strategies of urban management that the Islamic city adopt and to employ it in contemporary cities ,the more problems that modern cities suffer from which appears through poorness of urban context ,belongs to the loss of balance exists between the different faces of power that takes the tasks of urban management .therefore enhancement of urban environment is being through re-back that balance in administrative structures that make the cities go ahead . So the attention has b

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Mr. Hassan Ezzedine al-Ulum The social contract and popular power when Imam Ali
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حسن السيد عز الدين بحر العلوم العقد الاجتماعي والسلطة الشعبية عند الإمام علي (عليه السلام )

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The absurdity of Orientalist thought and its deviation in interpretation Quranic text View and critique
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The absurdity of Orientalist thought and its deviation in interpretation
Quranic text
View and critique

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
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Power of language and carriers meaning in communication discourse: كاظم مؤنس عزيز
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It reveals speech communication whether it is legible audible or visible on a comprehensive formula inhabited open language on the modalities for reporting cases of the source say, making communication cognitive processes, is not to produce arguments as it is about the generation of the content of communication, so the contact of any kind remains practice for the cognitive action by the language in which it operates as a way agreed to their units between the poles of communication circle in the framework of a certain socio-cultural context, and that becomes the basis of the text of the message external referrals, making it feasible for multiple readings in semantic dimensions and deliberative

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Distress disorder and the tendency to pray among martyrs' wives
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The research aimed at identifying  the level of Acute stress disorder  and orientation towards supplication among the wives of the martyrs and knowledge of the two levels according to the age groups, academic achievement and profession. Sample of (72) wife of a martyr, and the results of the research indicated that the wives of the martyrs have symptoms of distress disorder and have adherence to the supplication to alleviate that disorder, as well as the results indicated that there are statistical differences in distress disturbance according to the variable of age groups, the profession variable and the variable of enrollment The academic year. As for the measure of the trend towards supplication, there are no statistical dif

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 29 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The propaganda discourse is the most widely circulated in the media and communication studies, where the interest of scholars and researchers in this field has become clear in the analysis and interpretation of the content of this discourse, to identify the intentions, purposes and objectives of the communicator activity, which exceeded the borders of states in the heated atmosphere of rivalries and political conflicts that characterize The countries of the world as a whole and for many years.

In particular, the economically and militarily developed countries (the Nordic capitalist countries) have exerted special efforts in the production of information and ideas, using advanced methods and means in all details of communication w

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The concept of insect In Islamic faith
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In this research, the researcher sheds light on the greatness of the horrors (Al-Hashr) enlightened by the Holy Quran, explaining his dangerous details, his horrors, and his frightening changes.  -35-36-37
  Perhaps the most prominent motivations for the research and its justification is to remind people of the days of God Almighty, and the mention of the insect always pushes the believer to do honorable, and avoid sins, over the days, and prepare for the time of the resurrection, in the hands of knowing a scientist.
    In order to identify the subject of entomology and its contents, the researcher based his study on the scientific methodology, it has excavated the origin of the entomology and its

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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Reflection of political variables in the design of the Journal cover
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the political changeable is important reflection in areas of life and the designers tried to high light it in the cover of Journal promised time Journal a fertile square to show reflection of political changeable, and triad  to  search  the  current  path. The  first  chapter organized according to axes, problem of  research formulated according to question:- what are reflections of political changeable in magazine cover?

    The importance of research depth of specialized approach on level of technical and stylistic as ago al ago as in: the baring of political changeable in design of journal's cover. The research moves in cognitive border from 2013 to 2017 and selection of t

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Nuclear Physics A
Alpha-cluster preformation factor within cluster-formation model for odd-A and odd–odd heavy nuclei
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