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ثيَكهاتةى وشة لة زمانى كورديدا بةثيَى تيؤرى ( مؤرفيم ) ( ذمارةوشة و تيَكضرِذاوةوشة وةك نموونة )
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زمانةوانة بونيادطةرة ئةمريكييةكان لة نيَوانى سالاَنى ( 1925 – 1945 ) بةتيَثةرِبووكات تيؤرى ( فؤنيم)يان ضةسثاند ،بةم جؤرة  زمانةوانةكان ئاراستةى كاريان بةرةو مؤرفؤلؤذى طؤرِى بؤية ماوةى نيَوان سالاَنى ( 1940 –1960 ) ليَكؤلَينةوةى مؤرفؤلؤذى بووة خالَى بنةرِةتى (1 ) . جيَى ئاماذةية كة ئةو كةم و كورتيانةى كة لة ثيَناسةى وشةدا دةركةوت هؤكاريَكى سةرةكى بوون بؤ ئةوةى بةدواى جيَطرةوةيةك بطةرِيَن ، كة ئةويش ضةمكى مؤرفيم بوو . ضونكة ريزمانى تةقليدى نةيتوانيبوو بةتةواوى بضيتة بنج و بناوانى وشة  و بةسةر يةكةى بضوكترى دابةش بكات ، هةروةها وشةى كردبوو بة بناخة بؤ شرؤظةكردنى زمان . لةطةلَ ئةوةشدا نةيتوانيبوو ثيَناسةيةكى طشتطير بؤ وشة بكات بؤ ئةوةى تيؤريَكى طشتى لةسةر دابمةزريَت و بكريَت بة ضوارضيَوةيةك بؤ شرؤظةكردنى زمان .( 2)

This study deals with the subject of the word formation in the Kurdish language depending on the morphological theory, and it relies on words which consisting of number and complex words, which has been called (ذمارةوشة  و  تيَكضرِذاوةوشة ). It is worth mentioning here that the number has a prominent role in the formation and building Kurdish utterances morphologically, and it has also seen the type of words in the Kurdish language is complex in its formation due to the fall of some of the sounds from the original word and its mixing with another word, which causes a change in the form of the word and it consists complex compound words. Therefore, it has believed that it is necessary to study it in detail. The number of complex and compound words has a great and effective role in building Kurdish utterances. The study found a number of results, perhaps the most prominent one is showing the number of complex words and their prominent role in the Kurdish utterances formation.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use Of the Bayesian Method and Restricted Maximum Likelihood in estimating of mixed Linear Components with random effects model with practical application.
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In this research we study a variance component model, Which is the one of the most important models widely used in the analysis of the data, this model is one type of a multilevel models, and it is considered as linear models , there are three types of linear variance component models ,Fixed effect of linear variance component model, Random effect of linear variance component model and Mixed effect of linear variance component model . In this paper we will examine the model of mixed effect of linear variance component model with one –way random effect ,and the mixed model is a mixture of fixed effect and random effect in the same model, where it contains the parameter (μ) and treatment effect (τi ) which  has

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Technique and music of letter poetry in Nali’s poetry: هونەر و مۆسیقای «پیتەشیعر» له شیعری نالیدا
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Musicality is a fundamental feature of poetry that takes the interest of scholars and critics. Most poets rely on a variety of literary devices and techniques to bring music to their work like rhymes - words that appear at the end of lines in poetry - and on arranging words techniques in such a way to create a pseudo melody, which is achieved primarily by patterning (or repeating) certain sounds. Such a poetic rhetorical and verbal enhancer’s aspect represented ever since the beginning of the classical poetry has been manifested more evidently in Nali’s poetry. His poetry is marked with particular letters that have played a substantial role in the rhyming that rings like cymbals or jingle like internal elevated rhymes. Within a descr

