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The importance of logic in the study of Islamic sciences
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Logic is one of the sciences that have receded and regressed in the field of Islamic sciences. This regression is the result of several factors, the most important of which are:

1- The Aristotelian logic, concerned with the seemingly essential shape and the underlying truth in the text, which has been translated into Arabic, is no longer able to keep pace with scientific revelations and epistemological spaces of our time.
2- The existence of logic in the curricula of Islamic studies was not subject to a study linking logic and Islamic sciences. Therefore, we find that the student studies logic as if it were a strange subject that has nothing to do with the subjects of Islamic studies and even Islamic philosophy.
3- Logic is a scientific, intellectual subject whose study leads to the development of mental abilities, and therefore it must be taken care of and given special attention. The development of his vocabulary and the use of this in this regard, including logical studies in the world. Because of the scientific logic, its drought and the lack of practical examples of its vocabulary, all of this pushed students to aversion to his studies.
In this research, the researcher tries to open the door to looking at the logic curriculum that is taught in the colleges of Islamic sciences, and this study constituted a sincere invitation to reconsider the vocabulary and logical subject matter that has not changed for hundreds of years since the material was translated in ancient times and remained the same and nothing happened Development by institutions concerned with its study and teaching, and criticism of logic in this research is intended to develop logic by discussing the problems that have been raised about logic.
In the first topic, the definition and its problems were highlighted. Can logic, by definition, create or control knowledge? The researcher discussed some of the criticisms that tried to cancel logic and proved that logic is not from religious sciences but rather from secular sciences like mathematics and physics, and there is nothing wrong with benefiting from it in the service of religion and Islamic sciences.
In the second topic, the researcher tried to review the vocabulary of the curriculum in order to reach the conclusion that the complexity and rigorous normality were a reason for the aversion to studies of Islamic sciences and their distancing from logic.
The researcher quickly listed the vocabulary of the current approach to logic. Through this digression, the researcher tried to stop at some cases that confirm that logic was made by the human mind and is subject to error, addition, deletion and change.
In the third topic, the researcher presented a vision for developing logic by proposing some changes in the current curriculum and focusing on the topic of significance and benefiting from contemporary studies in language and interpretation and studying mental reasoning and developing students ’intellectual capabilities.
In conclusion, the researcher presented some ideas that he reached to study as results that can be enriched and expanded to develop the logic approach. And the God of the intent behind .

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Materials Research Express
Thermochromic and opacity behaviors in vanadium dioxide nanofilms: a theoretical study
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Abstract<p>Vanadium dioxide nanofilms are one of the most essential materials in electronic applications like smart windows. Therefore, studying and understanding the optical properties of such films is crucial to modify the parameters that control these properties. To this end, this work focuses on investigating the opacity as a function of the energy directed at the nanofilms with different thicknesses (1–100) nm. Effective mediator theories (EMTs), which are considered as the application of Bruggeman’s formalism and the Looyenga mixing rule, have been used to estimate the dielectric constant of VO<sub>2</sub> nanofilms. The results show different opacity behaviors at different w</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
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Advances In Informatics And Computing In Civil And Construction Engineering: Proceedings Of The 35th Cib W78 2018 Conference: It In Design, Construction, And Management
Technology alternatives for workplace safety risk mitigation in construction: Exploratory study
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
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Metrical Phonology in Classical English and Arabic Poetry: A Contrastive Study
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One of the prominent goals of Metrical Phonology Theory is providing stress of poetry on the syllable-, the foot-, and the phonological word- levels. Analysing poetry is one of the most prominent and controversial issues for the involved number and types of syllables, feet, and meters are stable in poetry compared to other literary texts. The prosodic seeds of the theory have been planted by Firth (1948) in English, while in Arabic يديهارفلا in the second half of the eighth century (A.D.) has done so. Investigating the metrical structure of poetry has been conducted in various languages, whereas scrutinising the metrical structure of English and Arabic poetry has received little attention. This study aims at capturing the

