The message of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the most complete of the messages, and the conclusion of the messages and completed by the mercy of this nation. Al-Khalal al-Baghdadi al-Hanbali (may Allaah have mercy on him) was a scholar who updated his writings. And The Nha Brhnha and became an independent and arranged doctrine Such a world of Galilee Hambali must show his character and his knowledge and its impact on the Islamic arena.
This is an abstract of a thesis entitled `` style and characteristics of Omar Saifaddin`s Stories ''. The study is concerned with Turkish fiction and what characterizes Saifaddin`s stories .
Saifaddin ( 1884 – 1920 ) writes short stories , novels, plays and poems . He is also atranslator and literature teacher . He is influenced by Namiq kaamil, Khalid dhayaa, Hussein Jahid Jahid and Mohammad Rauf . He has a good command of French . His works are characterized by simplicity and wisdom . Among them are `` The Morsel, Calling to Prayer, Mosquitoes, The Rooster, The Crazy, Grey Hair, The Bomb, The noble People, Spring, Brothers and admiration. Many of his stories are translated into
... Show MoreThis research seeks to attempt to reveal the intention of Al-Hafiz Al-Mazi from his market to hadiths from Imam Ahmad’s Musnad in his book “Masterpiece of Supervision in Knowing the Parties”, and researchers know that this book was classified by Al-Mazi to collect the parties to the six books: Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abi Dawud, Jamea Al-Tirmidhi and Sunan Al-Nasa’i and Sunan Ibn Majah, in addition to some of the books ’authors’ books, and arranging them according to the Musnad, and it is not Musnad Ahmad from his condition, even if it is close to the arrangement of Mazi’s work, as he was a follower of that to the original owner Abu al-Qasim bin Asaker in his book “Supervising Knowledge of the Parties” in M
... Show MoreResearch summary
This research discloses the study of the methodology of one of the notables of the followers, which is: (Abi Mijlis Al-Basri), who had a clear impact on many commentators after him, especially in the field of interpretation by impact. This study included two topics:
The first: his biography and scientific
The second: his methodology in the traditional interpretation.
ملخص البحث باللغة العربية
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم. أما بعد: فهذا مخطوط منعوت بـ(كوكب الاشراق فيما يجب للواحد). لمحمد بن عبد الرحيم بن محمد السلموني المالكي : (1173هـ). وأصل المخطوط نسختان، وقد نسخت بخط واضح وعبارات دقيقة، ، وكان المحور الذي يدور عليه المخطوط هو مسألة التوحيد، وبيان ما يتعلق بالله تعالى وما يجوز ويستحيل في حقه تعالى، وتفصيل مسألة الص
... Show MoreThis research deals with the ideas of Imam Muhammad bin Al-Waleed bin Khalaf bin Sulaiman bin Ayyub , Al -Qurashi, The Moroccan, The Andalusian, Al-Maliki. He was known as Abu Bakr Al-Tartoushey , where thesis deals with the details of his personal life and as well as his scientific path as well as his works, and also covered the views of jurisprudence in the personal status and especially on the subject of divorce and inheritance,
Allah the Almighty has honored many of his slaves in the high houses for their efforts in building the scientific edifice of this nation, by demonstrating what is needed from the legal provisions for all the relations between them, and the actions that they emanate from. The tasks of the abbreviations and Almstsot, and deposited in the mabahith after various investigations and precious precious matters and showed all the human needs in his life and what is expected to happen, even on the rarest possibilities, and their efforts that left the nation on the cases of Goliath. , And Ask They are in Dar dignity with the best creatures and make us a share of those good things, and Odamna to obey Him and His pleasure until death, and forgive us
... Show Moreملخص البحث تناول البحث دراسة أحد أعمدة فقهاء العالم الإسلامي من حيث العموم والمذهب الحنفي بشكل خاص الإمام محمد بن الحسن الشيباني (رحمه الله تعالى) صاحب أبي حنيفة وفقيه العراق وبعض أحكامه الفقهية المتعلقة بالزروع، ولا يخفى اهتمامه الكبير وباعه الطويل في هذا الجانب، وحرص في الغالب على ذكر وجوه الترجيح، وأسباب الاختيار، واعتمد في ذلك على قواعد وضوابط تؤيد ما يرجحه أو يختاره، مع صياغة ذلك كله بأسلوب علمي رصين، ق
... Show Moreفي هذا العصر - الذي داهمت في الأخطار لغة الفصاحة والبيان - يبقى القرآن الكريم أعظم حافظ للغة السليمة ، وأكبر معين لأهلها للحفاظ على ثرائها وبلاغتها ، فهي باقية ببقائه ما بقي الليل والنهار .
وهذا البحث يدور حول حفظ القرآن الكريم وأثره على لغة الطفل، ويتكون من مقدمة : وفيها بيان أهمية الموضوع ، وخطة البحث ، ومنهجه، وثلاثة مباحث:
المبحث الأول : فضل حفظ القرآن الكريم ، وفوائد حفظه إجمالاً ، والمبحث الثاني :
... Show MorePraise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and after:
The science of interpretation is related to the book of God Almighty; it is considered one of the most honorable sciences. It started with a long time ago. In the early days of Islam, the area of the Islamic state expanded. The people entered the religion of Allah in groups. In the language, and people do not know more than the meanings of the Koran was the need to write in this scie234nce is strong, and perhaps the first of the thousand in the (meanings of the Koran) Abu Ubaida in his book (metaphor of the Koran), Abu Ubaida was affected by his specialization in Arabic science, Prominent on his book.
The second section wa
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The aim of this research is to identify the Andalusia poet Abu Izac Al-Zauali , whose most of his poetry and biography had been lost, as well as many Andalusia poets. So this research is hoped to be the first step to shed the light on the poet’s life and poetry and to document his poetry as other writers do. It is also hoped that this research would pave the way , God willing , to the steps of finding more references about this poet .
Key Words: (Al-Zauali, Cordoba, Al-Ruaini choices, Andalusia Poetry , Almuahdi Era).