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     El Ultraísmo es un movimiento literario que comenzó en España a finales de 1918 y continuó hasta el año 1922. Este movimiento, que representó la contribución de España al Vanguardismo literario, que en la primera parte del siglo XX surgió en toda Europa, se desarrolló no tanto a través de los libros, cuanta a través de las revistas literarias de la época.


La creacionista es, sin duda, la escuela que dio a Ultra mayores aportes. Por esta razón, en las literaturas de Vanguardia se funden, y a veces también se confunden, con frecuencia, Ultraísmo y Creacionismo. Los dos movimientos eran como una revolución en contra del Modernismo que predominó muchos años en la literatura española.

      En este estudio intentamos dar una idea suficiente del Utraismo: su carrera histórica, sus rasgos, su desarrollo histórico, así también hacer un análisis de algunos ejemplos poéticos que pertenecen a esta escuela.


    The Vanguard movements are one of the most important literary movements that appeared in Europe in general, and in France in particular, in beginning of the twentieth century. Spain was affected in the these movements and has succeeded to present two movements with his Spanish theories: Creationism and Ultraism.

       The Vanguard movements in Spain were intended to breaking the traditional mold of the Spanish literature in general, and poetry in particular, by bringing new literary molds formed a revolution against Modernism of Ruben Dario that was predominant in the Spanish poems for many years.

       The objective of our research is the study of ultraist movement through the mention his beginnings, his historical development and his characteristics even the demise of those literary movement after years no longer from the start. Also taking some poetic forms that characterized the movement.

 This study was based on a Spanish bibliography in the first place, and we hope that be had hit their targets, especially if we knew that the subject of the study is rarely treated by researchers.


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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Organizational Climate Development in the Light of Job Stress Treatment: A Field Study in Governmental Sheltered Accommodation Houses in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
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        Job stress is considered one of the most important obstacles that may appear in the work field. In order to deal with the obstacles and challenges , the idea to deal with job stress has come to address job stress as one of the most important trends that enable organizations to face those challenges through focusing on the role of job stress and the organizational climate of the organization.

       The research deals with two variables: the job stress as an independent variable, and the organizational climate as a dependent one. Each variable includes five sub-dimensions. These dimensions have been involved in an interaction to form

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of the professional skepticism characteristics of the auditor on audit qualit
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The professional skepticism is one of the fundamental concepts necessary for practicing the audit profession, without which the auditor can not reach a reasonable assurance as to the correctness of the evidence and the information obtained by the auditing department. The auditor's possession of the characteristics of professional skepticism and his practice of professional skepticism during the audit process lead to an increase The quality of audit and thus raise the confidence of the financial community in the audit profession again after the exposure of several crises led to the loss of financial society confidence in the audit profession.

The aim of the study is to measure the impact of professional sk

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection of knowledge workers characteristics on knowledge acquision “Survey Study of the views of a sample of engineers and technicians in the Directorate of Electricity In the city of Sulaymaniyah
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Purpose: The research aims to diagnose the current availability of knowledge workers characteristics and the role of these characteristics in knowledge acquision in the city of Sulaimaniya Directorate of Electricity, and to identify the differences between personal and occupational characteristics of a sample of research and its impact on the availability of such properties.

Design/methodology/approach :to achieve the objectives of the research questionnaire was developed especially for it and then distributed to a sample of engineers and technicians working in the Directorate of Electricity city of Sulaimaniya, where the sample of the research (52) respondents.

Findings:  the most important conclusions reached

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
منهج النديم البغدادي في فهرسة دواوين الشعر (حتى نهاية العصر الأموي )
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الحديث عن محمد بن إسحاق النديم حديث عن عالم جليل كان له فضل تصنيف سفر خالد من أسفار المعرفة و العلم و سجل ضم عناوين ما أنتجته الأمة العربية الإسلامية في وقت عزها و مجدها و سطوع كوكبها في سماء الدنيا ، فجاء هذا الكتاب جامعا نافعا في بابه .