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 18 2024
Journal Name
مجلة واسط للعلوم الریاضیة
تاثير تدريبات تنافسية في تطوير مهارتي الطبطبه بتغيير الاتجاه و حركة اللاعب المدافع بكرة السلة للطلاب
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  Basketball is one of the games that requires high physical effort because it is characterized by changing the level of playing rhythm and being an enjoyable competitive game because it includes many diverse offensive and defensive skills. The importance of research is related to developing these two skills because of their major role in influencing the performance of the game skill. The problem with the research lies in the fact that the skills performed by students are performed in a slow manner that is not consistent with the reality of the performance that should be during playing, which should be given in a competitive manner similar to the real skill performance in matches. The research aims to prepare competitive exercises, then fi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Second Language Learning and Its Relationship with the Third Language Learning: Statistical Study: China
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The exchanges in various fields,like economics, science, culture, etc., have been enhanced unceasingly among different countries around the world in the twenty-first century, thus, the university graduate who masters one foreign language does not meet the need of the labor market in most countries.So, many universities began to develop new programs to cultivate students who can use more foreign languages to serve the intercultural communication. At the same time, there is more scientific research emerged which is related to the relationship between the second and third languages. This humble research seeks to explain the relevant concepts and analyze the real data collected from Shanghai International Studies University in China, to expl

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Türkçe'de –Yor Ekinin Kullanışları
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Bu tez Türkçe'de -yor ekinin kullanışları başlığını taşımaktadır.

            Bilindiği gibi, bu ek Türkçe'de bir çok sayıda görev ve işlev yüklenebilmektedir. Bu ek Türkiye Türkçesinde en sık kullanılan şimdiki zaman ekidir. Bu ek hem şekil hem zaman ifade eder. Ayrıca da bu ekin çeşitli kullanışları verdır.

            Bu ekle ilgili kaymalar çok açık olup örnekleri de son derece fazladır

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Kıpçak Türkçesinde Sıfat- Fiiller
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Sıfat - Fiillere Osmanlıcada fer’i fiil adı verilmektedir. Sıfat - fiiller için çeşitli kaynaklarda, kılın adı (kılın sanı[1]), ortaç[2], sıfat - fiil (sıfat - eylem[3]), partisip[4], isim - fiil[5] gibi terimler kullanılmıştır.

Sıfat - fiiller, isim- fiiler gibi fiilden türerler. Aldıkları belli başlı ekler vardır. Bu eklere sıfat - fiil ekleri denir.sıfat - fiiller, cümlede bir sıfat gibi görev yaparlar. Sıfatlar gibi isimlerin önün gelirler ve onları nitelerler tıpkı bir sıfat gibi ismin hal eklerini alab

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Characteristics of English Linking Adverbials
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Linking adverbials are used to organize and bridge together extended stretches of discourse to make the text coherent. They are explicit indicators of the communicative function of the sentence and writers use them to let their readers follow what has already been said and to help them anticipate what is about to follow.
Linking adverbials include those relations of addition, enumeration, summation, apposition and so on. Through the use of these adverbials, the writer is able to organize and develop his ideas and help the reader follow him from one sentence to another. Thus, a linking adverbial is a semantic relation used to show the way in which what is to follow is systematically connected to what has gone before. So, they have anap

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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El tema de esta investigación está directamente relacionado con el papel del léxico en la enseñanza-aprendizaje del español como segunda lengua en el sistema de enseñanza universitariairaquí, donde se llevó a cabo la investigación empírica y la propuesta de criterios de la selección de léxico español.

Este estudio se ha centrado concretamente en los alumnos irakíes de nivel elemental que estudian elespañol como segunda lengua extranjera. Con el fin de conocer los estilos de enseñanza-aprendizaje del vocabulario practicado en las aulas, de determinar las faltas en la selección léxica y realizar propuestas de mejorar la competencia  léxica,  hemos efectuado el an

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
حسن حسن التخــلّص في اللغة والعمارة
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This research is an attempt to concern with important subject in Arabic language and criticism . Its conception concern with poet’s ability on transmitting from one subject to another in the same poem without effect on the reader or listener in order not to effect on reader or listener through reading poetry this concern had been taken by many critics and rhetorical which lead to architecture design those the

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الشذوذ الصرفي وضرورتهُ في اللغة العربية
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 مما لاشك فيه أنّ اندفاعنا للقيام بهذه الدراسة المتواضعة له أسبابه ، أهمها إن بعض الأبنية الصرفية مازالت مغمورة في ركام الدراسة قابعة تحت غبار الزمن على أساس أنها خارجة عن القواعد الصرفية الأساسية من غير مسوغ لهذا الخروج ، وهذه محاولة جادة للوقوف على بعضها ، لكي ننفض عنها الغبار لتخرج إلى النور ،

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