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Osman Mazlumun şiirlerınde ve hoyratlarında kötümserlik duyguları The Pessimistic Feelings in Ottoman Madhalom 's Al- Khouairatand poetry
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Irak Türkmen edebiyatının divan şiirlerinde büyük simalardan sayılan , ve

Irak Türklerinin en içli şairi olan Osman Mazlum .Şiirleri yalnızlık hem ve kederle

dolu olan şairin , her zaman büyük bir üzüntüye kablandığı için bunun tüm

şiirlerinde yansıtmıştır . Her zaman kaderden şikayetci olan şiirlerinde (Mazlum)

mahlasını kullanmıştır . Şairin klasik edebiyatında önemli bir yeri vardır . Hoyrat

yoluyla edebiyata giren mazlum'un gönül yarası bu aşıkla dolunca feyizlenmeye

ve türlü nağmelerle seslenmeğe başladı . İşte bu güne kadar yazmış olduğu şiirler

o sesler hep ahang , terennüm ve tesavırıdır . Bende bu araştırmada ilk önce

şairin hayatına , edebi kişiliğine ve eserlerine baş vurduktan sonra şairin

kötümserlik ve acı duygularını da osmanlı şiirleriyle ve hoyratlarıyla yeni

Türkçeye çevirerekaçıkladım . Son olarak bu araştırmanın okuyucularına yararlı

olmasını dilerim .


Ottman belonges to the approach of melancholy in the modern Turkish poetry. He complained his miserable luck ,which accompanied him along his life. And he descended from great ancestries.

  He was born in 1922 in Kirkuk. His parents are Turkish, his father belonges to the Turkmen tribe Al-Biat. He entered Al-Kuttab (before school), and then he entered the primary school till finishing his high school. Then he joined college of law and he got  his Bachelor in arts in  1956 .He worked in offices of ministry of Justice and then he retired.

    Madhalom faced misteries and agonies in his academic, workable life, and other thing. He didn’t get the benefit of his bachelor in Law. The poet didn’t achieve his goals and expectations in spite of his certification, knowledge, and honesty. He  worked in agriculture and other jobs, but he was disappointed at every times. Accordingly, his writing was influenced by his pessimistic point of view. Sometimes his disappointment became firstly and deprived him of fulfilling his wishes, and in other times it pulled him back.

In Turkish literature, Madhalom considered as the last poet who used prosody in the language of court. He longed for Arabic prosody. He announced that in spite of prosody difficulty,t it was the best model for poetry. In addition to his poetry , he was distinguished by writing Al-Kwareet  which included Proverbs, wise sayings, and Ghazal. And he was the only one who joined Al-Kwareet to national meanings.

    He regarded as the poet of hopelessness and despair as much as the poet of home and society and this we can see in his poetry as well as in his chaste poems. In Al-Ghazal poems, he revealed the feelings of a lover and be contrastive of choosing rhetorical words and added an aesthetic touch. Then the poem be in touch with the heart and affecting.

The research deals with pessimistic feelings in addition to the poets' life, literary personality, and his  poetry of Ghazal. The researcher transformed his poems and hıs Khouairat from the  Ottoman language to  the modern Turkish in Latin .

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of SMEs & The Justifications For Its incubation : Survy Study
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We can see the phenomena of small and medium-sized enterprises, by important and a new subject contemporary, thro related between important concept that develop and add. This research focused on the important concept of small and medium-sized enterprises, in public and privet sectors. small and medium-sized enterprises discrimination by large filer ratio in the especially at the first years when they started because of the limited managerial skills, financial recourses and marketing problems. On it they will creative new procedures. this research treatment the core issues about wakens local and international enterprises, so threat. the goals of this research are extended malty dimension concept o

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The comparative approach (stabilizer) and the need for Arabic to it
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Linguistic research according to modern curricula:
   It is one of the important matters that occupy the ideas of those concerned with linguistic studies, whether Arabic or otherwise. Recent years have witnessed the advancement of this methodological approach, and books and studies in Arabic have been written on important, multifaceted issues, of grammatical and linguistic origins, and their balance with new developments and ideas attracted mostly from Western studies.
    The comparative approach - as they call it - is one of the modern approaches that is based on balancing a language with other sisters belonging to its family, to reach similarities and differences between them, and to know the c

