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Book of Musaka (by Imam Abu al-Qasim Abdul-Karim Muhammad ibn Abd al-Karim al-Rafii)
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Al-Aziz's book was chosen as a subject for research as it is one of the important books in the Islamic world in general and the Shafi'i school in particular and its author Imam Abdul Karim bin Mohammed bin Abdul Karim Al-Rafi's, who in the doctrine of the jurisprudence has made prominent lines and left behind invaluable scientific treasures in the service of religion. Its importance is summarized as follows:
1. Being an explanation of the book (brief) of the argument of Islam Imam Ghazali (God's mercy), one of the five books adopted in Shafi'i jurisprudence.
2. His work is Imam Abu al-Qasim al-Rafii known for the brilliance of the investigation and the power of weighting in the doctrine.
3. It is considered an encyclopedia in Shafi'i jurisprudence, as Imam Rafi's collected most of the sayings and facets, and relied on many important sources of scholars of the doctrine that preceded him, as it included the views of the imams of other sects.
4. The abundance of transport evidence of verses, hadiths, and archeology, which is rarely found in the books of Shafi'i jurisprudence, and is thus characterized by a brief book (kindergarten students) of the nuclear imam stripped of this evidence, to facilitate access to scientists and muftis.
5. Good arrangement, quality of division, and ease of his words.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurement of indoor radon levels and assessment of radiological hazards at Al-Tuwaitha nuclear site and the surrounding area
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In the present study the radon concentration was measured in indoor places by the RAD7 (radon detector) was in some locations at Al-Tuwaitha nuclear site and some surrounding areas for the duration from 13/10/2016 to 2/1/2017 and the measurement of the indoor radon concentration ranged from (4.96±4.4 to 102±25) Bq/m3. The high value of radon has been found at decommissioning directorate /emergency room, which is lower than the action value recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which is (148 Bq/m3) while the lowest value has been founded in central laboratories directorate \ models room. These values were used to calculate the annual effective dose and the health risks for cells bronchial which caused by the inhalatio

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Linear Noise Removal Using Tau-P Transformation on 3D Seismic Data of Al-Samawah Area - South West of Iraq
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Tau-P linear noise attenuation filter (TPLNA) was applied on the 3D seismic data of Al-Samawah area south west of Iraq with the aim of attenuating linear noise. TPLNA transforms the data from time domain to tau-p domain in order to increase signal to noise ratio. Applying TPLNA produced very good results considering the 3D data that usually have a large amount of linear noise from different sources and in different azimuths and directions. This processing is very important in later interpretation due to the fact that the signal was covered by different kinds of noise in which the linear noise take a large part.

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Health-Related Quality of Life in a Sample of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients in AL-Diwanyia Province /Iraq.
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The effect of mental and physical health on the feelings of subject welfare is known as health-related quality of life. The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a common respiratory diseases. Assessment of health-related quality of life is considered important in such chronic disease. The objective of the current study was to measure health-related quality of life in a sample of chronic obstructive pulmonary  patients in AL- Diwanyia city/Iraq. This study was carried out on 150 already diagnosed COPD patients who attended to the Center of Respiratory Diseases/AL-Diwaniyah Teaching Hospital during September  2019 to January 2020. The Arabic version of St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire was used to asses

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Humanitarian And Natural Sciences Journal
الـوزير محمد بن علي بن خلف ابو غالب الملقب بـ ( فـــخـر الــمـلك ) ( ت 407 هـ - 1016 م ) دراسة تأريخية
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ــد ً الوزيرالـــوزيــرمحمد بن علي بن خلف ابو غالب الملقب بـ (فـــخـر الــمـلك )(407هـ-1016م)من الشخصيات المهمة،ية البويهية ، المثيراء الامارواعظم وزرالجدل ، وهذا ما سنوضحهفي البحث .ي كون والده ِ كان صيرفيا ً فلادة ونشأة الوزير فخر الملك في بيئة عنيت بالجانب الأدارأسهمت وٌي ديوان مدينة واسط ، أثرِاتهفي صقل قدرالإالع ِ دارية ، فضلا ً عن صفاتهقلية ،ة البويهية علىاء الأماروالشخصية التي جعلته ُ يكون رمز وزرلكل ةارال

