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Las formas no personales del verbo en español y su traducción al árabe Non-personal forms of the verb in Spanish and their translations into Arabic
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Las formas verbales: el infinitivo, el gerundio y el participio, son derivados verbales que se comportan como sustantivos, adverbios o adjetivos, respectivamente; aunque, dado su carácter verbal pueden también funcionar como verbos y, por tanto, como núcleos del predicado.

 El presente trabajo presenta una visión general sobre las formas no personales del verbo en español. Se debe recordar que las formas no personales del verbo tiene funciones y valores dentro de la oración.

  Este trabajo lo dividimos  en dos partes: la primera presenta  un breve marco teórico en que se explica las formas no personales del verbo y como se forman además de sus funciones.


     Each language has its own grammatical rules. Certain structural similarities among languages are just possible; a whole coincidence between two languages is impossible. Grammatical structure of Arabic differs, in the best part of it, from that of Spanish, particularly regarding tenses, aspects and morphological structures.

      The current study tackles one of the morphological structures used in Spanish, the verb non-personal forms, i. e., the infinitive, active participle and passive participle which are non-personal and have no tense, i. e., they do not denote any reference to person or tense.

      The main aim of this study is to show how these forms may be accurately and correctly translated into Arabic. These forms have functions and importance in the Spanish sentence, hence, this importance ought to be known in order to be translated correctly into Arabic.

      The functions of these forms differ from the functions of the infinitive, active participle and passive participle in Arabic. Infinitive in Spanish is the noun of the verb. In Spanish, the infinitive of the verb 'travel', for instance, is 'travel'. Whereas the infinitive in Arabic is an utterance indicates an event which does not correspond to certain tense, such as the verb 'beat' whose infinitive form is 'beat'.

      The active participle in Spanish functions as an adverb; the passive participle functions as an adjective. Both have grammatical functions and importance. In Arabic, the active participle and the passive participle are derivatives. The active participle is derived from the active verb to indicate the characteristics of the doer of the verb, such as, write: writer. The passive participle is derived from the passive verb to indicate the characteristics of the one who received the verb, such as, beat: beaten.

      The present study is divided into two parts, the first of which view the theoretical aspect of the non-personal forms of the verb in Spanish with a brief introduction to the infinitive, the active participle and the passive participle in Arabic to show the differences between them in the two languages.

      The second part shows the translation of these forms into Arabic. It tackles the grammatical importance which enables the translator to render them into Arabic correctly. The examples which include non-personal forms of the verb are adopted from (Rozario Techeras) by the Colombian novelist Georges Franco and their correct translation into Arabic.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 02 2021
Journal Name
مجلة بحوث الشرق الأوسط
Lectura de las ideas de Miguel de Unamuno en su obra narrativa قراءة لأفکار ميغيل دي أونامونو في أعماله الروائية
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 17 2024
Journal Name
Sabir. International Bulletin Of Applied Linguistics
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En el contexto iraquí, el análisis de las dificultades léxicas de los estudiantes de ELE es fundamental para poder llevar a cabo prácticas que respondan dos necesidades concretas. Por un lado, ofrecer experiencias de aula que garanticen el desarrollo de competencias comunicativas que optimicen el uso adecuado de la lengua española (L2); por otro, atender a las exigencias que se hacen desde el PCIC y el MCER para tener unos parámetros claros de evaluación. Así las cosas, en este artículo se propone la caracterización de la competencia léxica como parte de las competencias lingüísticas desde la perspectiva del MCER, para señalar cuál es el alcance de su optimización para los estudiantes arabófonos en general y los ira

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 13 2023
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Published By Iraqi Translators Association
Congruencia estilística en la estructuración temática de la novela contemporánea árabe e hispánica Muhsin al-Ramli y Gabriel García Márquez Como muestra
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AbstractoEl presente estudio tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis comparativo entre dos obras literarias destacadas: “El amor en los tiempos del cólera” del célebre escritor Gabriel García Márquez y la novela “Los jardines del presidente” del escritor iraquí Mohsen al-Ramli. Estas dos novelas, escritas en diferentes contextos culturales y geográficos, comparten una serie de elementos contextuales y narrativos que nos invitan a explorar sus similitudes y diferencias.Principalmente, ambas obras pertenecen al género del realismo y se sumergen en las circunstancias y experiencias de sus personajes en sociedades oscuras dominadas por la opresión, la guerra y las tradiciones impuestas. Los autores ofrecen una perspectiva crí

