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Title Semiotic in Creative Texts
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Contemporary researchers realized the importance of the title. Many researches and studies concerned in titles and their analyses on the structural, semantic and pragmatic levels have been developed. Title gives a vital assistance to control the text harmony and to understand its vague aspects. It is the axis which re-generates itself, grows, and re-produces itself; as if it were a head for a body.

Title has strong relation to the reader- waiting horizon, multiplies as many levels of understanding are there. The horizon of waiting is limited by the title, basically, to be the first reason for the text entrance, as the first thing attracts the reader is the title.

Approaching title scientifically and objectively is impossible, but only through semiotic approach which deals with titles being signs, signals, symbols, icons and metaphors.

Under the light of these facts, semiotics dedicates vital importance for titles being procedural terms within the literary text approach.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
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Mechanisms of creative action in print design
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In the midst of conflicts different intellectual and knowledge of production processes and circulation we need constant search for different levels of Innovation replenished with renewed need to develop solutions to various problems. Amid this conflict comes to mind a question about what salt creative mechanisms act in Graphic Design? Through this research is marked (creative mechanisms act in Graphic Design) strive to find solutions
to this question, as well as cognitive it Sarphi side modern and developmental study to a broader understanding of the subject. And across four seasons, which included the first chapter of the research problem and the need for him, and then came the second chapter includes theoretical framework goal Bemb

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
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Creative formations in honorable prophetic decoration lines
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The Islamic art is filled with precious and holiness contents for what it carries of spiritual meanings represented by the Holy Quran, Hadith and texts which inspired the Calligrapher fertile imagination draw from it a wide space for holiness and spiritual expression with artistic explanation of aesthetic and decorative nature, its issuance pivots depended on decoration and calligraphy elements. The main elements which enriched the aesthetic and expressional side are the texts which used by the Calligraphers whom tried to be perfect and creative by presentation techniques and issuance treatments hold within the beauty of the shape and content. The most remarkable artistic achievements are honorable prophetic decoration for what it has of

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The statistic structure of the title in the poetry of Muhammed Ali Kazim Haider
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In this research, we attempt to show the extent of harmony in an aspect of the text according to the stylistics for the Knowing of the stylistic value of the title threshold, and the pathways of titles that suggest and support the meaning when the recipient reads the literary text, in addition to the interpretations that reflect the purposes of the poet who contributed to the drawing of his poetic achievement. The research presented a brief about the poet and his most important works, because they are the text which will be studied according to the stylistics. The research also explained the concept of style and the stylistics in the preface , because of the stylistic is the method adopted by the research to study the title thresholds in

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflections informational monitoring in Creative marketing systems
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         The research aims to measure the impact of infor

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
سيمياء المسكوت عنه في القصص العربي القديم
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The semiotic approach to the unspoken seeks to analyze the text in an esoteric way, that is, to clarify what is hidden from it by reading between

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Absence of the Applied Semiotic Approach in Analyzing the Media Phenomenon
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the contemporary Arab scholars deal with semiotics as an approach that helps them understand the texts, its meaning, and its structural functionalism . that’s why every now and then we find some
studies and researches using semiotics as an approach in study and comparatives, some of them even used the semiotic approach in analyzing old and new texts, while others think that semiotic holds and important place in critical approaches .
even though some of them considers semiotic just a trend of fashion this really didn’t lessen the value of semiotic as a scientific and procedural approach in literary and media studies as well as in analyzing literary and journalistic texts. for this reason it is considered as an important approa

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Dificultades de traducción en los textos teatrales
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The theatrical text is a literary genre is written to be represented on a stage. Present difficulties in translation because include elements paralinguistic, historical, social, cultural, etc. The drama contains dialect, slang, and jargon elements. Here the translator must decide in favor of a re-creation of such elements with dialects, slang, and jargon in the receiving.

    The main objective of this study presents a descriptive about the translation for the theater and the main problems in translation theatrical texts. Try to reach some conclusions about the following questions: What requires theatrical translation? and What is the perfect formation of the translator of theater texts?.  The first part is an

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
From Structure to the Signal (Text and Discourse in the Semiotic Analysis)
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Care and attention to the structure in the sixties of the last century replaced the mark, and if the structure of Ms. pampered in research and studies, it has become the mark is also a spoiled lady .. But the relationship between the structure and the mark was not a break and break, but the relationship of integration, His themes are structural analysis, and these are intellectual themes that can not be surpassed in contemporary research, especially since semiotics have emerged from the linguistic inflection.

We have tried to distinguish between text and speech, which is a daunting task, as it seems that whenever the difference between them is clear and clear, we come back to wonder whether the text is the same discourse, and is

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Title “public , private and edition” By Imam Al-Qanuji, in his book Al-Raudha Al- Nadi
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The research discusses the biography of Imam Al-Qanuji,  his syllabus in his book “ Raudha Al- Nadia , and Public, particular, edition  definition. Then it mentions the types of matters and the Imam Al-Qanuji’s opinion in it, and it mentions the early and contemporary scholars’ opinions and simplifies their logical and unwritten proofs. It also discusses and librates the place of dispute, then it swages reliable based on the power of the proof and interest without any contravention which the orthodox law orders.  Furthermore, the research discusses matters like,  whether there is any particular formula for public, or whether the public considers the Quraan as i

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Narrative and Electronic news Story: (Semiotic approach)
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The e-news is one of the most important journalistic arts in new media (the Internet). The process of telling the story by the journalist is an important aspect of the communicative process between the users of the internet and the reporter. The electronic news is characterized by having text, fixed images, animations, videos and sound. All these give greater vitality to the communicative process and increase the semiotic dimensions. Also, it makes the narrative process more distinctive and embodied of the elements of the event. This research studies all these aspects and tries to show the distinction between the semiotics of narration and the electronic news.

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