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Factores lingüísticos y extralingüísticos de la evolución semántica de los términos Linguistic and non-linguistic factors of the semantic evolution of terms
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La disciplina sémantica siendo una rama de la lingüística y relacionada con los significados que residen detrás de los vocablos sería muy intereseante ser estudiada y investigada, sobre todo cuando tratamos de penetrarnos dentro de la evolución semántica y los motivos por los que se suceden estos cambios. Pues, es injusto dejar de dar una definición aclaratoria sobre esta disciplina y sus componentes.

El significado de los léxicos que se forma por un conjunto de semas o rasgos significativos mínimos. Sin embargo, no todos esos semas son igualmente intervenidos por los hablantes de una comunidad lingüística, sino que hay algunos de ellos que siempre están presentes, mientras que otros varían. Es decir, el significado de una palabra no es siempre exactamente igual en todos los casos.

Los vocablos, a lo largo de la historia de la lengua, pasan por diversas estaciones semánticas en las que se diferencian los conceptos de los objetos y así como las acciones en este caso la denotación en muchos caso se mantiene pero surgen nuevas connotaciones del mismo concepto.

The updating of the dictionaries from time to another is a result of a series of causes of linguistic evolution, especially lexical changes, that occurs in every language due to several factors.. This evolution is always related to linguistic factors, polysemy, metonymy, metaphor, etc. And other non-linguistic factors, reasons for change by the appearance of new invented things caused by the technological evolution and development of the pattern of life, at the end, the specialization of word enriched the semantic field with new meanings that need designation, denotation and connotation

The present investigation   has objective to show the reasons for the change in the meaning of the words, whether linguistic or non-linguistic reasons.

The present investigation is divided into two parts: in the first part we have presented, the theoretical framework, the semantic discipline of its categories and the components of meaning and a summary view on linguistic change.

The second part has been a practice framework in which we have restricted the reasons for the semantic evolution of the words supporting them with sufficient examples that clarify the situations that involve change.


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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Preparing the Arabic Language Teacher for Non-Native Speakers, Following the Experience of the Arabic Language Institute at the International University of Africa: منى يوسف محمَّد وقيع الله
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The study aims to examine the reality of preparing the Arabic language teacher for non-native speakers by presenting the experience of the Arabic Language Institute at the International University of Africa. Thus, it addresses the following questions: How is it possible to invest the long scientific experiences in proposal and experiment preperations to qualify Arabic language teachers for non-native speakers? What is the reality of preparing an Arabic language teacher at the Institute? How did the Arabic Language Institute process teacher preparation? What are the problems facing the preparation of the Arabic language teachers and the most important training mechanisms used in that Institute?What problems faced the implementation of the

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Rectangular Wing Using Non-LinearVortex Ring Method
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The aerodynamic characteristics of general three-dimensional rectangular wings are considered using non-linear interaction between two-dimensional viscous-inviscid panel method and vortex ring method. The potential flow of a two-dimensional airfoil by the pioneering Hess & Smith method was used with viscous laminar, transition and turbulent boundary layer to solve flow about complex configuration of airfoils including stalling effect. Viterna method was used to extend the aerodynamic characteristics of the specified airfoil to high angles of attacks. A modified vortex ring method was used to find the circulation values along span wise direction of the wing and then interacted with sectional circulation obtained by Kutta-Joukowsky the

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Dar Amjad For Publishing And Distribution, The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan
Statistical Analysis of Non-parametric Tests Using IBM SPSS Statistics Version24
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أن الطرق اللامعلمية هي نوع من الطرق الاحصائية الاستدلالية التي يمكن استخدامها للتوصل إلى أستنتاجات لذا كان حرص المؤلف على أصدار هذا الكتاب والذي يعمل على توضيح ( لماذا ؟ ومتى ؟ وكيف ؟ ) تستخدم كل طريقة إحصائية . وبإمكان القاريء سواء أكان أستاذا ً جامعيا ً أو باحثا ً أو طالبا ً في الدراسات العليا ( الماجستير والدكتوراه ) أو طالبا ً في الدراسات الأولية أن يتتبع جميع الخطوات لحساب كل قانون إحصائي وبدءا ً من عملية إدخ

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 09 2022
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Static Shear Strength of a Non-Prismatic Beam with Transverse Openings
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In this study, a predicated formula is been proposed to find the shear strength of non-prismatic beams with or without openings. It depends on the contributions of concrete shear strength considering the beam depth variation and existing openings, shear steel reinforcements and defines the critical shear section, the effect of diagonal shear reinforcement, the effect of inclined tensile steel reinforcement, and the compression chord influence. The verification of the proposed formula has been conducted on the experimental test results of 26 non-prismatic beams with or without openings at the same loading conditions. The results reflect that the predicted formula finds the shear capacity of non-prismatic beams with openings, it is co