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Criticism of the Green Political Thought of the Modernist Intellectual Output
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In the last decades of the twentieth century, ideas emerged that were increasingly being floated, stating that the planet is suffering from a population explosion, depletion of resources, and environmental problems that require action to be addressed. Although these problems in practice need scientific solutions, the problem is that these solutions collide with ideologies. Here the green political thought emerges, based on the criticism of many ideological axioms. The owners of green thinking agree that most environmental damage is due to the humanist doctrine. It criticizes modernity accompanied by a scientific revolution, where this criticism centered around (the rationality of the scientific and technological mind), here the green pol

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The New Russian Orientation towards the Eastern European Region after 2021
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The arrival of Russian President Vladimir Putin to power in the Russian Federation is an important factor in delineating a new approach to Russian policy towards regions that have great strategic importance affecting its national security. Therefore, NATO's progress eastward towards these regions prompts Russia to delineate a new strategy to confront this progress as well as preserving its control in the near neighboring regions represented by the countries of Eastern Europe, especially after the changes that occurred in those regions following the color revolutions that swept the region, such as the first application of this Russian policy in 2014, through the annexation of Crimea, and the latest military operations in Ukraine i

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
 The choices of Ibn Muqasim (354 AH) from the Qur’anic readings
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This research examines aspects of Imam Al-Qurtubi's efforts in matters related to the topics of faith that he dealt with in his interpretation (the provisions of the provisions of the Qur’an); and it has been shown that Imam Al-Qurtubi in most of the doctrinal issues dealt with in his interpretation approximates the doctrine of the Sunnis of Ash'aris, Maturids and people of impact. He had responses to some of the teams, such as stereoscopic, karami, and Mu'tazilite, reinforcing the responses with transfer and mental evidence.
    It was found that Imam Al-Qurtubi says that there is an increase in faith and a decrease in it, that the increase is through actions (so obedience increases and decreases in sin) and that the

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The concept of sohba when the Golden Imam Through his books
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Scientists were interested in the statement of the concept of companions and the definition of the companion in terms of his status or his novel or inherent to the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) and was for those who did not walk in the translations and the abundant share in this work, and among these scientists Hafiz Shams al-Din al-Dhahabi, which was translated to the companions His books, indicating their status and effort, and who had a novel of them - what we will see in the folds of the research, God willing -

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparative Development between the Asian Tiger Crisis and the Mortgage Crisis
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Financial crisis is one of the topics that have attracted the interest of researchers in recently. The research focused on the issue of the crisis of the Asian Tigers and the mortgage crisis and comparing them in terms of causes and repercussions. It may meet most of the financial crises in many of its causes, factors, roots and results in the advanced and the developing countries. This crisis has its own pattern and its causes and nature and it is characterized by a crisis of cash liquidity and the collapse of many banks and declare bankruptcy and a sharp decline in stock prices and indices of the stock market and so far the common denominators among the causes but does not mean this There are differences between the financial c

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Planning the main production tables using the correct binary programming method
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This research include building mathematical models for aggregating planning and shorting planning by using integer programming technique for planning master production scheduling in order to control on the operating production for manufacturing companies to achieve their objectives of increasing the efficiency of utilizing resources and reduce storage and  improving customers service  through  deliver in the actual dates and reducing delays.

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Publication Date
Tue May 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Enhancement of the Detection of the TCP SYN Flooding (DDoS) Attack
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The major of DDoS attacks use TCP protocol and the TCP SYN flooding attack is the most common one among them. The SYN Cookie mechanism is used to defend against the TCP SYN flooding attack. It is an effective defense, but it has a disadvantage of high calculations and it doesn’t differentiate spoofed packets from legitimate packets. Therefore, filtering the spoofed packet can effectively enhance the SYN Cookie activity. Hop Count Filtering (HCF) is another mechanism used at the server side to filter spoofed packets. This mechanism has a drawback of being not a perfect and final solution in defending against the TCP SYN flooding attack. An enhanced mechanism of Integrating and combining the SYN Cookie with Hop Count Filtering (HCF) mech

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Eeffect of Cronobacter sakazakii on the Brains of Newborn Mice
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Fifteenth of Cronobacter sakazakii were obtained from previous studies isolates were (infant formula, spinal fluid and bloods). The newborn mice and number was 15 obtaining healthy newborn mice from the Iraqi Center for Cancer and Medical Genetics whose ages ranged between 10-17 days and their weights 8.5 ± 1.25 gm, were divided into 3 groups. The samples were cut and placed in formalin, then placed in stabilizer and concentrations of alcohol (70%, 80%, 90%,100%) to complete dehydration after they were leached with xylene, embedded the samples paraffin wax (58°C) and sectioning the with thickness (5) micrometer and stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin stain. The results of an increase in the weight of the brain organ for the mi

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