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Book of Musaka (by Imam Abu al-Qasim Abdul-Karim Muhammad ibn Abd al-Karim al-Rafii)
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Al-Aziz's book was chosen as a subject for research as it is one of the important books in the Islamic world in general and the Shafi'i school in particular and its author Imam Abdul Karim bin Mohammed bin Abdul Karim Al-Rafi's, who in the doctrine of the jurisprudence has made prominent lines and left behind invaluable scientific treasures in the service of religion. Its importance is summarized as follows:
1. Being an explanation of the book (brief) of the argument of Islam Imam Ghazali (God's mercy), one of the five books adopted in Shafi'i jurisprudence.
2. His work is Imam Abu al-Qasim al-Rafii known for the brilliance of the investigation and the power of weighting in the doctrine.
3. It is considered an encyclopedia in Shafi'i jurisprudence, as Imam Rafi's collected most of the sayings and facets, and relied on many important sources of scholars of the doctrine that preceded him, as it included the views of the imams of other sects.
4. The abundance of transport evidence of verses, hadiths, and archeology, which is rarely found in the books of Shafi'i jurisprudence, and is thus characterized by a brief book (kindergarten students) of the nuclear imam stripped of this evidence, to facilitate access to scientists and muftis.
5. Good arrangement, quality of division, and ease of his words.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Leader: His Qualifications and Attributes in the Quranic Perspective in Light of Surat Al-Naml - An Objective Study
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Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and after :
For the Holy Qur’an is the constitution of this nation, and it has included everything that the nation needs, and it has appropriate solutions for all the problems it faces, and for a long time the nation has its vision for the future, waiting for a leader who carries the concerns of this nation and proceeds towards progress and progress, so that it rises to the glory and glory. He brings it out from what it is today, from its deterioration in all levels.
The world has witnessed in recent decades the development of programs and curricula, and books have been prepared showing how to prepare leaders and their industry, and what programs they should adopt

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
The Egyptian Journal Of Hospital Medicine
Effect of Good Hygiene Practices on E. coli O157:H7 Contamination in Some Al-‎Karkh Area Restaurants, Baghdad, Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Attitudes towards Mental illness among Pregnant Women AttendinGovernment on Women's Clinics in the Province of Ramallah and Al-Bireh
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This study aimed to identify attitudes towards mental illness in pregnant female clients to clinics women in the province of Ramallah and Al Bireh, for this purpose applied to study procedures on a sample of (200) of pregnant mothers were selected a sample available, have reached results no statistically significant differences in the level of attitudes towards mental illness due to the variable age in mothers pregnant female clients to clinics for women. Ther were astatistically significant differences in the level of these trends depending on the variable-level scientific research for the benefit of pregnant class university students and older and then high school and so on all areas except the area of social interaction, The results a

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Women’s Knowledge about Health Promotion after Cesarean Delivery at Maternity and Pediatric Hospital in Al-Samawa City
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Objective(s): To assess women’s knowledge about health promotion after a cesarean delivery and to determine the association between women’s knowledge and their demographic data of age, level of education, and monthly income. Methodology: A descriptive design is carried out to assess women’s knowledge about health promotion after cesarean delivery at Maternity and Pediatric Hospital in Al-Samawa City. This study starts from 26th of September 2020 up to 16th March 2021. Sample of (100) woman who are at reproductive age, pregnant (prime or multipara) who have planned to have birth by elective cesarean section or had previous elective caesarian section without medical indication or women who had cesarean section with medical indication or

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurements of radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations using twin cup dosimeter for indoor Al-Madaan city – Baghdad – Iraq
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In this study, the activity concentrations of indoor radon, thoron
and their progeny have been measured in air for 61 different
locations of Al-Maddan city using twin cup dosimeter. Furthermore,
some useful parameters concerning the health hazards have been
estimated; working level month (WLM), annual effective dose (Eff),
and excess lung cancer per million person per year (ELC).The results
show that the values of radon gas levels in the investigated districts
varied from 56.28 to 194.43Bq/m3with an overall average value
132.96Bq/m3, while 0.313 to 1.085 for WLM with an overall average
0.740, respectively. The value of Eff and ELC have been found to
vary from 1.420 to 4.918 mSv/y with an overall average valu

