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Creative formations in honorable prophetic decoration lines
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The Islamic art is filled with precious and holiness contents for what it carries of spiritual meanings represented by the Holy Quran, Hadith and texts which inspired the Calligrapher fertile imagination draw from it a wide space for holiness and spiritual expression with artistic explanation of aesthetic and decorative nature, its issuance pivots depended on decoration and calligraphy elements. The main elements which enriched the aesthetic and expressional side are the texts which used by the Calligraphers whom tried to be perfect and creative by presentation techniques and issuance treatments hold within the beauty of the shape and content. The most remarkable artistic achievements are honorable prophetic decoration for what it has of holiness content and religious symbol represented by the personality of the honorable prophet Mohammed (God peace upon him and his household), for this reason , the Calligraphers compete in issuance and artistic perfection of honorable prophetic decoration lines in shape varieties with indicative and aesthetic dimensions. For what the honorable prophetic decoration content has of specialty at the Calligraphers, they tried to employ its features of items and meanings which helped in produce creations with variety artistic works mixed between the holiness, aesthetic and expression side with creative issuance treatment, the Calligrapher try his best depending of what he represent of his skill and his perfect of handwritten and issuance of decoration paint map which inspired from it text meanings creative ideas within the shape organizations  and variety areal partitions, so the researcher depend in his study on four chapters:

The first chapter includes the study problem, its importance, its goals, its limits and terms definitions which the study deals with it , while the second chapter includes main pivots : origin of honorable prophetic decoration within consecutive time periods , also include the creative kinds of honorable prophetic decoration corresponding to shape varieties and various works , the researcher deal with creation elements and it role in create a new creative shapes and also formalism eloquence which included decoration text meanings and handwritten formations in honorable prophetic decoration. The third chapter includes analysis two samples of creative shape in its design and build up a general map for the samples and the fourth chapter includes the study results

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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The aesthetic of structural relationships in linear formations
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This research is concerned with the study of (the aesthetic of constructive relations in linear composition) with what distinguished Arabic calligraphy through the style and artistic method in its construction, and the specifications it carries that enabled it to pay attention to building formations to achieve in its total linear ranges aesthetic values and relationships. Through the research, the models and the exploratory study that he obtained, the researcher was able to raise the research problem in the first chapter according to the following question: What is the aesthetic of constructive relations in linear formation?
The importance of the research in achieving the aesthetics of the formations, which is a wide field according t

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 09 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Woman’s alleviation of the husband's burden in the prophetic Sunnah
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Glorify and Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, companions, and those who are loyal to him.

The subject derives its significance from two important sources , the first one lies in  the Sunnah of the Prophet, while the other is the family source , which enrich  this subject with great importance.

As for the objective of the topic, it shows to the reader the prophetic bases  that mitigate and  ease the burden of the husband in a way that secures the marital happiness, so that the Muslim woman takes it as a path  for her in life and a slogan that illuminates the darkness of the path and makes her to overcom

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2004
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
استخدام الحاسوب في تخريج الاحاديث النبوية الشريفة
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الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد( صلى الله عليه وعلى اله وسلم) وعلى اله وصحبه أجمعين وعلى من سار على نهجه واتبع سننه إلى يوم الدين. يعتمد علماء الحديث والباحثون في العلوم الإسلامية وبعض الدراسات في العلوم الأخرى الأحاديث النبوية الشريفة في دراساتهم وأبحاثهم العلمية، ولذلك يلجأ ون إلى كتب التخريجات التي تهديهم إلى مواضع الأحاديث في مصادرها الأصلية . وزاد التأليف في كتب تخريج الأحاديث لأهمي

