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            Irak’ın osmanlıcada yazılan sayısız elyazmalar çeşitli illerinde bulunur. Bunlardan Irak’ın başkenti olan Bağdat’tır. Irak Ulusal Müzesi Bağdad’ın uygarlık yerlerindendir. Elyazması Evi müzenin en önemli bölümleri sayılır. Orada osmanlıcada yazılan çok değerli elyazmalar bulunur. Bu elyazmalarından  birisini ( fotokopi ) elde edip üzerinde çalışılmaktadır. Eser Antoloji  şeklinde yazılmış. Bu eserden Sadullah Pâşâ’nın On Dokuzuncu Asır Manzumesini seçip ele alınmaktadır.

             İki sayıfa  ve 25 satırlı olan On Dokuzuncu Asır Manzumesi Sadullah Pâşâ’nın Avrupai fikirlerini ortaya koymaktadır. Sadullah Pâşâ bu manzumede on dokuzuncu asır medeniyetinin en mühim iki unsuru olan ilim ve tekniği yüceltmektedir.

            Çalışmamız giriş ve üç ana başlıktan oluşur. Girişte Sadullah Pâşâ hakkında kısa bilgi verilmekte ve bazı eserlerine değinip manzumayı dil ve fikir bakımından tartışılmaktadır. İncelemede metnin bazı dil özellikleri ve imla hususıyetlerini belirtmektedir. Tıpkıbasım  bölümünde  ise  metnin  karşılaştırılmasını  sağlamak  amacıyla, çalışmaya konu olan bölümün tıpkıbasımı verilmiştir. Sayfa ve satır numaraları belirtilerek metni yeni türkçeye aktarılıp günümüz noktalama işaretlerine göre düzenlenmektedir. Yanlış ve eksik yazılan kelimeler düzeltilerek dipnotlarda belirtilmiştir.  Böylece  manzumadan faydalanılması daha kolay hale getirmek istenilmiştir.     Metindeki  Arapça kelimelerin çok bulunması için onlara bir sözlük yapmamıza uygun bululunmaktadır.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimating and Analyzing Food Security Indicators in Selected Arab Countries for the Period (1996 - 2012)
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        The study hypothesize that the majority of Arab countries  show a poor agricultural economic efficiency which resulted in a weak productive capacity of wheat in the face of the demand, which in turn led to the fluctuation of the rate of self-sufficiency and thus increase the size of the food gap. The study aims at estimating and analyzing the food security indicators for their importance in shaping the Arabic agricultural policy, which aims to achieve food security through domestic production and reduce the import of food to less possible extent. Some of the most important results reached by the study were that the increase in the amount of consumption of wheat in the countries of t

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The grammatical approach of Sheikh Isamah Allah Bukhari (died 1000 A H) in his footnotes on the benefits of light
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Through this study, I tried to identify the grammatical efforts of one of the most important authors of the footnotes that were built on the luminous benefits marked with (Explanation of Mulla Jami in Grammar), and he is Sheikh Isamah Allah Al-Bukhari, who died in the eleventh century AH, trying as much as possible to stay away from the path of tradition in repeating the efforts of Those who preceded me in explaining the grammatical efforts of many grammarians, and perhaps what helped me in this is the characteristics that characterize the notes owners that may distinguish them from other owners of grammatical authorship, as a result of what characterized the personality of the notes owners from the predominance of the in

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A novelty Multi-Step Associated with Laplace Transform Semi Analytic Technique for Solving Generalized Non-linear Differential Equations
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   In this work, a novel technique to obtain an accurate solutions to nonlinear form by multi-step combination with Laplace-variational approach (MSLVIM) is introduced. Compared with the  traditional approach for variational it overcome all difficulties and enable to provide us more an accurate solutions with extended of the convergence region as well as covering to larger intervals which providing us a continuous representation of approximate analytic solution and it give more better information of the solution over the whole time interval. This technique is more easier for obtaining the general Lagrange multiplier with reduces the time and calculations. It converges rapidly to exact formula with simply computable terms wit

