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Abu Muhajin al-Thaqafi swinging Between intimacy and obedience
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Number (42) 13 Ramadan 1436 H 30 June 2015
Abu Muhsin al-Thaqafi oscillating between disobedience and obedience
Research Summary
This research deals with the impact of Islam on the poetry of the veterans who realized ignorance and Islam
Persistent and shifting perspective in their poetry, especially those that talk about
Topics deprived of Islam, such as hair, for example. It is known that the description of alcohol is common in
Pre-Islamic poetry, and the Arabs were proud to drink it as proud of their heroism and Frosithm,
And drinking alcohol was associated with religious roots, they thought that the drinker acquires the attributes of God,
He can do the things that gods do, and humans can not. And when he came
Islam; a number of poets remained alcohol, despite the prohibition - and says it
Poetry, and on top of these Abu Muhajin al-Thaqafi, a veteran poet printed, and a knight of
Knights of the Arabs who are ignorant of Islam and ignorance. The browser finds its poetry
His relationship with alcohol has gone through two very different phases, he is in the first stage
A person who rebelled against religious authority, drank alcohol, and enjoyed the mujahideen with madhiyah
And practicing taboo. But this situation did not last forever, and the second stage
The latter, the stage of repentance, emancipation from sin, and full obedience to orders
Religion, and the system of poetry in which the wine, and shows the disadvantages, and calls people to not
Drink it, inspired by the meanings of the verses of the Koran, and is committed to the content that was approved by Islam.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Studying of Frequencies, Normal Modes of Vibration and Electronic Charge Densities of 5Radialene molecule
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PM3 and DFT (6-311G/ B3LYP) level calculations were carried out for the 5Radialene molecule, which is exhibit D5h symmetry. The obtained equilibrium geometry was applied for the calculation of all 3N−6 vibration frequencies, and for the analysis of its normal coordinates and symmetry species, in addition to some physical properties such as heat of formation, total energy, dipole moment and energy difference of HOMO and LUMO levels (ΔELUMO-HOMO), using Gaussian-03 program. The so calculated frequencies according to DFT (6-311G/ B3LYP) fall in the ranges;
CH2 str. (3016-3098 cm-1), C=C str. (1662-1709cm-1), ring (C-C str.) (1268-1464 cm-1). δCH2 (890-1317cm-1), (δCCC) (562-631cm-1), γCH2 (738-946cm-1) and γring (γCCC) (

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Experimental Study of Compaction and Strength of Stabilized Cohesive Soil by Stone Powder
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The In this experimental study, natural stone powder was utilized to improve a cohesive soil’s compaction and strength properties. According to the significant availability of limestone in the globe, it has been chosen for the purpose of the study, in addition to considering the existing rock industry massive waste. Stone powder was used in percentages of 4, 8, 12, 16% replaced from the soil weight in dry state. Some of cohesive soil’s consistency, shear, and compaction properties were depicted after improvement. The outcomes yielded in significant amendments in the experimented geotechnical properties after stone powder addition considering 60 days curing period. Cohesion and friction angle were notably increased by

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
" Forecasting Future Cash Flows Using the Metrics of Cash Flow and the Accounting Return "
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Providing useful information in estimating the amount and timing and the degree of uncertainty concerning the future cash flows is one of the three main objectives of the financial reporting system, which is done through the main financial statements. The interest on standard-setting bodies in the forecasting of future cash flows, especially Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) explain under Accounting Standard (1) of the year 1978 "Objectives of Financial Reporting by Business Enterprises", paragraph (37) thereof that accounting profits better than cash flows when forecasting future cash flows, In contrast, IAS (7) as amended in 1992 aims to compel economic units to prepare statement of c

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Green Synthesis Concept of Nanoparticles From Environmental Bacteria and Their Effects on Pathogenic Bacteria
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Soil bacteria play an interesting role in the reduction of Ag+ ions and the formation of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), which may be a good source for nanoparticles and play a major role in nanotechnology applications. The concept of this project was to study the effects of these environmentally produced nanoparticles on the growth of some pathogenic bacteria. The environmental bacteria were isolated from soil, purified on broth cultures, and centrifuged, while the supernatant was extracted to detect its ability to convert silver nitrate to nanoparticles. The AgNPs was detected by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), while Granularity Cumulating Distribution (GCD) was employed to estimate the AgNPs sizes. The results showed the