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Architectural formations in the works of potter Tariq Ibrahim: انعام خليل ابراهيم
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Artistic formation is an interconnected system of a group of elements and units interconnected with each other in an interwoven fabric, which in turn will be forms with ideas and contents that the artist is keen to convey to the recipient, the formative building includes various types of visual arts, and architecture is in turn a visual art, built from a group Elements and units that show their aesthetic value during the intersection of their building lines and the systems and models of building their external walls, which may be built with a system of incomes and projections or protrusions and pits in their walls, which creates different areas of shade and light during the fall of the sun's rays on them, so their aesthetic value increas

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Cytotoxic Effect of the Extract of Anchusa strigosa (Him Him) Grown in Jordan Against Different Cancer Cell Lines
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Anchusa strigosa - prickly alkanet from Boraginaceae grows in roadsides, and fields of a broad range of habitats from mediterranean woodlands, to steppe vegetation, to true desert. It is commonly known as" him him" or "lisan al thawr". Anchusa can withstand hard weather conditions and hence is widely cultivated. The color of its flowers can range from pure white to deep cobalt blue. Various parts of A. strigosa are used in traditional medicine for treating several diseases or symptoms, such as abdominal pain, bronchitis, cough, and diarrhea. The goal of this study was to examine the cytotoxic effect of the crude extract of A. strigosa roots and leaves and their fractions against various tumor cell lines: adenoc

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Semantic (Badi'iyah)Readings in The Prophetic Praise Poetry (Mada'h Nabawiya) (Abdel Rahim Bin Ahmad Bin Ali Al Borai as a case study)
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The importance of this topic may not be overlooked by many of the specialists, because it is one the sciences of the Arabic language, but it is an important method in the field of influencing the recipient and his aesthetic ability to create influential images as well.
The talking about Semantic (Badi'iyah)is as old as the Arabic age, so it may be talking about it not the new thing because the people who specialized have preceded us and exhausted all the talk .

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Talk show in prophetic stories
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This research deals with dialogic submission as one of the most important deliberative topics in the process of linguistic communication between the two sides of the discourse, and therefore we find in this research its concept among the ancient Arabs of grammarians, rhetoric and fundamentalists, and we started with Western linguists as a result of their knowledge of the philosophy of language, and this research was satisfied with the principle of cooperation that came By Grace as the founder of this modern deliberative topic with an attempt to monitor this principle in the prophetic stories and the susceptibility of the stories to this kind of implicit communication, as the prophetic stories included multiple deliberative dimensions of

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Biography Judge Faqih Abu Bakr al-Ansari and its impact on the notation Hadiths (36 AH - 120 AH / 657 AD - 738 AD)
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Followers and their followers (may Allah be pleased with them all) followed the approach of the guidance and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the collection and codification of the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad in various Arab and Islamic areas. Subsequent judge Faqih Abu Bakr al-Ansari had a distinct effect during that time immortalized in the pages of our Islamic history in preserving the Sunnah of our great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and documenting the constants of Sharia and Islamic jurisprudence and its importance in the activity of intellectual and scientific movement in the Arab Islamic State.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Design And Decoration in Enriching Children’s Clothes
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As the child is growing up, he goes through different phases which will be accompanied by physical and psychological changes. These changes set the basis for processes of designing and making children's clothes which in turn give its required benefits and meet the physiological, psychological and community needs. That will help provide the child with healthy physical and psychological growth.
The aim of this research is to recognize the decoration of clothes by colors and drawings and its role in clothes' richness and children's education. The research limits are objective, The limits are for female (3-5) years old. The research was done in teaching kindergarten in the college of education for women in 2016. The researchers found many

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of prophetic Sunna in solution of social problems
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Allah created the human from clay and made the system of marriage between male
and female as a reason for life continuity and human staying. This system produced an
organization called (the society) which is defined as a group lived in limited time and place.
Islam put fundamental and conditions of the righteous society in the Holy Quran and
prophetic sunna. Islam also put the solutions for problems (if they got) , naturally, these
problems may happened because of the nature of the life.
The problem of the research is summarized by that the problems of the society
enlarged in our Islamic society more than time ago. In the same time , some solution are
imported from west and east and from scientist and ignorant wit

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