Preferred Language
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Jeder Lernende, der in der Fremdsprache Deutsch kommunizieren möchte, wird sich auch mit der deutschen Aussprache beschäftigen (müssen). Wer eine gute Aussprache hat, wird nicht nur oft und zu Recht bewundert, er hat es auch leichter, die deutsche Sprache zu verstehen, und er wird gut verstanden. Aussprachefehler beeinträchtigen die Kommunikation, sie führen zur Unverständlichkeit von Namen, Wörtern und Äußerungen oder Mißverständnissen, sie bewirken Ermüdung und Konzentrationsverluste und beeinträchtigen die Sprachverarbeitung durch Assoziationen und Emotionen, die beim Hörer entstehen können.’’[1]

Diese vorliegende Forschung befasst sich mit der Wichtigkeit der Sprachfertigkeiten beim Erlernen der deutschen Sprache. Es ist bekannt, dass im Deutschunterricht für Ausländer oft die Zeit fehlt, um sich ausreichend mit den Problemen der Phonetik zu befassen.

,, sicherlich ist die Klage über mangelnde sprachliche Fortbildung ausländischer Studierender in vielen, wenn nicht sehr vielen Fällen von DaF-Studiengängen berechtigt.’’[2]ز


      Language learning skills are considered an imperative aspect in learning any language, in general, and in learning German, in particular, as one of the most vital scientific foreign language of the world. The present study deals with one of the most important language learning skills that is listening comprehension. It starts with shedding light on the significance of the four language learning skills in whole, which are (listening comprehension, speaking, reading and correctly writing learning skills). This research discusses the importance of these kills in learning German language.. In addition, the study deals with explaining methods of listening comprehension skills and the necessary methods of teaching German to Iraqi language learners who are of a linguistically different background than that of German native speakers ,which is  considered as one of the greatest obstacles that stand on the way of Iraqi learners’ acquiring German as a foreign language.  

Listening comprehension skill has gained a great desirability in language learning process. It encompasses understanding and making sense of spoken language. It is the fundamental first language learning skill that needs such a great effort on the behalf of the teacher to grantee the success of the language teaching and learning. Teachers are in need of mastering few indispensable essentials to accomplish success in teaching listening comprehension skills.


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Publication Date
Tue Dec 06 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Application of Strategies about Pragmatic Language for Trainers who work at Autism Centers in Baghdad city
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The study aimed: To assess the level of trainers' knowledge about the application of strategies and to find out the relationship between Trainer's knowledge and their socio-demographic characteristics.

Methodology: Using the pre-experimental design of the current study, for one group of 47 trainers working at the private Autism Centers in Baghdad, data was collected from 8/January / 2022 to 13 /February /2022. Using non-probability samples (convenient samples), self-management technology in which trainers fill out the questionnaire form themselves was used in the data collection process; it was analyzed through descriptive and inference statistics.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Вводные слова и их значения в современном русском языке Parenthetical words and their meanings in the contemporary Russian language
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Предметом нашего исследования является вводные слова и их значения в современном русском языке. И прежде чем углубиться в нашу научную работу нам было необходимо определить понятие вводных  слов и их функция и место  в системе русского языка. По словам В. Г. Лебедева и Л. С. Тюревы "Вводные слова вводятся в предложении, чтобы выражать отношение говорящего к высказываемой мысли, оценки   ее содержа

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Социальные аспекты словообразовательных процессов в современном русском языке начала XXI века
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По мнению ученых, исследующих современные деривационные процессы, „начиная со второй половины XX в., активизируются новые социолингвистические и коммуникативные факторы”, определяющие специфику современного словотворчества в ряде типологически близких славянских языков [Нещименко 2010: 39]. В результате возросшего влияния масс-медиа на коллективное сознание носителей языка, на существующий вербальный

