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Comparación entre el arte visual y la literatura; la adaptación de Orson Welles de El proceso de F. Kafka como ejemplo
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Este estudio muestra una relación comparativa entre literatura y arte, concretamente entre las artes visuales (pintura y cine) y la literatura. Dicho estudio se puede clasificar dentro de los estudios actuales de literatura comparada. El interés por la cuestión viene por la problemática relación entre las dos artes, que tiene una larga tradición que se extiende desde el Ars poetica de Aristóteles hasta la aparición del vanguardismo en el siglo XX. La relación se presenta a través de los colores de las pinturas y los sonidos de las palabras. A los pintores de iconos se les conocía como iconógrafos porque se les consideraba más escritores que pintores. El icono era en realidad un texto escrito en imágenes. Es decir, la palabra que enuncia o relata y la imagen que representa configuran la base primaria y primordial para interpretar y descifrar el significado de cualquier actividad u obra artística. El estudio hace una revisión sobre la teoría clásica de la imagen poética que es la base fundamental de la relación entre la imagen y palabra. En este estudio se intenta reconocer el lugar que ocupa la relación interartística en literatura comparada, después se muestra un ejercicio simple de literatura comparada aplicado a la novela alemana El proceso de Franz Kafka y a la adaptación cinematográfica del director americano Orson Welles. Con esto se pretende hacer una analogía entre lo escrito y lo visual.


This study shows a comparative relation between art and literature, particularly between the visual arts (drawing and Cinema) and the literature, this study can be classified within the current studies of the comparative literature. Paying attention on this topic comes from the problematic relation between these arts which have a long imitation extend from the classical theory of the Aristotle poetical art until the appearance of The avant-garde Artistic and literary movement at the twentieth century, this relation which is  between the colors, the drawings, and the words sounds, the icons painters they were called icons writers because they are writers more than being painters, in reality the icon was a written text written in the picture, the word was commenting and narrating while the picture is presenting and they are both compose the basic base in reading and interpreting any activity or any artistic work. In this study, we tried to reconsider the classical theory of the poetical art which is considered as the basic base of the relation development between the image and the word in the present time and knowing the place that the artistic art in the comparative literature and doing a simple practice of the comparative literature, applied on the practical Germany novel of the playwright (Kafka) and the film’s Quotation of the American playwright (Orson Welles) to extract the difference between what is written and what is visual.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Deter1nination of Adenosin De Aminase (ADA) enzyme activity in patients with Salmonellosis
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!'hi_,  i1rycsligation  was  carried   ou1 dn J)Ct'iphcral  blom.l s_amplc:s.

wl1ich wendrawi·1  ih)rl1 patients  w.ith  l)1).hoid !'ever. Fifteen  palic111 nging ]5- 45 years old .<iS vvdl as ten sample::.  w:cr: c·ollec ted from healthy   persons-al     the  same   range  of   age.   Sera   were   used   t'or csti niation   the  act i vity  and   sp ci fie  activity  of  t\LJ.A.  The   resuJts sho:«"'d            sig11ltl'c u1t  increase i11&

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Political Text and Its Translation into Arabic: El texto político y su traducción del español al árabe
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      Field of translation is sampled with many types of translation, such as the literary, scientific, medical, etc. The translation of grammatical aspects has always been with difficulties.

Political translation is the focus here. There are many general problems faced by translators when translating political texts from Arabic into Spanish. The aim here is to clarify the definition of functions or terms within the text, and to arrive at the correct from of translation of such texts from Spanish into Arabic.  It is worth mentioning that the paper is of two parts: the first exemplifies what is meant by translation, the prerequisites of a translator, along with mentioning the methods followed&nbs

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Song and motivation in language class: Chanson et motivation en classe de langue
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Songs are considered as an educational and a substantial dependable references used in teaching and learning, particularly the so - called foreign language learning that allows learners to adapt to the target language culture and to develop their language learning skills including: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking and writing. Consequently, it can be said that the Francophone songs with the musical richness and resonance specifically facilities French language learning skills  for all levels of education and achieve short and long terms predetermined educational language learning goals.  

     In fact, language learning through songs method does not only include the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L’analyse structurale en stylistique Caractéristiques, et tentative d’application sur un poème de Verlaine
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La stylistique, héritière de la rhétorique, est ‘la science du style’. La stylistique

qui a commencé, dès son apparition, par être divisée en stylistique de l’expression et

stylistique génétique s’est vu connaître d’autres classements en stylistique idéaliste,

structuraliste, fonctionnaliste ; générativiste….etc.

