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Auxiliarité secondaire et verbes semi-auxiliaires
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Dans la langue française, une forme d'auxiliarité, composée de deux éléments cohérents l'auxiliant et l'auxilié, fournit, en effet, à la phrase une diversité significative et structurale. L'auxiliarité, renvoie à l'unification de deux éléments grammaticaux afin de localiser l'énoncé sur l'axe du temps, d'aspect ou de mode. É. Benveniste définit l'auxiliarité en : « Il s'agit d'une forme linguistique unitaire qui se réalise, à travers des paradigmes entiers, en  deux éléments, dont chacun assume une partie des fonctions grammaticales, et qui sont à la fois liés et autonomes, distincts et complémentaires »[1]. Ces deux éléments d'auxiliarité possèdent donc sa propre fonction, à condition que l'un accomplisse l'autre, ainsi la phrase produite réussit à atteindre son objectif.

 [1] Emile Benveniste, Problèmes de linguistique générale, t. II, éd. Gallimard, Paris,1974, p.177.


This research studies the secondary auxiliary verbs or semi-auxiliary verbs as they are termed in French, their composition and significance. The semi-auxiliary verbs are related to the infinitive (son auxilié). Some of these verbs have their own prepositions. Therefore these verbs comprise different forms to give different meanings, with differences of the main auxiliaries  être et avoir which are associated with the past participle (participe passé) to express past times only.

 The semi-auxiliary verbs are used in the sentence to express the near future or the recent past: aller and venir de + infintive. On the other hand, they express the aspect of the verb, we recourse to the verb commencer à  designate the beginning of the act or être en train de of the saying that the act is not yet accomplished, or the act is completed with use of the verb  finir de.

 The last case of these semi-auxiliaries uses the modality of the verb to express either obligation or probability with verb devoir or the possibility with the verb pouvoir. Moreover, there are other verbs that can be used in this field like sembler, faire, vouloir, that add other important meanings. Consequently, the variety of semi-auxiliary verbs promotes diversity of structures and meanings that help to enrich the language and enhance the expression.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Semantics of the Russian Verbs of Destruction in Contemporary Linguistics: Семантический Анализ Глаголов Деструкции Русского Языка В Современной Лингвистике
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The article states that the Russian verbs of destruction belong to the lexical-semantic group of physical impact. They include verbs with the meaning of “damage” and “destroy”. It is emphasized that each of these groups is relatively independent; the cut line between them is fuzzy and arbitrary. It is postulated that when the object is completely destroyed, then the verb has the meaning of “destruction”,  and when the object is partially destroyed, then the  verb has the meaning of “damage”. It is this feature that individualizes the meaning of verbs. The study distinguishes between the groups and the nature of the object as- animate / inanimate. The object of the action of the “destruction” can only be inan

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 06 2023
Journal Name
Al- Ustath Journal
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Abstract Infinitives and gerunds are non-finite verb forms which cannot be indicated by tense, number, or person. The construction of non-finite verbs is intricate because of their nature of meanings, forms, and functions. The major problem is that both infinitival and gerundial complements have identical functions and occupy identical positions in the sentences. Thus, there is a confusion in using an infinitival and gerundial forms after aspectual verbs. The selection of either one of these two forms as complements is controlled syntactically or semantically. Moreover, both forms can be used usually with similar predicate but with neat difference in meaning. In addition, there are problems with controlling the use of aspect, since aspectua

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 09 2017
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Creolized Text as a Means of Modern Communication: Verbal and Visual Components
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The article considers a creolized text as a means of modern communication, describing its key verbal and visual components; the relationship of concepts polycode and creolized text has been shown; the universal basic image features have been called; the following kinds of creolized texts have been distinguished; it has been proved that the effective means of attracting the attention of the addressee is the use of expressive font features, which are divided into two groups: topographics (mechanisms of varying of areal syntagmatic of a text) and supragraphcs (change of typeface of font).

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 24 2020
Journal Name
Psychology And Education
The Use of Ergative Verbs to Background the Role of the Agent in two Selected Short Stories: A Syntactico-Semantic Study
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The study explores the use of ergative verbs in constructing clauses and their impact on the backgrounding of the agent's role in two selected short stories. Contrary to hypothesis No. 1, the research indicates that changes in sentence patterns don't affect the meaning of the process. Additionally, hypothesis No. 2 is refuted as the middle structure is found to highlight the agent's role in the science fiction short story, Terra Infirmum, rather than concealing it as hypothesized for "The Invisible Man." The analysis uncovers that writers utilize ergative processes to narrate stories in various ways, including transitive/active voice, intransitive/active voice, and transitive/passive voice. Furthermore, the findings suggest that writers emp

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 16 2021
Journal Name
Al-qadisiyah Journal Of Pure Science
Pairwise Lower Separation Axioms in C ̌ech Fuzzy Soft Bi-Closure Spaces
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The idea of ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space ( bicsp) is a new one, and its basic features are defined and studied in [1]. In this paper, separation axioms, namely pairwise, , pairwise semi-(respectively, pairwise pseudo and pairwise Uryshon) - fs bicsp's are introduced and studied in both ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space and their induced fuzzy soft bitopological spaces. It is shown that hereditary property is satisfied for , with respect to ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space but for other mentioned types of separations axioms, hereditary property satisfies for closed subspaces of ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Need and transgression in Surat (Abs) Semantic grammatical study: Need and transgression in Surat (Abs)
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      The research aims to highlight the significance and composition and the diversity of meanings and the Quranic context in the necessary and transgressive verbs in Surat (Abs).

      This research consists of : a preamble , and two studies . The researcher addressed in the preliminary the importance of the phenomenon of necessity and infringement, the signs of the necessary action , the structure and controls of the act , the methods of infringement , its sections and signs.

      As for the first topic : The researcher addressed the necessary verbs in Surat Abs , an applied study in terms of grammati

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