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Scopus (18)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Pre-Processing and Surface Reconstruction of Points Cloud Based on Chord Angle Algorithm Technique
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Although the rapid development in reverse engineering techniques, 3D laser scanners can be considered the modern technology used to digitize the 3D objects, but some troubles may be associate this process due to the environmental noises and limitation of the used scanners. So, in the present paper a data pre-processing algorithm has been proposed to obtain the necessary geometric features and mathematical representation of scanned object from its point cloud which obtained using 3D laser scanner (Matter and Form) through isolating the noised points. The proposed algorithm based on continuous calculations of chord angle between each adjacent pair of points in point cloud. A MATLAB program has been built t

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Removal of Direct 50 Dyes from Aqueous Solution Using Natural Clay and Organoclay Adsorbents
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In this study, hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HDMAB) - bentonite was synthesized by placing alkylammonium cation onto bentonite. Adsorption of textile dye such as direct Yellow 50 on natural bentonite and HDMAB -bentonite was investigated. The effects of pH, contact time,dosage clay and temperature were investigated experimentally .The Langmuir and Freundlish isotherms equations were applied to the data and values of parameters of these isotherm equations were evaluated. The study indicated that using 0.2 g of HDMAB (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide) lead to increase the percentage removal(R%) from 78% for pure bentonite to 99 %. The optimum pH value for the adsorption experiments was found to be pH=3 and therefore all the experim

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Lighting and formal processors for spaces of shops selling mobile phones: عمار نعمة كاظم
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This research is marked by " lighting and processors formalism for spaces of shops selling mobile phones ," aims to " reveal about the relationship between lighting treatments formal designs spaces own internal selling mobile phone in addition to the recognition criteria Altsamama to lighting techniques and processes formality spaces shops competent to sell mobile phone " and lies the importance of this research in the " active role of the lighting in the building processors formalities and processes to prepare designs and show the final form integrated functionally and aesthetically so as to be ready for implementation , taking into consideration the role expressionist in the recipient and to make these spaces more than meet the require

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Improving Some Mechanical Properties and Thermal conductivity of PMMA Polymer by using Environmental Waste
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This study was achieved to satisfy two goals, the first of which is to treat an environmental problem represented by the disposal of date seeds, and the second is the use of these wastes to improve some mechanical and thermal properties of poly methyl methacrylate PMMA through strengthening different proportions of the powder of date seeds.

Particles of date seeds were used as a natural strengthening material for PMMA polymer, by mixing the matrix material (resin) with the hardener while still stirring continuously for a period of 10 min. After that, the samples of the reinforced material were prepared by adding the powder of date seeds, which is the reinforcing substance, with different percentages of weight fraction (0, 0.5, 1,

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Scopus (7)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Gene Expression Evaluation of Intracellular Adhesins and Regulatory Genes among Biofilm Producing MRSA Isolates
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       The gene expression of the most important structural genes ica A and D of biofilm, sarA, and sigB regulatory genes of some methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates were examined using the real-time polymerase chain reaction after 24 hours of growth. The results revealed that the isolates with strong biofilm production had the highest gene expression of the structural icaA and D genes. Whereas the isolates that showed moderate and weak biofilm production, recorded the lowest gene expression. The results of the regulatory genes sarA, and sigB fluctuated among all MRSA isolates. Isolate No. 64 recorded the highest gene expression

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Investigating the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles Prepared by Precipitation Method
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This work used the deposition method to synthesize nickel oxide nanoparticles. The materials mainly used in this study were nickel sulfate hexahydrate (as a precursor) and NaOH (as a precipitant). The properties of the nanopowder were characterized by XRD, FE-SEM, EDX, and VSM. The obtained results confirmed the presence of nickel oxide nanoparticles with a face-centered cubic (FCC) structure with a lattice constant (a=4.17834 Å). Scherer and Williamson-Hall equations were used to calculate the crystallite size of about (30.5-35.5) nm. The FE-SEM images showed that the particle shape had a ball-like appearance with a uniform and homogeneous distribution and confirmed that the particles were within the nanoscale. The presence of oxygen a

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