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
دوگانه ای متضاد ( خیر ضد شر ) در شعر فارسی ( بر رسی انتقادی وتحلیلی )
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The conflicting duality of goodness and evil has a psychological effect on the life of humans, the nature of human beings is originally goodness whereas the tendency of evil flows from the society, therefore the first who found a meaning of evil on earth is kabeel when he quarreled fiercly with his brother who carried in himself all the meanings of goodness and toierance.


    In this paper of mine we find that Robaayat Al khayam carries a poetic content of a special meaning in that every expression reflects semantic relationship (the good played a part in the formation lies with and the evil) of which its foundation lies with the human personality (soul), and he (the poet) a scribes it to matters of

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Investigation of the Characteristics of CO (1-0) Line Integrated Emission Intensity in Extragalactic Spirals
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This paper aims to deal with the understanding of the properties of the molecular gas hydrogen in the extragalactic spirals sample. It is critical to make observations of CO (J = 1-0) line emission for spiral galaxies, particularly those with an energetic nucleus.  In the sample of spiral galaxies compiled, a carbon monoxide CO (1-0) emission line can be observed. This sample of galaxies' gas kinematics and star-forming should be analyzed statistically utilizing appropriate atomic gas HI, molecular gas H2, infrared (1μm-1000μm), visual (at λblue-optical=4400A0), and radio spectrum (at νradio=1.4 GHz and 5GHz) databases. STATISTICA is software that allows us to perform this statistical analysis. The presence of a high scale of s

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Investigation of the Characteristics of CO (1-0) Line Integrated Emission Intensity in Extragalactic Spirals
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This paper aims to deal with the understanding of the properties of the molecular gas hydrogen in the extragalactic spirals sample. It is critical to make observations of CO (J = 1-0) line emission for spiral galaxies, particularly those with an energetic nucleus.  In the sample of spiral galaxies compiled, a carbon monoxide CO (1-0) emission line can be observed. This sample of galaxies' gas kinematics and star-forming should be analyzed statistically utilizing appropriate atomic gas HI, molecular gas H2, infrared (1μm-1000μm), visual (at λblue-optical=4400A0), and radio spectrum (at νradio=1.4 GHz and 5GHz) databases. STATISTICA is software that allows us to perform this statistical

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Scopus (4)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Human right rule in self-defense And its prohibitions in Islamic jurisprudence
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God, may He be glorified and exalted be He, has given every human being the right to life and a dignified life, and has warned against transgression against any of its sanctities without a legitimate right. No one, regardless of his status or authority, can deprive a person of his rights that the Sharia came to preserve, and whoever does that has declared all people to war, as all humanity is in solidarity. In raising the hand that is simplified to harm a person and oppress him unjustly and exalted in the land.
If this is the case, the Sharia came to establish the right of people, groups and individuals, to defend their sanctities, preserve their security, recover their usurped rights, repel the aggression of the aggressors, and oppre

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The study of some physical and chemical characteristics in drinking water treatment plant of Jurf Al- Sakar subdestric in Babylon governorate, Iraq
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Some physical and chemical characteristics of Jurf Al- Sakar drinking water plant in Babylon governorate have been studied. Seven locations for this plant were selected. These were the drinking water treatment plant source on Euphrates River before entering the plant, precipitation, filtration and collection tanks, and also after leaving the plant at distances of one meter, 4 and 8 km. The samples were collected bimonthly from October, 2002 to August, 2003. Some results match with the national and international standard characters while the other characters (Turbidity, total hardness, calcium, nitrate, phosphate and the biological oxygen demand values) were not match. The present study showed that drinking water treatment plant is undrinka

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection of mergers and acquisitions in the stock returns and financial performance - An Empirical Study of major international companies to the pharmaceutical industry-
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Research aims to identify the immediate impact of the announcement of mergers in the stockholders and the feasibility of gain abnormal return and benefiting from  asymmetric information during the announcement that unite 30 days before the announcement of the merger, and announcement day, and 30 days after the announcement of the merger. It was the largest and most important mergers and acquisitions pick that occurred during the global financial crisis, specifically in health care/pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer and Wyeth merger with Novartis acquisition on Alcon. search has adopted three hypotheses: the first hypothesis that ((achieves the target company's shareholders positive abnormal return (or negative) during and befor

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