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الانكليزية لغة العولمة والانترنت
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اصبحت اللغة الانكليزية اللغة العالمية الأوسع انتشاراً في العالم ، في حين لم تكن هذه اللغة معروفة جيداً خارج بريطانيا حتى النصف الثاني من القرن الثامن عشر(1)، ورافق هيمنة الانكليزية تسلل وتغلغل للقيم وطريقة الحياة الامريكية بجميع دلالاتها الصارخة .

وقد استغلت اللغة الانكليزية جو العولمة الاقتصادية والثقافية والتطورات التقنية في مجال الاتصالات وخاصة شبكة الانترنيت افضل استغلال لتأكيد هيمنتها وتوسيع شبكة انتشارها وتقوية نفوذها في العالم اجمع . فما ان ادركت القوى الاقتصادية الامريكية الاهمية البالغة لموارد المعلومات في اقتصاد مابعد الصناعة (اقتصاد المعرفة) حتى اخذت تشحذ اسلحتها اللغوية تهيئة لصراع دولي متوقع على ساحة الثقافة، فلقد فتحت تكنولوجيا المعلومات الكثيفة لغوياً ، الباب على مصراعيه امام الولايات المتحدة لكي تجعل من شيوع اللغة الانكليزية رأس الحربة في تنفيذ مخططاتها لسيادة العالم معلوماتيا وثقافيا واقتصاديا . وتمارس الولايات المتحدة حالياً من خلال مؤسساتها الاعلامية والاقتصادية والتكنولوجية اساليب مبتكرة من الضغط اللغوي لا ترحم احدا عدوا أو حليفا كبيرا ام صغيرا . وقد اصبحت اللغة الانكليزية الامريكية لغة الثقافة الكونية ، وحسب مصطلحات العولمة الثقافية فان (انكليزية الملكة) تزيد قليلا عن كونها لهجة ذات الفاظ طنانة يستخدمها المعلنون الذين يرغبون في الوصول إلى المستهلكين الامريكين من الطبقات العليا الذين يتأثرون بها .

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
Body Language in the Works of Sculptors George Segal and Duane Hanson: قصي زين العابدين طعمة
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The means of communication in the accepted human contexts depend on several modes, beginning with the oldest of which in history, represented by the sign language, the sign and the symbol and ending with it, until countless of them became icons that are circulating between the societies themselves or with their neighbors. These icons are often implied in formations that represent a visual discourse which the sender uses as a means and as a message at the same time to express a certain phenomenon in society or in his human self, and thus the sender or performer or artist, in the end, adopted a visual intermediary in order to position his speech in its entirety and perhaps in a specific part of it, to carry the content of that speech and c

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Adaptive Harmony Search Part-of-Speech tagger for Square Hmong Corpus
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Data-driven models perform poorly on part-of-speech tagging problems with the square Hmong language, a low-resource corpus. This paper designs a weight evaluation function to reduce the influence of unknown words. It proposes an improved harmony search algorithm utilizing the roulette and local evaluation strategies for handling the square Hmong part-of-speech tagging problem. The experiment shows that the average accuracy of the proposed model is 6%, 8% more than HMM and BiLSTM-CRF models, respectively. Meanwhile, the average F1 of the proposed model is also 6%, 3% more than HMM and BiLSTM-CRF models, respectively.

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of a Suggested Translation Strategy on ESP Learners’ Achievement in Translation
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In spite of the disappearing of a clear uniform textbook for teaching ESP at different departments and different colleges in both scientific and humanistic studies, the practitioners at those departments and colleges have to teach translation as one of the important requirements to pass the English language exam. The lack of defined translation activities is a noticeable problem therefore; the problem of teaching translation is diagnosed in that the students lack the ability to comprehend the text in English language and other translation knowledge and skills.