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Performance of reinforced concrete non-prismatic beams having multiple openings configurations
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Abstract<p>This experimental study demonstrates the gable-reinforced concrete beams’ behavior with several number of openings (six and eight) and posts’ inclination, aimed to find the strength reduction in this type of beam. The major results found are: for the openings extending over similar beam length it is better to increase the number of posts (openings), <italic>i.e.</italic>, increasing opening number led to decrease in opening area, which allows us to transmit stresses and act as lever arms between the upper and the lower chords. Also, findings revealed that the inclined posts have larger loading at the mid-point relative to vertical ones. For gables with vertical posts hav</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Spread of Private Education: An Analytical Geographical Study of the Factors of their Appearance, Prevalence and Functional Competence in Baghdad: سيناء عدنان عبد الله, و أريج بهجت أحمد
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يهدف البحث إلى تقييم الكفاءة الوظيفية لمؤسسات التعليم الأهلي في أداء وظيفتها بمستوى عالٍ لتشبع حاجة سكان المدينة الذين فضّلوا التعليم الأهلي على التعليم داخل المؤسسات الحكومية مما أدى إلى انتشارها، وصولا إلى أهم الآثار المترتبة على ذلك الانتشار إذ نافست فيه مؤسسات التعليم الحكومي، بل وتنافست المؤسسات الأهلية فيما بينها لتقديم أفضل خدمة تعليمية للصراع من أجل البقاء، وتهدف أيضا إلى  إظهار الوجه السلبي ا

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 17 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Clinicopathological analysis of 80 cases of oral lobular and non lobular capillary hemangioma (pyogenic granuloma): A Retrospective study
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Background: Oral pyogenic granuloma (PG) is a clinicopathological entity that could develop due to the reaction to a variety of stimuli, such as low-grade local irritation, traumatic damage, and hormonal stimulation. There are two histopathological types of pyogenic granuloma; lobular type -capillary hemangioma (LCH) and non-lobular type; with PG,LCH has highly vascular, diffuse capillary growth while non- lobular variant mimicking granulation tissue with heavily inflammated stroma. The study aims were to review the clinical  and histopathological spectrum of an oral pyogenic granuloma from different intraoral sites in order to avoid diagnostic pitfalls associated with similar morphological lesions and to determine

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stochastic Non-Linear Pseudo-Random Sequence Generator
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Many of the key stream generators which are used in practice are LFSR-based in the sense that they produce the key stream according to a rule y = C(L(x)), where L(x) denotes an internal linear bit stream, produced by small number of parallel linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs), and C denotes some nonlinear compression function. In this paper we combine between the output sequences from the linear feedback shift registers with the sequences out from non linear key generator to get the final very strong key sequence

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تحليل العوامل المؤثرة في اداء سوق الاوراق المالية(مصر حالة دراسية)
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تشكل سوق الاوراق المالية ركناً اساسياً من اركان هيكل النظام التمويلي في النظم الاقتصادية المعاصرة، لما تقوم به هذه الاسواق من دور مهم في حشد المدخرات المحلية وتوجيهها في قنوات استثمارية تعمل على دعم الاقتصاد القومي وتزيد من معدلات الرفاهية الاقتصادية لافراده، فضلاً عن كونها مرأة للوضع الاقتصادي العام في البلاد.

ونتيجة للروابط القوية بين سوق الاوراق المالية والاقتصاد، عُدّ استقرار ونمو

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 07 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine &amp; Toxicology
Assessment the Effect of Lactobacillus Acidophilus on Escherichia Coli Serotype O157:H7 with Detection of Some Virulence Factors
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Aim: To evaluation the effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus on Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) serotype O157:H7 with detection of some virulence factors. Methods: Two hundred and fifty specimens (stool) from children under five years for both sexes were collected from some hospitals. All isolates were diagnosed according to morphological characteristics, biochemical tests. Monoplex pattern of PCR was used also for detection different genes in (7) Escherichia coli )O157:H7 (isolates; include 16SrRNA, eae, lifA, Stx1,Stx2 that encoded for ribosomal RNA, intimin, lymphocyte inhibitory factor, shiga toxins. Three types of probiotics strains were obtained, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus acidophilus (A

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