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Estudio traductológico del relativo "que" del español al árabe A study in the translation of relative pronoun (que) from Spanish into Arabic language
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The scope of the world of translation is an area filled with different types of translations, whether translations of scientific, social, political or economic in addition to the other types are endless, but the translation problematic grammatical that may confront us if we proceed to translate any subject are important issues that must Translator whether translators or interpreters that puts it into consideration and attaches great importance to the translation is very clear and without any ambiguity. One of these forms of grammatical task is to translate the relative pronoun (que) from Spanish into Arabic language, which revolves around the subject of this research.

    The relative pronoun (que) is a word referring to another word unprecedented and is working to connect with another phrase. It is a tool in changing her gender and number so we see that this tool is used by the Spanish people on a large scale, especially at the toddler language. Fastening tool (que) means in Arabic (which is which and who I come......). Refers to the name preceded by, for example: (the car that I saw yesterday, El coche que vi ayer). While we find this same tool in the Arabic language and the sex variable in number according to the name that proceded.

    The translation of relative pronoun (que) is not an easy task or easy as think a lot of people, quite the contrary it is the task extremely difficult because the interpreter, whether in writing or orally must be mastered uses correct idea, and avoids at the same time uses disinformation to reach translation is clear and correct, so the main goal of this research is to build a bridge leads us to distinguish the correct use of the fastening tool (que) when we translate from Arabic into Spanish in order to clarify these rules and to indicate their importance for translators, whether they are translators or interpreters if they want to be their translation correct and clear, through the expansion of knowledge concerning the proper use of this tool, leaving what other uses false if it is relevant and widely used.

    It is worth mentioning that this research has a head portion and one is: how to translate the tool interfaces (que) in a sentence, and the concept of grammatical knowledge, whether in Arabic or Spanish alike. And addressed also to the phenomenon ( Alxuesmo quesuismo) in the language of Spain, and that means having a fastening tool (que) + tool owns (su) = in Arabic conscience hub + repeat personal conscience, such as: ( the girl that her car ), and speak also for fastening tool (que ) with identifiers, and with prepositions, and with reference tools, and use the conscience (que) instead arrived for the consciences of others, such as (quien, cual).

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of corporate merger in achieving synergy (Analytical research in a sample of companies of the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals)
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The research aims to shed light on the recent experience in the Iraqi business environment, which is the experience of the merger. To evaluate a recent experience in an important sector of the Iraqi business sectors, namely the industrial sector to enable decision-makers to review that experience to judge the extent of its success and address some of the lapses that experience that by measuring synergies can be judged on the success of the merger experience or not. The research community is the governmental industrial sector. The research sample included six cases of merger (14) companies before the merger. The Holt method was used to predict the net sales and total cost values ​​before the merger as if it were not merged. Th

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Molecular and Biochemical Study for Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein (CETP) Taq1B in Iraqi Patients with Hyperlipidemia
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Cholesteryl ester transfer protein gene contains some single nucleotide polymorphisms, which have been associated with serum high-density lipoprotein concentration and other lipoproteins. This study is done for determining of cholesteryl ester transfer protein polymorphism and evaluate its effect on serum lipid profile concentrations in some hyperlipidemic patients compared with healthy subjects in Salah Al-din governorate-Iraq. Blood samples were taken from (90) patients suffering from hyperlipidemia, and (70) samples that were apparently healthy controls.  Serum lipid concentrations were measured by enzymatic assays. The polymorphism was genotyped using polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis.&n

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study The Properties of Structural And Optical of Cadmium Oxide Films Prepared In A Thermal Evaporation In A Vacuum
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  In   this  research  ,  the  structural   and  optical   properties   of  pure of cadmium  oxide, pure (CdO) were studided thin films in a thermal evaporation in a vacuum depositing metal cadmium pure rules of the glass at room temperature (300K) and thickness (300 ± 20nm) and the time of deposition (1.25sec) was oxidation of thin films cadmium (Cd) record temperature (673k) for a period of one hour to the presence of air optical energy gap for direct electronic transitions were calculated (permitted) as a function of absorption coefficient and permeability and reversibility by recording the spectrum absorbance and permeability of the membrane the record

