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He saw a linguistic study, in the Noble Qur’an
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In the name of God, praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the best of God’s creation, Muhammad bin Abdullah, and upon his family and companions, and from his family:
And after:
     He saw from verbs that transcend one effect if it is visual and to two effects if it is heart and this action has several strokes and it is an awareness of the sense and illusion and imagination and reason and in addition to that it has many meanings dealt with in the glossary books and as for what the verb included in the audio studies it is the explanation and deletion and slurring The heart of my place. As for what the grammatical studies included, it focuses on one or two effects according to its linguistic meaning mentioned in the grammar and language books. All of this is dealt with in the books of language, grammar and interpretations, citing verses from the Holy Qur’an and verses from poetry.

    I wanted to write in search of one of the actions of the hearts, which is (saw) because of its many meanings and these meanings I find visibility and insight in it, because the sight I spoke about in this research and I did not find evidence for insight and this is what I think is a metaphorical expression, so whoever reads this research I hope from him Advice, advice in telling him about the information I guide the way to research on this topic. The research plan came in three investigations, followed by a conclusion. Summary of the research: He saw a linguistic study in the Holy Quran .............
I mentioned in it the extract of the research, then it proved the most important sources and references that I dealt with, so I talked in the first topic about (saw) lexical while in the second I talked about it phonetically and included the third topic in his study grammatically. The researcher is not free from difficulties that he encounters in writing and his search for sources and references. If you are injured, this is from God.

    And our final prayer is: Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, Muhammad, the envoy, as a mercy to the worlds, and to all his good and pure family and companions and those who followed their path to the Day of Judgment.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Basrah Journal Of Science
Nearly Maximal Submodules
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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Sensitivity of Bacteria Escherichia coli Iisolated from Urinary Tract Infection toward Ciprofloxacin and Lomefloxacin.
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   Four hundred and fifty urine samples were collected from patients suffering from urinary tract infection from the General Azadi hospital in Kurkuk province ,during the period of october 2007 till march 2008 .       Results of bacteriological culture revealed that (168) out of (450) studied samples (37.3%) gave positive culture using blood agar and macConkey agar ; different species of bacterial isolates were detected using morphological and biochemical tests ,from these isolates the highest percentage of the isolates were from Escherichia coli when it was (100) isolates out of (190) isolate  (52.63%)  .  one hundred isolates were distributed between (77) from females and (23) from

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Deep Desulfurization of Diesel Fuel by Guard Bed Adsorption of Activated Carbon and Locally Prepared Cu-Y Zeolite
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Desulfurization of a simulated diesel fuel by different adsorbents was studied in a fixed-bed adsorption process operated at ambient temperature and pressure.  Three different adsorption beds were used, commercial activated carbon, Cu-Y zeolite, and layered bed of 15wt% activated carbon followed by Cu-Y zeolite.Initially Y-zeolite was prepared from Iraqi rice husk and then impregnated with copper. In general, the adsorbents tested for total sulfur adsorption capacity at break through followed the order Ac/Cu-Y zeolite>Cu-Y zeolite>Ac. The best adsorbent, Ac/Cu-Y zeolite is capable of producing more than 30 cm3 of simulated diesel fuel per gram of adsorbent with a weighted average content of 5 ppm-S, while Cu-Y zeolite producing of

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Nearly Primary-2-Absorbing Submodules and other Related Concepts
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Our aim in this paper is to introduce the notation of nearly primary-2-absorbing submodule as generalization of 2-absorbing submodule where a proper submodule  of an -module  is called nearly primary-2-absorbing submodule if whenever , for , , ,  implies that either  or  or . We got many basic, properties, examples and characterizations of this concept. Furthermore, characterizations of nearly primary-2-absorbing submodules in some classes of modules were inserted. Moreover, the behavior of nearly primary-2-absorbing submodule under -epimorphism was studied.

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solving System of Linear Fredholm Integral Equations of Second Kind Using Open Newton-Cotes Formulas
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In this paper, the linear system of Fredholm integral equations is solving using Open Newton-Cotes formula, which we use five different types of Open Newton-Cotes formula to solve this system.  Compare the results of suggested method with the results of another method (closed Newton-Cotes formula)    Finally, at the end of each method, algorithms and programs developed and written in MATLAB (version 7.0) and we give some numerical examples, illustrate suggested method

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Resource Consumption Accounting to determine Customer Cost of Banks
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The Purpose of this Research show gap between a Normal Cost System and Resource consumption Accounting Applied in AL-Rafidin Bank.

The Research explores that, how the idle capacity can be determined under resource consumption accounting, discuss the possibility of employing these energies. Research also viewed how costs can be separated into Committee and Attribute. Resource Consumption Accounting assists managers in pricing services or products based on what these services or products use from each Source.

This Research has been proven

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimum Dimensions of Hydraulic Structures and Foundation Using Genetic Algorithm coupled with Artificial Neural Network
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      A model using the artificial neural networks and genetic algorithm technique is developed for obtaining optimum dimensions of the foundation length and protections of small hydraulic structures. The procedure involves optimizing an objective function comprising a weighted summation of the state variables. The decision variables considered in the optimization are the upstream and downstream cutoffs lengths and their angles of inclination, the foundation length, and the length of the downstream soil protection. These were obtained for a given maximum difference in head, depth of impervious layer and degree of anisotropy. The optimization carried out is subjected to constraints that ensure a safe structure aga

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System to Predict Rate of Penetration from Dynamic Elastic Properties
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Rate of penetration plays a vital role in field development process because the drilling operation is expensive and include the cost of equipment and materials used during the penetration of rock and efforts of the crew in order to complete the well without major problems. It’s important to finish the well as soon as possible to reduce the expenditures. So, knowing the rate of penetration in the area that is going to be drilled will help in speculation of the cost and that will lead to optimize drilling outgoings. In this research, an intelligent model was built using artificial intelligence to achieve this goal.  The model was built using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system to predict the rate of penetration in

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Weakly Approximaitly Quasi-Prime Submodules And Related Concepts
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           Let R be  commutative Ring , and let T be  unitary left .In this paper ,WAPP-quasi prime submodules are introduced as  new generalization of Weakly quasi prime submodules , where  proper submodule C of an R-module T is called WAPP –quasi prime submodule of T, if whenever 0≠rstϵC, for r, s ϵR , t ϵT, implies that either  r tϵ C +soc   or  s tϵC +soc  .Many examples of characterizations and basic properties are given . Furthermore several characterizations of WAPP-quasi prime submodules in the class of multiplication modules are established.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Recognition of Off-line Printed Arabic Text Using Hidden Markov Models
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In this paper, we introduce a method to identify the text printed in Arabic, since the recognition of the printed text is very important in the applications of information technology, the Arabic language is among a group of languages with related characters such as the language of Urdu , Kurdish language , Persian language also the old Turkish language " Ottoman ", it is difficult to identify the related letter because it is in several cases, such as the beginning of the word has a shape and center of the word has a shape and the last word also has a form, either texts in languages where the characters are not connected, then the image of the letter one in any location in the word has been Adoption of programs ready for him A long time.&

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