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Die sytaktische Struktur und semantische Bedeutung der konzessiven Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten im Deutschen und Arabischen Eine interpretierende Studie
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Die vorliegende Forschung erklärt ein sprachliches Phänomen im Deutschen und Arabischen, dessen Aspekte die Grund-Folge-Relation (Kausalität) im Allgemeinen sowie den wirkungslosen Gegengrund (Konzessivität) im Besonderen behandeln.

In diesem Kontext wird der Unterschied der verschiedenartigen Gründe der Kausalität im Deutschen, wie wirklicher Grund (kausal), möglicher Grund (konditional) und wirkungsloser bzw. unzureichender Gegengrund (konzessiv) gezeigt.

Die theoretischen Darlegungen der konzessiven Ausdrucksmittel in dieser Forschungsarbeit werden durch diverse praktische Beispiele aus der deutschen und arabischen Literatur fundamentiert.

Das Hauptziel dieser Forschungsarbeit liegt darin, gleichermaßen beim arabischen Deutsch-Lernenden und -Lehrenden das bewusste Erkennen der semantischen Bedeutung der konzessiven Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten im Arabischen zu erwecken und zu konsolidieren, damit sich im Endeffekt der Übersetzer bzw. die Übersetzerin aus dem Deutschen ins Arabische und umgekehrt effektiv und effizient der konzessiven Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten beider Sprachen bedienen können.

  1. Einführung

Die folgende Arbeit passiert sich auf die Untersuchung der Bestimmten Arten von Gründen, die die Kausalbeziehung ausdrücken. Die drei folgend genannten Grundbeziehungen können mit Hilfe des Verfahrens der Satzintentionen miteinander verknüpft werden. Diese Grundbeziehungen sind :

  1. Kausale Beziehung (im engeren Sinn)
  2. Konditionale Beziehung
  3. Konzessive Beziehung

Zur Erläuterung der Grundbeziehungen zwischen den drei Varianten kann gesagt werden, dass der Grund in den drei erwähnten Arten verschiedene kausale Beziehungen in Verbindung mit einem Fügewort auftritt und zwar entweder in Form einer Präposition mit einem Bezugswort, d. h. „Adverbialbestimmung“, oder einer Konjunktion mit einem Satzgefüge, d. h. „Adverbialsatz“.

Bevor wir ausführlich über die konzessive Beziehung bzw. Konzessivität sprechen, haben wir die Kausalität kurz zu erklären.                


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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Employment of Electronic Communication Technology in Public Relations: Employment of Electronic Communication Technology in Public Relations
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This research aims at studying the websites of Iraqi ministries to determine the extent of the use of electronic communication in the practice of public relations' activities through these sites, which represent a formal means of communication between the ministry and its people.
The research consists of three chapters: chapter one studies the methodological framework of the research; chapter two includes three units: unit one studies technologies of electronic communication including its concept, features and types; unit two studies electronic publications i.e. its concept and features; and unit three deals with designing the electronic websites .it ends with chapter three which is divided into two sections: section one studies the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of strategic thinking in human resource management strategies “Analytical field study of the views of a sample of managers in the Iraqi Ministry of Health”
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The researcher attempts to diagnose the level of the effect  of strategic thinking skills (intuition, meditation, creativity) of the managers in the Ministry of Health in Iraq and some of its institutions in the formulation of human resources management: (selection, training, incentivence , performance appraisal (Recognizing the importance of the subjects studied, and because of the importance of the expected results of th

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
The system and Disorder of shape and content in Interior Design Educational halls in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (Analytical study): رجاء سعدي لفتة
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Dealing with this study to find a link principle in the construction of the system and disorder to the promise of the principles and concepts of intellectual and philosophical form and content in the act of interior design of the halls education in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs , which leads to a reaction design objective and functionally and to increase the strength of the effect on users of the coaches and trainers . As it informs the side cognitive and developmental study of the design of the interior spaces . So it was the goal of research in the detection of the nature of the system and disorder with Focus indicators and the type of regulations and privacy and what constitutes the framework of knowledge in order to explai

