يعد الرثاء أساساً من أسس الموروث الشعري العربي، وهو باب من أبواب الشعر الرئيسة. وقد وجد الإنسان فيه بغيته في التعبير عن مكنون نفسه ساعة تكتظ بالألم، ومنفذاً يخرج منه لواعجه وأشجانه إلى الخارج في شكل تعبيري يحرر الدمعة، ويعاتب الموت. والرثاء غرض متطور ينمو مع نمو المجتمع والحياة ويسجل التغيير الذي يحصل في كل مرحلة من مراحل التاريخ، وهو نتيجة مهمة من نتائج اصطدام الشاعر بالحياة والأحداث. لهذا وقع اختياري على شعر الرثاء عند حافظ إبراهيم لأهمية هذا الفن عنده، بل انه الفن الذي فاق فيه شعراء عصره. وقد قسمت بحثي هذا على تمهيد وفصلين مشفوعة بمكملات البحث من المحتويات والمقدمة والخاتمة وقائمة المصادر والمراجع. أما التمهيد فتناولت فيه حياة الشاعر بصورة موجزة لأبين المراحل التي مر بها خلال مدة حياته، والظروف التي أحاطت به خلال تلك المراحل، التي أسهمت أسهاماً كبيراً في اغناء فن الرثاء عنده والإجادة فيه. وقد بينت في الفصل الأول معنى الرثاء، والكلمات المرادفة له، ثم ألقيت الضوء على الرثاء في الأدب العربي من خلال بيان مكانته في الشعر العربي، وبيان آراء النقاد فيه، والتطورات التي طرأت عليه خلال كل مرحلة من مراحل التاريخ المختلفة. ثم انتقلت بعد ذلك إلى المحور الأساس في البحث وهو الرثاء عند حافظ إبراهيم مقسمة مراثيه التي كانت غالباً في أصدقائه إلى رثاء رجال الدين، ورثاء رجال السياسة، ورثاء الشعراء والكتاب، ورثاء شخصيات عالمية.
A stylistic study in the poetry of Hafiz Ibrahim, praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon his best messengers, and the seal of his prophets, Muhammad and his good and pure family, and after ...
The poet Hafez Ibrahim is considered one of the well-known poets in the modern era, and his language was distinguished by sobriety, eloquence in expressions, and beautiful meanings And he had my journey in the study of his poetry a stylistic study, and the research came with an introduction in which the concept of stylistics was briefly explained, since it was studied by many researchers, then divided the research into three topics: I studied in the first the construction of the poem, and I stood at the most importan
The Sufi poetry of Ibn Al-Faridh represents a true image of the spiritual experience, in which he presented the bright aspects of his experience, and his suffering in it, by formulating it in a poetic form, because the Sufi poetry is the result of an experience in which the Sufi seeks to achieve his goal of reaching the truth, and this is why Ibn Al-Faridh made his poetry a tool for expression on his own experience, the poet reflected his Sufi life in which he moved rhymes and weights.
The poet Ibn Al-Faridh stands as a witness to his making of Sufi poetry in the service of the purpose of who said, it is the embodiment of the Sufi journey in the stages, and the fluctuation in the places and si
... Show MoreGod is the source of every grace in which man lives and enjoys, and there is no one in the world told himself that created and destined and ridiculed and found out of nothing God Almighty alone.
The grace is an affliction from God Almighty, when God Almighty blesses his servant with money or children and others, the slave thinks the acceptance of God Almighty, but may be a source of affliction and scrutiny.
قسم المؤلف كتابه على ستة فصول تسبقها مقدمة وتعقبها حالمة، فقد أبانت المقدمة الدوافع والأسباب التي تقف وراء عنوان الكتاب، إذ وصفه بأنه يجمع بين دفتيه مادة علمية غايتها التعرف على بعض الأديان التي يدين معظم البلدان مع بيان تاريخ نشأتها ومناصريها. وقد حدد الديانات التي سيقتصر الكتاب على دراستها، وهي: الصابئة المندائيين والديانات الهندوسية والبوذية، والجينية والكونفوشية في الصين والشتوية في اليابان كونها من ا
... Show MoreGod urged to read the Holy Qur’an and to ponder it is commanded, and the Most High said: That they ponder over His verses and that those with insights remember ().
And this book that God Almighty sent down to the heart of His Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is as clear as the sun and the moon.
It is a book of guidance and the constitution of a nation that is the best nation brought forth for mankind, and God has taken care of its preservation as He said: We have sent down the Remembrance, and we are its guardians.
This has been chosen for this topic (Luqman's commandments to his son) for what we see today in our time and society from the loss of morals and values and the neglect of parents to their chi
The Holy Qur’an is considered the miracle of God Almighty on earth, that will remain until the Hour of Resurrection, in which are evidences of His Power, Glory be to Him, and its verses are extremely perfect in miraculousness
Praisebe to God, Lord of the worlds, and blessings and peace be upon the most honorable messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and granthim peace. And after
The paradise, the collection of a paradise through which it shows us the wonders of the divine-made, and reflect us the pleasure of looking and luster of beauty, and the splendor of creation, and all this is in the interest of this human being; To be a safety valve to collapse. But if this man deviates and forgot the blessed man, drowned in the vanity and vanity, and deviated from the divine method, this same heaven will disown him and reveal to him another face of destruction and devastation.
What we will see in the folds of the search, God willing
Prophecy, the Jews had another concept, does not limit to choosen from God, but expands to include all of the claims to prophethood of priests and magicians and liars, The word prophet in the eyes of the Jews view has abroad meaning, That included the prophets who were chosen by God to his message, in order to repair case Also those, who were of magicians, astrologer & hypocrites