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Ore Geology Reviews
Book review
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Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Difficulties of Understanding English Breaking News Headlines by Iraqi EFL Learners at the University Level: عبد القادر طالب نعيم, و جمعة قادر حسين
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Understanding breaking news necessitates a special attention, since they are written with a special style. The study aims at identifying the difficulties faced by the Iraqi university EFL learners in comprehending English breaking news. The study included 10 fourth year students enrolled at the Department of English, College of Education for Humanities, University of Anbar. Thus, a questionnaire as a research instrument, was sent online to the students. The questionnaire points were related to the identification of difficulties faced by the learners in comprehending English breaking news. The data of the study were (10) headlines selected purposively from Euronews website. The data were qualitatively analyzed based on quantifying the qua

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Utilization of Design Principles of Nature in Innovating Contemporary Metal Products: علياء عبد العزيز الفـدّا
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The paper studies the science of “Biomimicry” or imitation of nature, and how to utilize it to create contemporary designs. It starts by defining biomimicry and innovation. Then, the style of imitating nature is highlighted, which is considered one of the most important methods of innovation. It includes simulating animals and plants (in their environmental conditions) to use the natural and dynamic design solutions to produce innovative designs, that enhance the concept of sustainability. Various forms of natural species are presented, to show their benefit in contemporary metal product designs. Finally, a model of a metal lighting unit is developed, where innovative ideas inspired by silkworm cocoon are used in its design. The stud

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Water Quality Assessment and Total Dissolved Solids Prediction using Artificial Neural Network in Al-Hawizeh Marsh South of Iraq
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The Iraqi marshes are considered the most extensive wetland ecosystem in the Middle East and are located in the middle and lower basin of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers which create a wetlands network and comprise some shallow freshwater lakes that seasonally swamped floodplains. Al-Hawizeh marsh is a major marsh located east of Tigris River south of Iraq. This study aims to assess water quality through water quality index (WQI) and predict Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) concentrations in Al-Hawizeh marsh based on artificial neural network (ANN). Results showed that the WQI was more than 300 for years 2013 and 2014 (Water is unsuitable for drinking) and decreased within the range 200-300 in years 2015 and 2016 (Very poor water). The develope

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Performance Evaluation of the Organic Matter Removal Efficiency in Wastewater Treatment Plants; Case study Al- Diwaniyah WWTP in Iraq
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This study aims to assess the removal efficiency andestablish the BOD5 and COD statisticalcorrelation of the sewage flowing in Al-Diwaniyah wastewater treatment plant in Iraq during the study period (2005-2016). The strength of the influent wastewater entering the plant varied from medium to high in strength. High concentrations of BOD5 and COD in the effluent were obtained due to the poor performance of the plant. This was observed from the BOD5 /COD ratios that did not confirm with the typical ratios for the treated sewage. To improve the performance of this plant, regression equations for BOD5 and COD removal percentages were suggested which can be used to facilitate evaluation of liquid waste and optimal control process. The equations

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 29 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This research was aimed to study the exposure of Razzazah Lake  to major hydrological changes in recent years as a result of natural climatic changes  and  drought, high evaporation in lake due to stop discharge from Habbaniyah Lake  by Al- majera channel. During 2019, we collected surface water samples at three locations, and three samples from groundwater, in addition one samples from each location Imam Ali Drop and Sewage water  of Karbala. The Results  show that the heavy isotopes in lake and groundwater well are enriched during the warm period, and depleted during the cold period. Chemically, The dominant cations and anions in Al-Razzaza lake water are mainly of in Order  Ca > Na > Mg and  Cl>SO4 and the water

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