The study aims to suggest a translation strategy and then find out the effect of the translation strategy on ESP learners’ achievement in translation. A sample of 50 stud

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Applying K-W-L Technique on Teaching ESP Students
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         Over the last few decades, many instructors have been trying all kinds of teaching methods, but without benefit. Nevertheless, in the 1986, a new technique is appeared which called K-W-L technique, it  is specified for reading comprehension passages because reading  skill is not easy matter for students for specific purposes (ESP).therefore, the K-W-L technique is a good one for thinking and experiences. To fulfill the aims and verify the hypothesis which reads as follows" it is hypothesized that there are no significant differences between the achievements of students who are taught according to K-W-L technique and those who are taught according to the traditional method

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Estudio en la traducción del lenguaje de los horóscopos en la prensa del idioma español al árabe A study in translating the language of the horoscope in the press from Spanish into Arabic
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        El horóscopo que es una predicción deducida de la posición de los astros del sistema solar y de los signos de Zodiaco, intenta no sólo predecir el futuro, sino también influir en el comportamiento del lector, orientándolo para que actúe adecuadamente y la invitación a actuar ante ese futuro que se aconseja mediante imperativos, perífrasis y otros recursos lingüísticos. Los horóscopos se caracterizan por su gran popularidad que existen en periódico o revista en columnas enteras dedicadas al tema, en donde se detallan la influencia que tendrá el día o el mes de cada uno de los signos correspondientes al zodíaco, siempre teniendo en cuenta la posici

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Employment of Body Language in Television Advertising An Analytical Study of Al-Hayat TV Commercials (The Egyptian Series as a Model)
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Whatever the designers of the advertisement in choosing the text and spoken phrases, those phrases cannot give or convey the full meaning to the recipient only if this spoken and written language is reinforced with another language based on the signals, movements, and symbols that are displayed using the body or other artistic elements of the advertisement such as pictures, colors, music, effects, and other elements used in the artistic construction of television advertising. All these artistic elements contribute to the completion of the advertising idea and make it ready to be displayed to the public.

Scientists and researchers, in the field of psychology, have relied a lot on this language (body language). And some of them put

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Dictation mistakes In Iraqi News – papers
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The aim of this research is subjected to discover The Dictation mistakes which occur
widely in the Arabic Language written by Iraqi – News papers.
The research classified These Mistakes in Three groups as Follows:
1. The first group dealing with distinguishing between the Arabic – letter ) ا ( When Written
or ) أ ( at The beginning The word and as ) ئ ( which differ in meaning from each other .
2. The second group dealing with the writing of The Arabic ) ٙ( and as ) ٛ( at the end of The
word which differ in meaning from each other.
3. The Third group dealing with distinguishing in written The Arabic letter as ) ض( or as ) )ظ
which differ in meaning From each other.
4. The fourth group dealing with Th

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Exploring the Effects of European Union Conditionality Language on European Mediterranean Human Rights Dialogue
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Since more than a decade, human rights dialogue in the European Mediterranean Region has been marked by a number of tensions. Although a number of factors contribute to such disputes, the effect of human rights conditionality, which ties EU economic cooperation progression with partner countries human rights advancement, on the dialogue has not been studied. Understanding the aspects, impacts, and effects of conditionality on Euro-Med relations is crucial for furthering dialogue. Yet this variable has been almost entirely neglected in academic and policy research. The research concludes several direct and indirect impacts of conditionality on human rights dialogue using a mixed methodology approach. Direct effects are reflected in the wi

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
representations of body language in the contemporary Iraqi theatrical show "Imagine That as a model": عمار عبد سلمان محمد
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There is no doubt that each of the arts has a material from which the aesthetic achievement is built, so the researcher found that the art of theater, especially the show, whose artistic achievement is based on the body of the actor who emits the formal language (body language), is the focus of interest and active presence, because the body possesses its spiritual qualities that made him and the ability to The formation of things by (his body language), so the researcher studied this theatrical phenomenon and divided it into four chapters. In the first chapter, the research problem included the following question: (Is there a phenomenon of body language in the contemporary theatrical show "Imagine that" as a model) so It is of cognitive

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
What came as a language in the book to explain Ibn Aqeel on Alfiya Ibn malek
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It is found in the book "Ibn Aqeel: Alfiya Ibn Malek" that there are some linqustical aspected are related to the native tribal speakers like Tamim or Tie or some others. Sometimes in the book he said "some Arabian said without mentioning the name of the tribe.
As weel, he hasn’t mentioned the accent but he does mention the language. In the book, he has brought back the most important and the biqqest Arabian tribes suchas tribes of Hegaz, Tamim, Hatheyal, son of Anber, Tie, Rabia Bin Wael, Bani Katham, Au there, Bani AL Harth, Bani Kalb, Bani Hgim, Zabid, Hamedan, Alia Qais, Bani Ameer and many others. However, the most mentioned tribes were Hegaz and Tami.
Hence, the importance of the book expiain Ibn Aqeel by mentioning these A

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