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תאור השטטל ביצירות סופרים עבריים מאת עוזר לפרופ. עדנאן שביב ג'אסם Description of Shtetl in Works of Hebrew writers
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מחקר זה עוסק בנושא (העיירה היהודית) שטטל ביצירותיהם של שני סופרים עבריים שהתמקדו בביקורת בשטטל. וזה נחשב להגבלה או למכשול לפיתוחם של היהודים, אז זה התרחש ביצירותיהם והם נתנו תשומת לב רבה לזה –לפי דעתם- גם זה נחשב להיבט בהיסטוריה והחיים של היהודים באירופה.

 סופרים עבריים רבים התעסקו בנושא השטטל שנהיתה לחומר ביצירותיהם. גם כן נהיתה אצל כמה מהם לשאלה חשובה, כי אם  אנו מוצאים שיצירותיהם לא נטשו את האזכור של השטטל. דבר זה צפוי למצב הפרנסה הקשה שעמד בפני היהודים בשטטלים, ובגלל המדיניות שנתנהגו על ידי הממשלים האירופיים תוך כדי לרסן את העושר והשתלטותם של היהודים על הכלכלה של אותן מדינות. דבר זה הוביל לחולשת האפשרויות הכלכליות של היהודים שהביא אותם לבורות ולסיבה הזאת הופיעו התנועות הפוליטיות כמו הציונות, תנועות התחיה הלאומית, הדתיות והתרבותיות במו ההשכלה בתחילתה. 

שלום עליכם תיאר את השטטל בסיפורים רבים מסיפוריו, הוא תיאר את מצבה ומצב האוכלוסיה היהודית שחיה בה במיוחד העשירים שתיארם בצורה מצחיקה וסטירית. שלום עליכם היה משתמש בשמות וירטואליים לשטטלים וגם לאוכלוסיה.

 סיפוריו של ברדישבסקי התענינו ביחיד המורד על המסורת בשטטל, כנושא מרכזי כמו שמצאנו בסיפוריו, סיפורים אלה עסקו במציאות השטטל ומצב היהודים איפה חיים. הוא הותאם עם שלום עליכם בשאלת הצגת המציאות היהודית בשטטלים ובכפרים היהודים, אף על פי השתנות השיטה אלא שהמטרה היא אחת, שהיא הצגת המציאות היהודית ותיאורו בטרגי לגמרי.

מההשוואה בין שני הסופרים מתברר שהשנים עסקו 


This research deals with the subject of Shtetl (Jewish town) in the works of some Hebrew writers who focused on the criticism of this Shtetl and considered a restriction or an obstacle in front of the development of the Jews. Therefore It took space in their works and gave it great attention to it-by their point of view- considered an important part in the history and life of Jews in Europe.

Many Hebrew writers took Shtetl and was subject of their works, and has been formed the important issue, we find their works didn’t abandoned mention of Shtetl. It is likely to the living situation, which was difficult that Jews faced in these Shtetls, because the policies of European governments to reduce their wealth,  and control on the economic affairs in those countries. This affair led to the weakness of the Jew’s abilities, which led them to ignorance and illiteracy. These situations bring to appearance the political movements such as Zionism and nationalism movements, also the religious like Hasidic, and the cultural like Haskalah.

Sholem Aleichem described Shtetl by many stories and the situation of Jews in these Shtetls. He talked about the economic situation of the population Jews in these Shtetls sociality the riches that he described them with irony and satire. Sholem Aleichem named the Shtetls and their peoples with virtual names.

Berdyczewski’s stories took the recalcitrant Jew person upon Shtetl’s traditions as a central subject such as we find this issue in his stories. These stories deals with the reality of Shtetl and Jews situation where they lived. Berdyczewski’s coincided with Sholem Aleichem to view the Jewish reality in the Jewish towns, villages and Shtetls. In spite of different of the style, but the target is one to review the Jewish reality and imaging it as a tragic.

Through comparative between two writers, become clear that they dealing with Shtetl as they think. So Berdyczewski focused on the salt and destructive reality in Shtetl. Sholem Aleichem focused on the ideology, culture and economic sides. He criticized the illiterate community whose had been grasped traditions.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 19 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This study included a survey and review of the scientific names of the marsh insects (aquatic and surrounding it) for the purpose of unifying and updating the database.
The survey reveals 109 species under 77 genera that belong to 32 families and 7 orders as follow: Coleoptera (44 species), Diptera (7 species) Ephemeroptera (2 species), Hemiptera (14 species), Hymenoptera (11 species), Lepidoptera (2 species) and Odonata with 29 species.
Information of specimens' collection for each species, synonyms and geographical distribution were provided.