Cette évolution continuelle reflète la richesse de cette discipline. La diversité des

courants et écoles dans ce domaine se traduit sur le champ par une variété de méthodes

d’analyse stylistique.

L’enjeu principal dans la plupart de ces méthodes d’analyse est la manière selon la

quelle la relation entre langue et parole, langu

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
De-Noising of Corrupted Fluoroscopy Images Based on a New Multi-Line Algorithm
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 Fluoroscopic images are a field of medical images that depends on the quality of image for correct diagnosis; the main trouble is the de-nosing and how to keep the poise between degradation of noisy image, from one side, and edge and fine details preservation, from the other side, especially when fluoroscopic images contain black and white type noise with high density. The previous filters could usually handle low/medium black and white type noise densities, that expense edge, =fine details preservation and fail with high density of noise that corrupts the images. Therefore, this paper proposed a new Multi-Line algorithm that deals with high-corrupted image with high density of black and white type noise. The experiments achieved i

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Apr 27 2021
Journal Name
DNMT3B Is an Oxygen-Sensitive De Novo Methylase in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
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The application of physiological oxygen (physoxia) concentrations is becoming increasingly commonplace within a mammalian stem cell culture. Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) attract widespread interest for clinical application due to their unique immunomodulatory, multi-lineage potential, and regenerative capacities. Descriptions of the impact of physoxia on global DNA methylation patterns in hMSCs and the activity of enzymatic machinery responsible for its regulation remain limited. Human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-hMSCs, passage 1) isolated in reduced oxygen conditions displayed an upregulation of SOX2 in reduced oxygen conditions vs. air oxygen (21% O2, AO), while no change was noted for either OCT-4 or NA

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Scopus (7)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
LA CONDICIONALIDAD EN ÁRABE Estudio lingüístico y traductológico CONDITION IN ARABIC: Linguistic study and translation
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La condicionalidad en árabe, supongo como en otras lenguas, constituye una noción amplia que puede expresarse mediante diferentes construcciones sintácticas. La mayor parte de los especialistas coinciden en señalar que las estructuras condicionales son, probablemente, la clase más compleja de expresión compuesta en árabe. Se utilizan para expresar una condición de la que depende la realización de lo expuesto en la oración principal. Las estructuras condicionales son una de las principales vías lingüísticas de las que dispone el individuo para expresar su capacidad de imaginar situaciones diferentes a las reales; de crear mundos posibles; de soñar con situaciones pasadas que podrían haber sido diferentes; de ocultar lo fact

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
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مجلة بحوث الشرق الأوسط
Polisemia en español y su traducción al árabe La المشترک اللفظي في الإسبانية وترجمته للعربية
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La (autoantonimia) Al-ḍdad en las lenguas, según la lingüística moderna
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Los lingüistas no árabes suelen quedar perplejos a la hora de  interpretar el  fenómeno de Al-ḍdad, −normalmente traducido en español como palabras  autoantónimas (1)− en la lengua árabe, en el que los arabistas, y entre ellos los españoles, han quedado sombrosos ante este fenómeno. El jefe del tribunal de la defensa de mi tesis me pidió que le explicara este fenómeno según mi teoría “El esquema básico de la referencia”; pues me dijo que no podía  imaginar que una palabra tuviera dos significados opuestos, y en ese momento le expliqué la palabra albayn  البين que significa la separación,  o la relaciónel enlace que comentar

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF Towards C+L Band Three-Mode (De)Multiplexer Using Subwavelength Grating (SWG) Technology
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Abstract: Recently, there is increasing interest in using mode-division multipelexing (MDM) technique  to enhace  data rate transmission over multimode fibers.  In this technique, each fiber mode is treated as a separate optical carrier to transfer its own data.  This paper presents a broadband, compact, and low loss three-mode (de)multiplexer designed for C+L band using subwavelength grating (SWG) technology and built-in silicon-on-insulator SOI platform. SWG offers refractive index engineering for wider operating bandwidth and compact devices compared to conventional ones. The designed (de)multiplex deals with three modes (TE0, TE1, and TE2) and has a loss > -1 dB and crosstalk < −15 dB, and its operation c

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