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
فلسفة فلسفة اللغة و أثرها في الإعجاز القرآني
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Praise be to God, prayer and peace upon our master Muhammad the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him mercy, gift, and grace, and rendered his family and the good righteous is followed until the Day of Judgment. After: The Koran

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 20 2011
Journal Name
مجلة الاداب
השורשים השניים בלשון העברית (עיון אנאליטי השוואתי)
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התמצית השניות היא התורה שנזכרת כי המוצאים בלשון הערבית וכך בלשונות השמיות אינם הבטויים בעלי האותיות השלושיות , אלא בעלי שתי אותיות . לפי כך אפשר להשיב השורשים השלושיים לשורשים השניים . וכל אות שנאספה בשורש שׁניוני, יהיה לפי חוק ההתפתחות הלשונית , הוספות תחילית , תוכית , סופית , עם השארת החיבור המשמעתית בין השׁניוני והשׁלשׁי כמו היא ממושכת בין השׁלשׁי והרביעי ומה שרבה ההוספות . השרשים השניים מוצאים הם: אות וה

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Phonological features   For spoken text in the language
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This research attempted to take advantage of modern techniques in the study of the superstructural phonetic features of spoken text in language using phonetic programs to achieve more accurate and objective results, far from being limited to self-perception and personal judgment, which varies from person to person.
    It should be noted that these phonological features (Nabr, waqf, toning) are performance controls that determine the fate of the meaning of the word or sentence, but in the modern era has received little attention and attention, and that little attention to some of them came to study issues related to the composition or style Therefore, we recommend that more attention should be given to the study of

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Natural Language Processing For Requirement Elicitation In University Using Kmeans And Meanshift Algorithm
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 Data Driven Requirement Engineering (DDRE) represents a vision for a shift from the static traditional methods of doing requirements engineering to dynamic data-driven user-centered methods. Data available and the increasingly complex requirements of system software whose functions can adapt to changing needs to gain the trust of its users, an approach is needed in a continuous software engineering process. This need drives the emergence of new challenges in the discipline of requirements engineering to meet the required changes. The problem in this study was the method in data discrepancies which resulted in the needs elicitation process being hampered and in the end software development found discrepancies and could not meet the need

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching Explanation Difficulties in Islamic University from the lecturers Point of View
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This study is about awareness of teaching explanation difficulties in the Islamic university from the lecturers point of view. It discussed the difficulties and the traditional teaching methods of explanation. The study concentrated on teaching Islamic studies in general and teaching explanation in specific and set difficulties so as to be treated.

            The study is of three chapters, the first contains the difficulties in several aspects like the educational goals, text contents, teaching methods and styles, students, educational techniques, educational aids and evaluation, it addition to the lecturers of Islamic university colleges in 2009-2

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Structural-Semantic and Stylistic Characteristics of the New Idioms in Russian Language: Структурно-семантическая и стилистическая характеристика новых фразеологизмов русского языка
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This study is dedicated to one of the most difficult topics in Russian - this is the science of idioms. A feature of the Russian speech application in recent decades has been the effective change in the lexical composition of the Russian language. This article illustrates the semantic, grammatical and stylistic structural characteristics of the linguistic units that appeared in Russian at the end of the 20th century - the beginning of the twenty-first century. This work defines these terms : terminology, linguistic unity, and terms that are used as synonyms. In this research , we will adhere to the conciliatory view of the problem and include not only the terminology in the language units, but also the terminological compositions, saying

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Investigating Iraqi EFL College Students’ Multiple Intelligences
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Various theories on learning have been developed with increasing frequency in the last
few decades. In tandem with this, Multiple Intelligence theory appeared as a new approach to
education as well as an important theory in the field of language learning. Gardner explains
that all human beings have different intelligence fields and a potential to develop them. These
intelligences are (verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, bodilykinesthetic,
interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and Existential).
This study aims at investigating Multiple Intelligences of Iraqi college EFL students. To
achieve the aims of the study, a questionnaire is adopted according to Birmingham model
which incl

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