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Accounting For Investments In Joint Projects Accounting to the International Accounting Standard: An applied Study at the General Company for food Stuff Trading
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   As a result of the entry of  multinationals companies in Iraq for investing in the joint projects through conducting agreements and contracts for work on important and strategic projects to get the necessary funds and various experiences which characterize the foreign participant sides that Iraq currently needs them and because of the non-applying the accounting processing stipulated in the unified accounting system in addition to the absence of a local accounting bases as well as the default of the participant contracts on indicating the accounting methods about those projects which are considered one of the bases that enables auditors in the public sector to depend on it, thus the research paper deals with studying an

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Information and communication technology and its impact on the quality of service of the tourism sector and hotel: An analytical study in selected hotels in the Iraqi capital Baghdad
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   The research statement to the amount of the contribution of information and communication technology in the quality of tourism and hotel services, and determine the relationship between the impact of information and communication and the quality of tourism services technology, The importance of the research is to establish the philosophical thinking of the nature of variables, as a modern administrative terminology and employ them towards the quality of tourism and hotel services, the research dealt with a problem expressed by a number of intellectual and practical questions, Was formulated based on the current situation witnessed by the tourism sector and hotel in Iraq, and the real gap was the lack of awareness of the impo

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Publication Date
Sun May 07 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The results shows existence of metals such as copper, iron, Cadmium, lead and zinc in most of examined samples , the highest concentration are up to (2.26, 40.82, 282.5, 31.02, 19.26, 4.34) Part per million) ppm) in pasta hot (Zer brand), Indomie with chicken, granule (Zer brand), brand (Zer brand), and rice (mahmood brand) respectively, with presence nickel in spaghetti( Zer brand), granule, Zer brand with concentration reached to 4.34 ppm and 1.06 ppm respectively.
The results of cereals group and its products show that two kinds of fungi, Aspergillus spp. and Penicillin spp. were found in rice (Mahmood brand) with numbers got to 1.5×103 Colony Forming Unit/ gram (c.f.u./g),while Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus were isola

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Publication Date
Wed May 05 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مؤلفات عن وباء الطاعون في الوباء الاسلامي
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Throughout the ages, a number of natural and human disasters have
occurred in the Islamic world,

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La voix de la mère dans À la Recherche du Temps perdu
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The twentieth century French novel had undergo a significant change that took the form of a radical move from the traditional son who follows his father to one who no way prevalent in the classical French novel. The new son in the 2Oth century novel finds himself emotionally attached which both became a new trend and approach in novel writing.

Marcel Proust's novel which can be considered a source of inspiration for most of 2Oth century novelists is a good example of the mother supremacy which is crystal clear from the first page through its parts and chapters till the last page. In fact, Proust had written a completely different novel from the Balzacian conventions. Unlike the latter's novels, Pro

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The victim’s right to waiva the complaint
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Intervention in the criminal case requires examining the evidence examining  the  identity  of  the accused, and  preparing  him  with  all  the  necessary  elements  to  issuing  the  verdict, and  in  view  of  the  procedures that  this  research  takes,  which  may  extend  for  a long  time, thinking  has  turned  toward  dealing  with  the  criminal  case  without  the  criminal  judiciary, and this call  has  escalated  with  the trend  to  give  the  victim  an  important role in

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Experience with feeding jejunostomy.
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Background: Enteral nutrition is a widely used, standard-of-care technique for nutrition support in critically ill and trauma patients.

Objective: to determine the role of feeding jejunostomy as a safe way for enteral nutrition in patients who meet the criteria for its use.

Method: prospective, comparative study done in the 3rd. surgical unit at Baghdad Teaching Hospital from 1st.of January 2003 till 1st. of April 2009, of 230 patients who fit the criteria for feeding jejunostomy insertion. The patients were divided into 2 groups (those with feeding jejunostomy 122 patients (53%) and without feeding jejunostomy 108 patients (47%)). We follow up these patients using the pa

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