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Cross Sections for 10 Li 10 Reaction From Cross Sections of Li a,n) Reaction Using the Reciprocity Theory for the Ground State
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In this study, light elements Li ,10B for (a,n) and (n,a) reactions
as well as o-particle energy from threshold energy to 10 MeV are
used according to the available data of reaction cross sections. The
more recent cross sections data of (a,n) and (n,a) reactions are
reproduced in fine steps 42 Kev for 10B(n,o) Li in the specified
energy range, as well as cross section (o,n) Values were derived from
the published data of (n,a) as a function of a-energy in the same fine
energy steps by using the principle inverse reactions. This calculation
involves only the ground state of Li OB in the reactions 'Li(a,n) B
B (n,a) Li
When two charged nuclei overcome their Coulomb repulsion, a

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of the Application of Corporate Governance On the Financial Performance Evaluation in Banks: Applied Study- Sample of the Conventional and Islamic Banks in the Kingdom of Bahrain
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 The aim of this research is to identify the extent to which the Conventional and Islamic banks are committed to implement the requirements of the corporate governance in its financial reports. In addition to its commitment to transparency and clarity in dealing with the shareholders and stockholders to protect their interests and to determine the impact of the commitment of the corporate governance on assessing the financial performance of the conventional and Islamic banks that participate in Bahrain Stock Exchange.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pollution Bio- indicators In Al-Diwania River A1- (^a?lisia Province / Iraq
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Benthic invertebrates were used as bio- indicators to evaluate the pollution in -Diwania River . Five stations were selected for this purpose , extending from A1 -?? rtream to A1- Sadeer District downstream . The percentage of?ct uP?str?^ ? ?, oligochaeta to total benthic invertebrates were calculated . The population density of evaluation. 'I'he results Were ??? Tubificid worms without hair ehaetae was ©iso used IOBS(01igochaete Index of Sediment Bioindicati©n ), TUSP ? presented as indices Io (Tubificidae Species Percentage ) & degree of pollution Eo . IT was noticed that the 0 in??37.17 percentage of ©lig©chaeta to the total benthic invertebrates ranged between to 60.685 in station 3 , while the percentage ©f Tubificid w©rms t© ©

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Methods of Forecasting Credit Losses in A Sample of Iraqi Banks - A Comparative Analysis
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  The general trend in Iraqi banks is focused towards the application of international financial reporting standards, especially the international financial reporting standard IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments”, in addition to the directives issued on the Central Bank of Iraq’s instructions for the year 2018 regarding the development of expected credit losses models, and not to adhere to a specific method for calculating these losses and authorizing the banks’ departments to adopt the method of calculating losses that suits the nature of the bank’s activity and to be consistent in its use from time to time. The research problem revolves around the different methodologies for calculatin

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Math Word Problems in Mathematics Books for the First Three Grads of the Basic Stage in Palestine (An analytical and Evaluative Study)
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This study aimed at revealing the degree of availability of standards of word problems in mathematics books for the first three grades of the basic stage in Palestine. For this purpose, the researcher prepared an analysis tool and a list of criteria consisting of two areas: linguistic formulation and mathematical content. Every area had seven items. The results of the study showed that the third-grade mathematics book has the highest degree of availability of the standards with 85.75%, and then came the second-grade mathematics book with 83.12%. Finally, the first-grade mathematics book came with 80.13%. In the light of the previous results, the researcher recommended to develop the language of word problems, to take into account their i

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparative Study for Risk Criteria of Al-Qudus Plant between the Present and Planning of MOE
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The main function of a power system is to supply the customer load demands as economically as possible. Risk criterion is the probability of not meeting the load. This paper presents a methodology to assess probabilistic risk criteria of Al-Qudus plant before and after expansion; as this plant consists of ten generating units presently and the Ministry Of Electricity (MOE) is intending to compact four units to it in order to improve the performance of Iraqi power system especially at Baghdad region. The assessment is calculated by a program using Matlab programming language; version 7.6. Results show that the planned risk is (0.003095) that is (35 times) less than that in the present plant risk; (0.1091); which represents respectable imp

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of an active teacher in developing the curriculum by using educational techniqes a theoretical study
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Preparing teacher occupies the attention of many thinkers and philosophers since the age of
kaldinics ( people of mesoptam / 2342 pH ) to the Islamic age where moslems philosophers
focus their attention on thought and philosophy where the philosophy of that teaching
depends on : teacher , student and family begin .
So , the issue of preparing and training teacher occupies the attention of education scientists
depending on his vital and important role in implementing of teaching policies in philosophies
and Islamic educational thought , therefore , the preparing and development of the teacher
regards as one of the basics of teaching development because of its importance in
development of teaching performance and th

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