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
The semiotic approach in analyzing contemporary graphic text
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With a great diversity in the curriculum contemporary monetary and visions, and development that hit the graphic design field, it has become imperative for the workers in the contemporary design research and investigation in accordance with the intellectual treatises and methods of modern criticism, because the work design requires the designer and recipient both know the mechanics of tibographic text analysis in a heavy world of texts and images varied vocabulary and graphics, and designer on before anyone else manages the process of analysis to know what you offer others of shipments visual often of oriented intended from behind, what is meant, in the midst of this world, the curriculum Alsemiae directly overlap with such diverse offer

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Although the term' tautology' predicts negative connotation, it is often employed by poets and lyric writers to communicate more implied meanings. Through the use of tautological expressions, they exchange ideas, give more possibilities to readers to detect the meaning behind the tautological words and thus suggest details not openly communicated in the poem. Ten American song lyrics and ten American poems have been selected to be the data for the study. Data analysis is conducted on the basis of three steps:(i) identifying the type of tautology used ,(ii) detecting the syntactic realization of the tautology  and (iii) finding the functions of the use of tautology in these lyrics and poems. The study concludes that song lyrics and p

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Religious references to art of miniatures In the Iranian school (Behzad is a model): عبدالرزاق جبار رحيل
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The study examines the religious references of the art of miniatures in the Iranian school "Bahzad model" completed in Iran during the twelfth century AH, according to the controls and characteristics of the authoritative references. The researcher presented the problem of research, its importance, the need for it and its purpose, defined the terms in the research. The theoretical framework came with three investigations. The first topic of the concept of the reference in the field of knowledge, which concluded the most important features of the reference, is that each symbolic existence corresponds to a real existence and symbolic presence is an input to the realization of the reference. The reference then becomes a sign that acts as a

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sfaxi's guidance to alqira'at in "Ghaith al-Nafe fi alqira'at alsabe" From Surat Al-An'am to the end of Surat Hud
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The research deals with the collection of Allamah Ali al-Nuri’s guidance on readings, which he included in his book (Ghaith al-Naf’ fi al-Qira’at al-Sabe) and singled out it in a separate study, commenting on what needs to be commented and a statement of his guidance, and it consists of an introduction, and three chapters, the first: for the translation of Allamah Sfaxi, and the second: To define the science of guidance, its origins and authorship, and the third: to mention the readings that Al-Safaqi drew from Surat Al-An’am to the end of Surat Hud, followed by the conclusion of the research, then the index of sources and references, and I followed the inductive-analytical method in the research.

Among his most important

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Foreign Investment and Labor Force Selected Arab Countries(Egypt, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Qatar)
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The world has witnessed in recent years a major development in the movement of investment, especially Foreign Direct Investment has got the developing countries, including Arab states share a small insignificant sometimes, despite the paucity of these flows, they have influenced, directly or indirectly in the labor force, and the provision of employment opportunities or Strengthening unemployment, and their impact in both cases depends on the availability of the determinants to attract foreign investment in host countries, and the extent of indulgence Governments of those countries with foreign investors through investment laws enacted by that may be imposed on foreign investors run a certain percentage of local

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Islamic Sciences
The translated text is a second launch of the text (Al-Kharja Al-Muwashah Al- Andalusian as an example
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Literary translation is one of the most difficult types of translation ,because it conveys feelings that differ from one person to another, and since the language constitutes an obstacle to understanding the Andalusian excerpts, the translators resorted to translating it, and this was a second start to the text, different from its first start, is said from the tongue of the Al-washah , The muwashshah is a poetic art that appeared in Andalusia after the Arabs entered it ,characterized by special system It differs from the traditional Arabic poem, as it has a beginning represented in the beginning of the muwashshah and several equal parts ending with differentrhymes.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
From Structure to the Signal (Text and Discourse in the Semiotic Analysis)
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Care and attention to the structure in the sixties of the last century replaced the mark, and if the structure of Ms. pampered in research and studies, it has become the mark is also a spoiled lady .. But the relationship between the structure and the mark was not a break and break, but the relationship of integration, His themes are structural analysis, and these are intellectual themes that can not be surpassed in contemporary research, especially since semiotics have emerged from the linguistic inflection.

We have tried to distinguish between text and speech, which is a daunting task, as it seems that whenever the difference between them is clear and clear, we come back to wonder whether the text is the same discourse, and is

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