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Specific activities and radiation hazard parameters calculations of natural radionuclides in AL-Mustansiriyah university soils using NaI(Tl) detector
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The specific activities of the natural radionuclides U-238 and Th-
232 and K-40 in 14 soil samples collected from different sites from
AL-Mustansiriyah university at two depths (topsoil "surface" and
20cm depth) were be investigated using gamma ray spectrometer
3"x3" NaI(Tl) scintillation detector.
The analysis of the energy spectra of the soil samples show that
these samples have specific activities ranging with (16.08-51.11)
Bq/kg for U-238, (14.79-52.29) Bq/kg for Th-232 and (191.08-
377.64) Bq/kg for K-40, with an average values of 29.37, 34.14 and
289.62 Bq/kg for U-238, Th-232, k-40 respectively. The radiation
hazard parameters of the natural radionuclides; radium equivalent
activity (Raeq), gamma a

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Knowledge, attitude and practice of Iraqi mothers towards Vitamin D supplementation to their infants in Baghdad Al -Rusafa 2016
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Background: Routine supplementation of vitamin D to infants is justifiable since vitamin D deficiency, and its consequences are highly prevalent not only in developing countries but worldwide. Maintaining a normal level of vitamin D is crucial in order to have a normal skeletal, as well as, extra-skeletal health. Knowledge of mothers regarding importance of vitamin D supplementation affect the health of their babies in a positive manner if accompanied by appropriate practice.

Objective: To determine the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of Iraqi mothers of under or equal 12 months old infants in Baghdad, AL-Rusafa, regarding vitamin D supplementation for their infants.


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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A 2D Seismic Reflection and Interpretation Study of the Khan Al-Baghdadi area within the Palaeozoic Era (western Iraq)
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     This research deals with a 2D seismic structural and stratigraphic interpretation of Khan Al-Baghdadi area which is located in the western part of Iraq in Anbar governorate. Two main seismic reflectors are identified within the Silurian and Ordovician; these are the Hot_shale_1 within Akkas Formation and the Top Khabour Formation, which were deposited during the Paleozoic, based on synthetic seismogram of Akk_3 well near the study area. Time, depth, and velocity maps show the presence of two anticline structures trending east-west and located on the west side of the study area. The first is the Tulul structure (here denoted as A) and the second is denoted as B. Also, the maps show the increase in time towards the

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Dimensions of Virtuous Leadership and its Effect on organizational conflict: Applied Research on State Property Departmentin Al-Najaf Governorate
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This research aims to know the impact of leadership integrity as explanatory variable including its dimensions (courage, asceticism, justice, rationality, and humanity) on organizational conflict as responding variable. This research depended on the descriptive-constructive approach through the responses of a sample of (79) employees from (Real Estate Office of The State) in Al-Najaf province. The analyzing of the study done by using (Smart PLS) program to calculate (R2, t, p). Many results have been concluded and one of them, there is significant impact correlation of the leadership integrity on organizational conflict. There are many suggestions have been reached depending on the results reached and one of them is the necess

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
What the linguists commented on, "I do not know" in the dictionary of Lisan al-Arab, a semantic study
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This research was interested in studying the phrase “I don’t know” in the Lisan al-Arab dictionary, and Lisan al-Arab was based on collecting its material from five dictionaries, including: Tahdhib al-Lugha, al-Muqamah, al-Sahih, and the footnotes of Ibn Berri, al-Nihaya and Gharib al-Hadith. The objection to this phrase, and the discussion of its various implications among linguists and the clarification of the closest and most famous content to it according to the data presented to the researcher in his research journey, and to reach this goal, the research division into a preface, five demands and a conclusion and followed the list of sources and references. To define the lexicon of Lisan al-Ar

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