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Osman Mazlumun şiirlerınde ve hoyratlarında kötümserlik duyguları The Pessimistic Feelings in Ottoman Madhalom 's Al- Khouairatand poetry
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Irak Türkmen edebiyatının divan şiirlerinde büyük simalardan sayılan , ve

Irak Türklerinin en içli şairi olan Osman Mazlum .Şiirleri yalnızlık hem ve kederle

dolu olan şairin , her zaman büyük bir üzüntüye kablandığı için bunun tüm

şiirlerinde yansıtmıştır . Her zaman kaderden şikayetci olan şiirlerinde (Mazlum)

mahlasını kullanmıştır . Şairin klasik edebiyatında önemli bir yeri vardır . Hoyrat

yoluyla edebiyata giren mazlum'un gönül yarası bu aşıkla dolunca feyizlenmeye

ve türlü nağmelerle seslenmeğe başladı . İşte bu güne kadar yazmış olduğu şiirler

o sesler hep ahang , terennüm ve tesavırıdır . Bende bu araştırmada ilk önce

şairin hayatına , edebi kişiliğine ve eserlerine baş vurduktan sonra şairin

kötümserlik ve acı duygularını da osmanlı şiirleriyle ve hoyratlarıyla yeni

Türkçeye çevirerekaçıkladım . Son olarak bu araştırmanın okuyucularına yararlı

olmasını dilerim .


Ottman belonges to the approach of melancholy in the modern Turkish poetry. He complained his miserable luck ,which accompanied him along his life. And he descended from great ancestries.

  He was born in 1922 in Kirkuk. His parents are Turkish, his father belonges to the Turkmen tribe Al-Biat. He entered Al-Kuttab (before school), and then he entered the primary school till finishing his high school. Then he joined college of law and he got  his Bachelor in arts in  1956 .He worked in offices of ministry of Justice and then he retired.

    Madhalom faced misteries and agonies in his academic, workable life, and other thing. He didn’t get the benefit of his bachelor in Law. The poet didn’t achieve his goals and expectations in spite of his certification, knowledge, and honesty. He  worked in agriculture and other jobs, but he was disappointed at every times. Accordingly, his writing was influenced by his pessimistic point of view. Sometimes his disappointment became firstly and deprived him of fulfilling his wishes, and in other times it pulled him back.

In Turkish literature, Madhalom considered as the last poet who used prosody in the language of court. He longed for Arabic prosody. He announced that in spite of prosody difficulty,t it was the best model for poetry. In addition to his poetry , he was distinguished by writing Al-Kwareet  which included Proverbs, wise sayings, and Ghazal. And he was the only one who joined Al-Kwareet to national meanings.

    He regarded as the poet of hopelessness and despair as much as the poet of home and society and this we can see in his poetry as well as in his chaste poems. In Al-Ghazal poems, he revealed the feelings of a lover and be contrastive of choosing rhetorical words and added an aesthetic touch. Then the poem be in touch with the heart and affecting.

The research deals with pessimistic feelings in addition to the poets' life, literary personality, and his  poetry of Ghazal. The researcher transformed his poems and hıs Khouairat from the  Ottoman language to  the modern Turkish in Latin .

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gastroprotective and Immuno-supportive Role of Alcea kurdica against Stress Induced Lesion in Japanese Quails
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      The conducted research was done in Grda rasha field (Salahaddin University) for one month to compare the impacts of Alcea kurdica powder, Rifaxmine, and Ranitidine as anti-lesion and immune-strengthening agents on stress-induced quails which are affecting their growth rate and in severe cases causing gizzard erosion and deep intestinal lesions. To do that, 75 quails (12 weeks old) were grouped into six treatments with different additives. (T0-) = Negative control (Stress-induced Without treatment), (T0+) = Positive control (No stress inducing or treatment). T1= (treated with Rifaximine 200mg/L water mixed), T2= (treated with Ranitidine 200mg/L), T3= (treated with A.kurdica extract 100mg/L). The tested groups,

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Anthocyanin Dye from Red Cabbage in Different pH Solutions
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This article studied some linear and nonlinear optical characteristics of different pH solutions from anthocyanin dye extract at 180 oC from red cabbage. First, the linear spectral characteristics, including absorption and transmittance in the range 400-800 nm for anthocyanin solution 5% v/v with different pHs, were achieved utilizing a UV/VIS spectrophotometer. The experimental results reveal a shift in the absorption toward the longer wavelength direction as pH values increment. Then, the nonlinear features were measured using the Z-scan technique with a CW 532 nm laser to measure the nonlinear absorption coefficient through an open aperture. A close aperture (diameter 2 mm) calculates the nonlinear refractive index. The open Z-scan sh

