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The good and bad words in Surah Ibrahim, peace be upon him
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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Praise be to God who revived Balu. And the good word brought hard hearts after removing from them what had almost killed them of ignorance, injustice, hatred, hostility, estrangement, and irritation... So God replaced for them what was best with what was best in terms of knowledge and fairness, and what was corrupt, love, and altruism. So the example of a believer and a good word is like a tree with good roots and branches. Then I pray and greet the one who watered it from the pure and inexhaustible spring of Islam, our Master Muhammad, so that the valleys flowed in their capacity, and the crops grew, then they became thicker and became even, and their good fruits in behavior and work sprouted, and there were Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali and many others, as God Almighty said: This is their likeness in The Torah, and their example in the Gospel is like a seed that has put forth its shoots, and I support it, and it grows strong and grows firm upon its stalk. Fighting on the path of Muslims, instead of love, brotherhood, and harmlessness, especially after the earth shone with the light of Islam and was shaded by its shadow. Hence I say: It is necessary to plant the good word and then nurture it and adhere to it so that we may reap, God willing, its fruits, and that we should not despair of what has happened and is happening due to the occupation’s connivance and its attempt to mix the good word with the bad, for it is scum and the increase must have scum, as God Almighty said: (But as for scum, scum vanishes; What benefits people remains in me

the introduction

the earth) ().

And let us be as the Messenger of God, God, commanded us. On the authority of Anas bin Malik, he said: The Messenger of God said: ((If the Hour comes and a sapling is in the hand of one of you, and if he is able not to get up until he plants it, then let him do so)) (3), perhaps this sapling will be like a tree (its root is firm and its branches are in the sky).

The opening of the verse

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological stress in unemployed individuals and its association with well being
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The aim of this study is to detect the level of psychological stress among unemployed individuals and the level of their wellbeing by finding the correlation between these two variables.

          The research sample consisted of (99) people who are currently unemployed and registered at the Ministry of Labor Affairs.

Schafer (1996) scale for psychological stress was used and alongside Ziout's (2012) scale for wellbeing.

          The results of the research showed an inverse relation between being unemployed and having wellbeing.


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Some Results in Grűnwald-Letnikov Fractional Derivative and its Best Approximation
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Abstract<p>In This paper, we have been approximated Grűnwald-Letnikov Derivative of a function having m continuous derivatives by Bernstein Chlodowsky polynomials with proving its best approximation. As well as we have been solved Bagley-Torvik equation and Fokker–Planck equation where the derivative is in Grűnwald-Letnikov sense.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Impacts of Androgen Abuse and Overtraining on Endocrine Profile in Bodybuilders
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Abuse of androgens and overtraining expose bodybuilders to multifactorial stress influences related to endocrine activity. Endocrine responses in 23 bodybuilder athletes were investigated after a strength training period, during which they were taking high doses of androgenic-anabolic steroids. Serum concentrations of TSH, T3, and T4 were unchanged significantly. Serum LH and FSH concentrations decreased dramatically (P<0.05). In addition, low mean concentration of serum testosterone was recorded, with more substantial reduction in participants of elder ages. The multiple regression model used in this analysis supported this inference. On the other hand, a positive association was observed between levels of blood lipids (total cholest

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 14 2021
Journal Name
Natural Volatiles And Essential Oils
Relationship between Toxoplasma gondii Antibodies and Blood Group in University Students
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Background: Toxoplasma gondiiis an obligate intracellular protozoan that may infect nearly all warm-blooded animals, including humans. T gondiiis thought to infect one-third of the human population.The symptoms depending on the adequacy of the immune antiparasitic response. In humans, the main source of infection is through contact with the feces of infected cats, the final host in which the T. gondii completes its life cycle. Other source of infection occurs when drinking raw milk, ingestion of contaminated meat. Aim: This descriptive study estimated the seroprevalence and risk variables for Toxoplasma gondii infection forundergraduate students of a college of Pharmacy who were studying at University of Baghdad. The frequency rate ofToxopl

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Hematology
D-dimer and Ferritin Levels in Prediction of COVID-19 Severity
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Abstract<sec> <title>BACKGROUND:

The most common cause of upper respiratory tract infection is coronavirus, which has a crown appearance due to the existence of spikes on its envelope. D-dimer levels in the plasma have been considered a prognostic factor for COVID-19 patients.


The aim of the study is to demonstrate the role of COVID-19 on coagulation parameters D-dimer and ferritin with their association with COVID-19 severity and disease progression in a single-center study.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Formulation, Characterization, Optimization, and In-vitro Evaluation of Rosuvastatin as Nanofiber
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Bioavailability is the objective for an optimum formulation. The target of the analysis is to maximize both the fluidity and disintegration profile of class II weakly compounds that are water-soluble. Anti-dyslipidemia drug rosuvastatin calcium (RC) (bioavailability 20%) through formulating as nanofibers (NFs) using electrospinning (ES) technology. Twenty formulas were prepared, and different polymers and polymer combinations with various concentrations were used such as polyethylene oxide (PEO) polyvinyl pyrrolidine (PVPK-30), and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC). Three distinct groups of maximum parameters, including polymeric solution, electrospinning method, and ambient parameter, are capable of influencing the creation alon

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 12 2021
Journal Name
Medico Legal Update
Knowledge, Awareness and Attitude of Pharmacy Students towards Epilepsy in Iraq
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Background: The undergraduate students in pharmacy colleges represent a well-educated group of thecommunity according to the use of drugs and they are required to hold the appropriate knowledge of druguse and have positive attitudes toward health problems, this good knowledge about the diseases and theirtreatment will give good pharmacists in the future and this will reflect positively on patient knowledge, andtheir compliance with treatment, this due to direct contact of pharmacists with the patients.Aim: To know the knowledge, Awareness and Attitude of a sample of Iraqi pharmacy students towardsepilepsy.Method: Cross-sectional study used a structured questionnaire validated by previous studies to collectdata about knowledge, Aware

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Saudi Medical Journal
Relationship between human leukocyte antigen DRB1 and psoriasis in Iraqi patients
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 06 2023
Journal Name
Rheumatology (bulgaria)
Tenascin-C and Interleukin-17 Up-regulation in Axial Spondyloarthritis Patients
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Background: Axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) is an inflammatory, systemic rheumatic condition that mostly affects the axial skeleton. Tenascin-C (TN-C) is a hexameric glycoprotein of considerable size, upregulated in many inflammatory conditions, while Interleukin-17 (IL-17) a cytokine that plays an important role in SpA symptoms. Objective: to investigate the upregulation between the serum levels of TN-C and IL-17 in Iraqi axSpA patients and the disease characteristics. Patients and Methods: Seventy-four axSpA patients and 28 matched controls were studied. Fifty-four patients received a tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) and 20 did not. Serum TN-C and IL-17 concentrations were determined using the ELISA technique. The Bath Ankyl

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Picaresque Elements in Selected English and Iraqi Novels: A Comparative Approach
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The paper attempts to find out the elements of picaresque novel in selected English and Iraqi novels. It studies these elements in Henry Fielding’s Joseph Andrews and Adil Abduljabbar’s Arzal Hamad Al-Salim. The paper is divided into four sections. The first is an introduction to the picaresque novel. It gives a definition, a historical background, and the elements of the genre. The second section studies Fielding’s novel focusing on the elements of this type of novel and how it affects the story itself. The paper follows the novel from the beginning to the end showing these elements. The third is dedicated to Abduljabbar’s novel and how the elements of picaresque genre appear in the novel and play an important role in its developm

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