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Qur'anic intentions in the Prophet’s Investigation (Selected models)
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This research deals with the role of Qur’anic intents in facilitating and facilitating the understanding of the reader and the seeker of knowledge of the verses of the Holy Qur’an, particularly in the doctrinal investigations (prophecies), and the feature that distinguishes reference to the books of the intentions or the intentional interpretations is that it sings from referring to the books of speakers and delving into their differences in contractual issues and facilitating access To the meanings, purposes and wisdom that the wise street wanted directly from the rulings and orders contained in the verses of the wise Qur’an.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Samples of Al Samarqandi’s Selection in some of Washing Laws and the touch of the Grecians Quran in his book (The scholars’ Masterpiece)
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The Research is interested in the detailed comparative study of certain selection of
Imam Alsamarqandi in some subjects of washing and touching the Gracious Quran.
The value of this study is that it is related to one aspect of the duties obliged on Muslim
like parity.
The study has tried to collect certain scholars’ opinions of eight doctrines with the
selection of Alsamarqandi to make a comp arson between them and to show how
Alsamarqandi is able to create legal laws from his sources to lead the researchers nto have
knowledge about the syllabi of the famous scientists.
Finally we ask God to bless to what is right and to accept this study and make it part of
our good deeds, Ameen.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Watermarking in 3D Models Using Depth Path
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This paper presents a 3D watermarking model based on the nearest distance between two vertices in mesh, where the embedding path moves as deep as possible until the embedding data is completed. The proposed algorithm achieved good results according to invisibility and robustness. The visibility was measured in term
of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Hausdroff Distance (HD), which obtained good results. As related to robustness, the proposed method showed resistance to geometrical attack (translation, scaling and rotation) as well as acceptable resistance to signal processing attacks like noise addition and simplification.

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Scopus (7)
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Mann-Kendall Test for Temperature Trends in Some Selected Stations in Iraq
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   In this paper, Mann-Kendall test was used to investigate the existence of possible deterministic and stochastic climatic trends in (Baghdad,Basrah,Mosul,Al-Qaim) stations. The statistical test was applied to annual monthly mean of temperatures for the period (19932009). The values of S-statistic were (62, 44, 52, 64) by comparing these values with the table of null probability values for S we get a probability of (0.002, 0.026, 0.010, 0.002) this result is less than α for the 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) indicating a significant result at this level of confidence. Concluded that an increasing trend in concentration is present at the 95% confidence level and the variance of the S-statistic is calculated and it is com

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Female Avenger: Violence, Absurdity, and Black Humour in Roald Dahl's Short stories
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Roald Dhal's is a prominent British short story writer who presented a fictional world full of contradictions and ironies. It is also full of double meanings where things are not what they appear to be and where meaninglessness is a prominent component. Dahl's world is also colored with blackness and grotesqueness; full of comedy that makes you shiver instead of laugh and characters who invite a sneak peek into a different side, a dark side of human nature. Dahl's themes are various and gripping but usually revolve around the triangle that frames his fiction: violence, humour, and absurdity. What seems to be a prominent and recurrent theme that intersects with every element in this triangle is revenge. In one story after another Dahl pre

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effect of readings on the multiplicity of explanatory significance of a single Qur’anic word, a study through the interpretation of Ibn Attia al-Andalusi
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The study aimed to clarify the meanings learned and inferred from reading books، letters and messages in Surat Al-Qur’an. The inductive method، the analytical method، and the deductive method، One of the most prominent results of the research: that the multiplicity of Qur’anic readings produces a variety and expansion in the meaning that has a clear impact on the interpretation by clarifying the meaning of the verse.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Rigid trunk sewer deterioration prediction models using multiple discriminant and neural network models in Baghdad city, Iraq
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The deterioration of buried sewers during their lifetime can be affected by several factors leading to bad performance and can damage the infrastructure similar to other engineering structures. The Hydraulic deterioration of the buried sewers caused by sewer blockages while the structural deterioration caused by sewer collapses due to sewer specifications and the surrounding soil characteristics and the groundwater level. The main objective of this research is to develop deterioration models, which are used to predict changes in sewer condition that can provide assessment tools for determining the serviceability of sewer networks in Baghdad city. Two deterioration models were developed and tested using statistical software SPSS, the

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Optimizing Linear Models via Sinusoidal Transformation for Boosted Machine Learning in Medicine: Sinusoidal Optimization of Linear Models
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Background: Machine learning relies on a hybrid of analytics, including regression analyses. There have been no attempts to deploy a sinusoidal transformation of data to enhance linear regression models.
We aim to optimize linear models by implementing sinusoidal transformation to minimize the sum of squared error.
We implemented non-Bayesian statistics using SPSS and MatLab. We used Excel to generate 30 trials of linear regression models, and each has 1,000 observations. We utilized SPSS linear regression, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and Cronbach’s alpha statistics to evaluate the performance of the optimization model. Results: The sinusoidal

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Rigid Trunk Sewer Deterioration Prediction Models using Multiple Discriminant and Neural Network Models in Baghdad City, Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Pushing delusions into some of what has been stated to be heard in the isnad "practical examples"
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    Communication attribution is a condition of the validity of the hadeeth and that each narrator heard from his Sheik.There are some of the narrators who said to hear who told him and his contemporary, and this narrator is also innocent of the stigma of fraud, but this hearing has no truth.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigation of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in the Rubidium Vapor
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We have studied theoretically the response of atomic three- level cascade scheme
of rubidium vapor to a strong laser under conditions in which electromagnetically
induced transparency would be induced on a weak probe beam. We show that the
medium that is an opaque to a probe laser can, by applying both lasers
simultaneously, be made transparent.

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