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 03 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Quality Assurance of Nursing Performance in Surgical Wards
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Objective: The study deafs with nursing performance in the surgical wards in general hospital at
Baghdad city.
Methodology : A descriptive evaluation design using, observational method was carried out. Non
probability (purposive) sample of (151) nurses was selected for the study and comprised all nurses who
worked in general surgical wards in the four health sectors( Rusaffa , Al-Karkh, Al-Yarmok, Medical
city health sector) at time of collecting the data. A check list questionnaire was constructed by the
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availability of

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Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
role of tools promotional mix in sales growth
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    The mix promotion important to any organization in general, has been selected promotional mix tools in this research to identify the role in maximizing the Organization of sales growth business, which included the research problem several fundamental questions about the role of each promotional tool of advertising, public relations and personal selling and sales promotion direct marketing within the promotional mix in the promotion of business sales organization. The research aims to provide theoretical and field organizations surveyed about the role played by the mix promo in sales growth, and  importance of research on the identification of more than promotional tools impact on sales gr

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Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The transformation of power in contemporary western thought
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Abstract: In accordance with contemporary Western thinking, power is an organized force with a high ability to achieve stability and social security because it possesses tools based on rational organization, which helps it to control the behavior of the individual and society and prevent them from practicing the processes of exclusion and discrimination against others in pursuit of their interests and needs. Vision The philosophers and thinkers of the theory of social contract can consolidate it, which changed the form and nature of power from the traditional heritage to the constructionWhich has contributed to the development and development of civil society - Western political, and despite the success of this experiment, especially aft

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Wed Jan 01 2020
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International Conference Of Numerical Analysis And Applied Mathematics Icnaam 2019
Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in Iraq during 2015
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Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Molecular Analysis of Bacterial Meningitis in Suspected Cases
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      One hundred and seventy-six cases of suspected meningitis (SMN) were included in a cross-sectional study. Their ages ranged from less than 1 year to 80 years, of whom 44.3% were male. The aim was to assess bacterial meningitis (BMN) in terms of incidence and types of causative bacteria. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens were collected and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis was conducted with universal primers designed to amplify a DNA fragment (996 bp) of the 16S rRNA gene of eubacteria. Resolving PCR products in agarose-gel electrophoresis revealed that 37.5% of CSF specimens were PCR positive, while 62.5% of CSF specimens showed no band and were considered PCR-negative. Eighty percent of the latter specimens were not

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Tue Oct 17 2017
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Spe/iatmi Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference And Exhibition
Retention of Silica Nanoparticles in Limestone Porous Media
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Nanofluids (dispersion of nanoparticles in a base fluid) have been suggested as promising agents in subsurface industries including enhanced oil recovery. Nanoparticles can easily pass through small pore throats in reservoirs formations; however, physicochemical interactions between nanoparticles and between nanoparticles and rocks can cause a significant retention of nanoparticles. This study investigated the transport, attach, and retention of silica nanoparticles in core plugs. The hydrophilic silica nanoparticles were injected into limestone core as nanofluid of different nanoparticles size (5 nm, and 20 nm), concentration (0.005 – 0.1 wt% SiO2), and base fluid salinity (0 – 3 wt% NaCl) at different temperatures (23, and 50 °C). D

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Fri Jun 30 2023
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Iraqi Journal Of Science
Statistical Analysis of COVID-19 Data in Iraq
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The analysis of COVID-19 data in Iraq is carried out. Data includes daily cases and deaths since the outbreak of the pandemic in Iraq on February 2020 until the 28th of June 2022. This is done by fitting some distributions to the data in order to find out the most appropriate distribution fit to both daily cases and deaths due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The statistical analysis includes estimation of the parameters, the goodness of fit tests and illustrative probability plots. It was found that the generalized extreme value and the generalized Pareto distributions may provide a good fit for the data for both daily cases and deaths. However, they were rejected by the goodness of fit test statistics due to the high variability of the data.<

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Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The dualism in the poetry of Ahmed Bakheet
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The study of the (dualist antagonism) of a poet, will be determined by the poet's potential, and according to the system of concepts and creativity, and this means that there is a difference between the rooting of the meaning and its roots, and poetic sources by tracking the poets and their attitudes.
Therefore, poetry is a variable function according to the values ​​of the movement, which is the freedom and continuous fuel. With these units of measurement, can measure the dose (Ahmed Bakheet) of freedom and mechanisms of investment, Bakheet (moment) of the time of hair dimensions of the limits of his experience. This is what the researchers will address in their research.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
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The concept of metaphor in the contemporary sculpture
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Despite the importance of this term in linguistics and rhetoric ancient and modern literary forms in general, is that it is possible to use in clarifying the foundations of the relationship hidden and manifest between shapes in models art adjacent or successive spatially, as the artwork plastic in general and sculpture in particular consists of formal structure somewhat similar to the structure in any language text and we can decode these blades structure and analyze the implications and come to their meanings and re-read and interpreted under the guidance of the concepts and techniques of neighboring developed primarily for linguistic analysis of texts or launched from their references. This split search to four chapters included the fi

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