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
El realismo del personaje de Lazarillo de Tormes por el tratado primero "cuenta Lazaro su vida y cuyo hijo fue"
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El Lázarillo señala a fines del reinado del emperador, el comienzo de un
nuevo género en la literatura castellana. A través de sus páginas nos adentró en un
mundo de pobreza, de
hambre secular, de hipocresía, y rodeado de problemas.
Lázaro cuenta en primera persona sus aventuras comenzando por su nacimiento, en
una aceña de las riberas del río Tormes. Condenando su padre como ladrón y, su
madre se entrega al mas vil morisco - cuya conducta deja también que desea –
haber pasado hambre y le entrega, siendo todavía un niño, a un ciego de alma ruin
para que, acompañándole, se gana la vida. Para aplacar el hambre, pues el ciego le
daba poco de comer, el muchacho le hace objeto, de repetidas tretas.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Expressions of probability in Spanish language and their translation into Arabic (Empirical study)تعابير الاحتمالية في اللغة الاسبانية و ترجمتها الى اللغة العربية: دراسة تطبيقية
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The probability is considered one of the grammatical cases in all languages of the world. Expressions of probability in Spanish language are expressed by various structures, expressions and some verb tenses. By this study explains the grammatical cases, the verbal periphrases, the impersonal expressions, the future tenses (simple and perfect) and the conditional mode of probability in Spanish language .We have explains these cases in detail with examples that have extracted from various spanish grammar books .The specific objective of this study is to know the resources and constructions of probability in Spanish language and their translation in Arabic language.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mental motivation among students of Arabic language departments and its relationship to their attitudes towards the profession
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The aim of the research is to know the level of mental motivation among students of the Arabic language departments in the Faculties of Education in the universities of Baghdad Governorate and its relationship to their attitudes towards the profession, and the level of orientation towards the profession among students of the Arabic language departments in the Faculties of Education. And the correlational relationship between mental motivation and career orientation among students of Arabic language departments in the Faculties of Education, and the current research is determined by students of Arabic language departments in the Faculties of Education and the universities (Education Ibn Rushd-  University of Baghdad, Education- &nbsp

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Arabic language and tongue violence in Arab satellite channels
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This study aimed at identifying the effect of violence on speech disorders concerning Arab Broadcasting . Language is a pot of thought and a mirror of human civilization and communication tool, but the Arabic language is suffering a lot of extraneous terms them, particularly through the media. This study attempts to answer the following question: Is the phenomenon of linguistic duality in the Media reflected negatively on the rules of the classical language? The study deals with the explanation and interpretation of the phenomenon that has become slang exist in our Media More. And the study suggests re- consideration of the value in the Media ,hence the problem will be resolved.   

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La influencia del artículo inglés a los iraquíes que estudian el español ( un estudio analítico , estadístico )
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     Each language in the world has its special methods in using articles that connected with nouns. There are languages do not have articles and others their articles from one class, that is to say it do not have masculine and feminine such as our Arabic language. Also in some languages the nouns come after article.

The main aim in our research is to analyze the usage of these articles and its presence or not in the structure of sentence for the learners of Spanish language as a foreign language.

    The usage of these articles in Spanish language forms one of the problems that face students in the grammar of Spanish language, at the same time it stands as a problem in translation becau

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Daniel's Model on the Acquisition of Concepts for the Arabic Language Curricula Among the Students of Department of Arabic Language in Colleges of Basic Education
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The current research aims to investigate the effect of a specimen of Daniel in the acquisition of concepts for the Arabic language curricula material to the students of the third phase of the Faculty of Basic Education Department of Arabic Language. The sample consists of (93) applications and a student of (47) students in the Division (A), which represents the experimental group which studied the use of a specimen of Daniel, and (46) students in the Division (B), which represents the control group, which studied the traditional way. The subject of unified two groups, which subjects the Arabic language curricula which includes six chapters.
The duration of the experiment is a full semester. The researchers also prepared a tool for mea

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Dificultades de traducción en los textos teatrales
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The theatrical text is a literary genre is written to be represented on a stage. Present difficulties in translation because include elements paralinguistic, historical, social, cultural, etc. The drama contains dialect, slang, and jargon elements. Here the translator must decide in favor of a re-creation of such elements with dialects, slang, and jargon in the receiving.

    The main objective of this study presents a descriptive about the translation for the theater and the main problems in translation theatrical texts. Try to reach some conclusions about the following questions: What requires theatrical translation? and What is the perfect formation of the translator of theater texts?.  The first part is an

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