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Kinetic Study of the Effect of Some Novel Lipid Lowering Compounds on Activities of Creatine Kinase and 3Hydroxy-3-Methyl-Glutaryl-CoA Reductase In Mice Induced Hyperlipidemia
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Hyperlipidemia is one of the most important factors leading to atherosclerosis and heart disease, therefore, this study conducted to examine the effect of two newly synthesized compounds[3-(5(ethylthio)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-2,3-dihydro-2-(3-nitrophenyl)benzo[1-3-e] thiazin-4-one (I) and 5(4dimethyl amino) benzylidene amino)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thiol(II)] on the activities of creatine kinase(CK) and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl- CoA reductase (HMGR) in male Wister mice . Also to determine the type of inhibition of these compounds on the above enzymes .The study was carried out on sixty male Wister mice aged seven to eight weeks their weight ranged(180-200 g) . The mice were grouped as: group(1): control group (12 mice).Group(2):consisted

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Predictors of poor first trimester outcome in asymptomatic women : the value of embryonic heart rate , mid sac diameter / yolk sac ratio & mid sac diameter / crown rump length
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Background:  Ultrasound provides a powerful tool for assessing early pregnancy and detecting pregnancy failure at first trimester and promoting rapid effective management. Several  criteria have been established  to predict  the pregnancy outcome particularly in symptomatic women .

Aim: To evaluate  asymptomatic women at the first trimester of pregnancy , to assess the efficacy of certain ratios as mid sac diameter (MSD)  / yolk sac ratio & crown rump length (CRL)/mid sac diameter (as indicator  of early first trimester oligohydramnios)  in predicting poor 1st   trimester outcome

Type of the study: A cross-s

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Degree of Student Teachers Acquisition at Sultan Qaboos University in Skills of Teaching Arabic via A Virtual Micro-Teaching Lab Based on their Point of View
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The study aims to investigate the degree of student teachers at Sultan Qaboos University acquired skills in teaching Arabic via a virtual micro-teaching lab, as well as to reveal the difficulties they faced and their development proposals. To do this, the researchers developed a questionnaire divided into four dimensions: planning, implementation, evaluation, and

ethical values for the teaching profession, in addition to two open-ended questions to identify difficulties and suggestions. It was administered to (30) student teachers. The results revealed that the average degree of student-teacher acquisition of skills was high in its four dimensions. It ranged between (39.2) to (82.2), while the overall average was (56.2).

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the effect of a new nikel (II) Complex and anticancer drug (cp) on Liver enzyme activity (GPT,GOT) and Creatinine level in Kidney of femal mice
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This study involved the effect of anew nickel (II) complexs with formla [NiL2(H2O)2].2.5ETOH where L=Bis[5-(p-nitrophenyL)-4-phenyL-1,2,4-traizole-3-dithocarbamato hydrazide] diaqua. nickel(II). Ethanol(2.5).and anti-cancer drug cyclophosphamide on specific actifity of two Liver enzymes (GOT,GPT) in the (Liver,kidney) tissues and on the creatinine Level in the kidney byUtilizing an invivosystem in femalmice.The result showed that inhibition in the activity of GPT and GOT enzymes in theLiver and in both nickel (II) complex and cyclophosphamide drug (CP) . mice weretreated with three doses (90,180,320) µg/mouse for three days for each group.The Liver show's the highest rate of GPT inhibition was about 97.43% at180µg/mouse regarding the ki

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Reasons for Lying in Kindergarten Children from the Kindergarten Teachers’ Point of View: A Comparative Study between Males and Females: سجلاء فائق هاشم , كلثوم عبد عون ردام
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Lying is considered a dangerous tendency among children if it has become a habit. It results in many social problems, such as child’s loss of confidence, lack of others’ respect to him, and his lack of respect to the desired values ​​of the society, such as honesty and trust. Consequently, he will be led to a deviation when he becomes old; especially if the child’s socially unaccepted behavior has not been directed. The research, thus, aims to examine the causes of lying in the most important stage of children’s life; that is, between (4-6) years. Such an aim helps to know about the individual reasons of lying among males and females from teachers’ perspectives. To meet the objective of the study, a number of (128) children

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Plasma levels and diagnostic utility of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in the diagnosis of Iraqi women with breast tumor: A comparative study with Ca 15-3
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Procedia Economics And Finance
The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing on Relationship between IT Capability and IT Support as Predictors of Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study on Mobile Companies in Iraq
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
A morphological study and a new species registration of genus Xerophloea Germa, 1839 sp.nov. From sub-family Ledrinae Fairmai, 1855 of the leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Iraq
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