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Timings of people and their significance in the Koran: (Objective study)
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We try through this research to show the relationship between the crescent and the month in the Koran, and then their importance and their relationship to timing, and the timing of this relationship with people, and the significance of these timings, so we gathered verses that spoke about the family and the month, and we tried to study them in a detailed objective study, so this came The research of five subjects was the first topic introductory research and the time and month, while the remaining four detectives on the verses that talked about the timing of the month, and we have explained the relationship of this timing with people and the significance of these times.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Used Approaches In Formulating Accounting Standards in Iraq & Their Develop Importance: filed Study
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This research aims to show the most important approaches applicable in forming the accounting standards , the  importance approaches used to formulate local accounting standards & the  need to cancel or develop the unified accounting system in Iraq besides activate the local auditing & accounting standards council to issue accounting standards able to save the relevance & Reliable accounting information that serve the decisions of stockholders and others of stakeholders in the incorporate companies , especially the companies listed in the Iraq securities exchange , So this study based partially on analyzing the questionnaire form which has been designed to inquiry the specialists and experts opinion about the accoun

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Hygienic, natural and geographical significance in AL-Muntadham book for lbn AI-Jouzy
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This study takes its importance in the area of systemic and historical
studies because it stands on presenting such aspects from the systematic
respect and now Ibn AL-Jouzy dealt with the text of this subject and how he
was exact in telling them.
Therefore, this study sheds light on the important aspects of this
method in his book through reading and studying such texts whether they had
direct or indirect relationship with this subject.
This study is not an easy task since it is based on contriving the
intellectual aspects in the methods of lbn AL-Jouzy and how he deals with the
text of this subject in its hygienic, natural and geographical aspects in
constructing a historical method in most scripts, the gen

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Specificity of Government Financing Decisions and their Reflection in Financial Performance / Case Study in Diyala Governorate Sewerage Directorate
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The aim of this research is to study the extent of the impact of government funding decisions on the financial performance of the directorate of Diyala province. The research problem was based on the financial reality of the directorate, and the data were collected from the financial divisions, planning and follow-up, implementation, and engineers of the resident engineer departments. Demonstrate the impact of government funding decisions on financial performance. Using scientific methods in estimating their financial needs through the annual estimated budget. The use of financial analysis to assess the performance of the Directorate, for the purpose of assessing the financial situation of the Directorate of research. The researc

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
The actor's Body Language and its significance in Iraqi Theatre Show: نوار علي محمد
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  The theatrical show has gone through a lot of changes where the actor was the most significant factor in all the theatrical shows since the very beginning of the art of acting by the Greeks until the present day. The actor went through many stages that employed his tools in different ways. The body in the theatre had a great importance because it is the perceived physical element that creates the communication between the actor and the audience in the theatrical show. The actor's body had a special language that carries different meanings and creates the communication between the actor and the audience in the theatrical show. The audience can decipher the codes of that body, thus, the researcher found the compatibility and differe

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
وجوه من وجوه الاعجاز البلاغي في القرآن الكريم الايجاز (جوامع الكلم أنموذجاً)
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        The subject of the research is the collective words = Jawami Al-kalim. Those who wants to know this subject to be aware of the benefit of  "Al-Ejaz and Al-iktisar " and to cover the Rhetoric of signal should think carefully the abbreviations because the collective words because it is the a face of the important faces represented by the abbreviation of shortness as it is and old subject where it can be found in every source of rhetoric books which were old or modern. But what attracts attention is that this subject did not take all its range in study in the way that discover its beauty concerning style, words, sentences and meaning. This cause

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 20 1930
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Besharat and Quranic signs of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Study and analysis
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In this paper, I highlight the bishops mentioned in the Bible in its sections
(The Old and New Testaments) where these books still retain the remaining remnant of the Bible
Issuing the prophets who preceded the mission of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and they must pray
And peace, as those bishops were mentioned in the Book of Formation through the recitation of the psalms
To Habakkuk, Malakhi, and Hajji.
As well as in the New Testament, which we see clearly in the four Angels: Matthew, Luke,
Disco, John.
Then the male lamented what was said of those bishops by expressing the eternal heavenly book (the Qur'an)
Al - Karim) as he focuses on this subject from multiple angles and exp

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Structural Imbalances and their impact on Sectoral Growth and Employment in Iraqi Economy for the period 2003-2015: Analytical study.
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     The objective of this study, is to attempt to explain the reality of the Structural Imbalances in the Iraqi Economy during the period of research, by providing a quantitative analysis of the most important types of Imbalances, Which are represented by the disruption in the Productive Structure, the imbalance of the structure of Public Budget, and the imbalance of the Structure of Trade. The problem of the research, is the fact that the economy structure in Iraq has long suffered from an Imbalances in its economic structure, which are represented in the unequal relations between its constituent elements, according to the proportions levels defined by the economic theory.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 17 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
القرآن الكريم وإشكالية القراءة الغربية نحـــو دراســــة نقديــــة لبعض المناهــج الغربيـة
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A critical movement has emerged about the Bible, with its Old and New Testaments, whose aim is to study its material, a scientific study that reveals the truth of its texts and defines their meanings. Some Western scholars (who belong to the Orientalist school) have deliberately employed these Western philosophical theories and methods and applied them to the religious text,

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
The intellectual significance of comedy and cynicism in Arab dramatic cinematic discourse: محمد اكرم عبد الجليل
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  The majority of the arts share a goal directed at employing art works for the purpose of conveying the intellectual and symbolic connotations in order to work on a directed message and to achieve expression and aesthetic, and highlights the cinematographic mediator who shares with the other media in the use of intellectual properties through its tools and works. Consciousness and establishment of multiple visions with different views to reveal the intellectual, aesthetic and expressive devices located opposite the advertiser to perform functions with goals that intellectually deduce, insights and ideas emerging within the general context of the drama narrative and highlights among the discourse operators the cinematographer, And t

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Core competencies and Their Role in Enhancing Organizational flexibility: An Analytical Study of the Views of a Sample of Employees in Presidency University of Mosul
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The study aims to identify the levels of core competencies dimensions and types of organizational flexibility in the investigated organization, as well as to determine the nature of the relationship and the impact of core competencies dimensions with the process of organizational flexibility. Thus, a number of research questions were presented to express the research problem as follows:

  • What is the level of the investigated individuals' awareness to core competencies and organizational flexibility across their dimensions and types in the investigated organization?
  • To what extent are core competencies and organizational flexibility available in the Organiz

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