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Environmental Study on Phytoplankton (Diatoms) in Al-Yusifiya River, Iraq
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An environmental study conducted on diatoms in Al Yusifiya river beyond its branching from Euphrates river. Four sites were selected along the river for the period from march 2013 to September 2013. The present study involved the measurement of physicochemical parameters, also the qualitative and quantities of diatoms. The studied parameters values ranged as follows: 19-44Cº and 16-30 Cº for air and water temperature respectively, 6.9-8.7, 595-1248 µS/cm, 6.4-8.0 mg/l for pH, electric conductivity and dissolved oxygen respectively. A total of 74 taxa were recorded for diatoms, where the pinnate diatom was the predominant and recorded 64 taxa while 10 taxa for centric diatoms. The total number of diatoms was 1197.55*104 cell /l. The tota

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Cavity preparation model in rat maxillary first molars: A pilot study
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Objective: To conduct a standardized method for cavity preparation on the palatal surface of rat maxillary molars and to introduce a standardized method for tooth correct alignment within the specimen during the wax embedding procedure to better detect cavity position within the examined slides. Materials and methods: Six male Wistar rats, aged 4-6 weeks, were used. The maxillary molars of three animals were sectioned in the frontal plane to identify the thickness of hard tissue on the palatal surface of the first molar which was (250-300µm). The end-cutting bur (with a cutting head diameter of 0.2mm) was suitable for preparing a dentinal cavity (70-80µm) depth. Cavity preparation was then performed using the same bur on the tooth surf

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Correlative Study Between Haematological and Biochemical Parameters in Hepatitis B
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    Hepatitis-B (HBV) is a viral disease cause liver damage, cirrhosis, fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Present study attempted to elucidate the biochemical and haematological markers other than Australia antigen, of hepatitis,B,vairusV (HBsAg) for better assessment of HBV infection.  The present study was conducted on 76 men, 50 of them were found to be HBeAg positive and 26 were negative, mean age was53±5.7years. Haematological parameters such as Absolute  Erythrocyte( Abs  Eryt), Absolute Leukocyte(Abs Leuk) , Haemoglobin(Hb), Packed Cell Volume(PCV),Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW), Mean  Corpuscular  Haemoglobin (MCH),MCH Concentration(MCHC) ,Neutrophi

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
Academic Science Journal
Comparison between MDDV and VADD routing protocols in VANET (Case Study)
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Routing is the process of delivering a packet from a source to a destination in the network using a routing algorithm that tries to create an efficient path. The path should be created with minimum overhead and bandwidth consumption. In literature, routing protocols in VANET were categorized in many ways, according to different aspects. In the present study, we prefer the classification based on the number of hops to reach the destination node. In literature, these are single-hop and multi-hops protocols. We first discuss the two types and then compare the MDDV (multi-hops protocol) with VADD (single-hop protocol). The comparison is theoretically and experimentally implemented by providing a network environment consisting of SUMO, VIENS and

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mass Transfer Study for Bio-Synergy in Dairy Wastewater Treatment Plant
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The present study addresses the behavior of gases in cultivation media as an essential factor to develop the relationship between the microorganisms that are present in the same environment. This relationship was explained via mass transfer of those gases to be a reasonable driving force in changing biological trends. Stripping and dissolution of oxygen and carbon dioxide in water and dairy wastewater were investigated in this study. Bubble column bioreactor under thermal control system was constructed and used for these processes. The experimental results showed that the removal of gases from the culture media requires more time than the dissolution. For example, the volumetric mass transfer coefficient for the removal

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Practice Periodical On Structural Design And Construction
Case Study to Evaluate Work-Zone Safety Technologies in Highway Construction
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Non Traumatic Acute Abdominal pain (100 days study in Emergency Department)
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Background: Abdominal symptoms are possibly the most frequent of all symptoms encountered in surgical practice.  Pain is the most common of all abdominal symptoms.  Causes of acute abdominal pain include both medical and surgical. Most symptoms arise from intra-abdominal organs or systems while some may originate extra abdominally and are then referred to the abdomen. Medical causes of abdominal pain are encountered more frequently.

Objective: To study the causes of acute abdominal pain in patients attending emergency department in Al- Imamain Al- Kadhimain Medical City.

Type of the study: A prospective cross sectional study


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